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. There s more food, he said instead, indicating the stir-friedchicken and vegetables on the stove, but she shook her head. No thanks, I m stuffed.And I m not a moron, Chancellor Shanahan, so it sokay to just tell me you don t want to talk about it. She took a swallow ofwine and raised her eyebrows at him.He felt the usual flash of affection for her.No, she was anything but stupid.BonniePage 34 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlWhite had a sharp wit and sharper intelligence, well disguised by her prettyface.They had dated in high school, had even slept together twice beforediscovering they were both really in love with Scott Logan, their school sstar pitcher on the baseball team. You re gay? Bonnie had said on prom night, after both of them were drunk onBartles and Jaymes strawberry wine coolers.They were watching Scott becrowned Prom King or something equally as stupid. I guess, Chance had shrugged. Do you hate me? Yes, she replied dryly,  because I could have been chasing him this wholetime. She nodded her head at Scott, who had a blinding smile. Me too, Chance said sadly, and both of them had laughed til they cried.He looked at her now. I don t want to talk about it. Fair enough, she said, never one to dwell on a subject. I brought movies.Two hours later found them lying together on the couch, her head on his chestwhile he slouched down and propped his feet on the coffee table.Chance neverthought anything of their physical contact with each other, it was as naturalas breathing for Bonnie to snuggle up to him while they watched tv or for himto tangle a hand in her hair.Torquere Press High Ball - 50So when Bonnie looked up at him to make a catty remark about Angelina Jolieprancing across the screen, Chance didn t think twice about laughing anddropping a chaste kiss to her temple. Well, Tucker drawled from the doorway,  you shoulda told me you bat for bothteams, Shanahan.Chance nearly dropped Bonnie to the floor in his scramble to get off thecouch, but by thetime he got to his feet, Tucker was gone. Who was that? Bonnie asked in the following silence. That, Chance sighed,  was what I didn t want to talk about.***Chance did his level best to explain why he hadn t told her about Tucker untilshe was rolling her eyes and waving him out the door. Just go, she finallysaid, exasperated. Trust me, he looked more mad than I am.He had kissed her forehead and promised to buy her dinner.Now he stood on Tucker s front steps, wondering if his knock would even beanswered,when the door was jerked open. The fuck do you want?Chance eyed the bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. You drunk? Jus about. You drove that way? Christ, I thought my fuckin momma died already.No.Didn t start drinkintil I got backhome.The fuck do you want? he asked again, his tone belligerent. To come in. Chance didn t usually have to explain himself to anyone, thisPage 35 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwas newterritory.Tucker didn t answer, just turned and walked back into the house, leaving thedoor open.Chance took it as consent and followed.It was dark, the only light in the house coming from the kitchen, so that swhere he went.The kitchen was illuminated by the little light over the stove, throwingshadows intocorners.Tucker sat stiffly on the counter with his bottle and made no move toinviteChance to sit.Torquere Press High Ball - 51Chance lingered in the doorway  I wasn t expecting you, he ventured, tryingto gauge how much whiskey Tucker had drunk. Clearly, Tucker laughed, and took a long swallow. Jesus, Chance, you couldajust told me.Didn t need to make me think I was the only one you werefuckin.Chance didn t recall having any kind of conversation about exclusivity  notthat it mattered, since there was no one else anyway  but the only thing thatwas important at the moment was that Tucker was apparently jealous.Huh.Chance thought probably he shouldn t be that pleased by it, but couldn thelp it.He approached Tucker cautiously, taking the bottle from Tucker s hand andfitting himself in between Tucker s legs. You jealous? he asked, ducking hishead to nuzzle at the soft skin below Tucker s ear.Tucker cleared his throat and tried to shift away. So the fuck what.Pissedoff s more like it.Not gonna compete with a woman, they always win.Done thatshit before. He sounded disgusted with himself. You don t have to compete, Chance answered, a laugh threatening to make itsway out.If he d known it would be this cute, he would have baited Tucker long beforenow.He wrapped both arms around Tucker s waist and hauled the man forward tobring their bodies in contact.Just like he d thought  Tucker was hard. That s right, I don t, Tucker scowled, arching up in spite of himself.Chance pulled back to look at him.Tucker s hair looked as if he d beenrunning an angry hand through it, his cheeks flushed with liquor.His shirtsmelled like whiskey and aftershave and faintly of the fabric softener Chanceknew he preferred, and it all combined to make the heady scent that Chance hadgrown used to over the past month. You idiot, Chance said softly. If you d stuck around, I could ve introducedyou toBonnie. Why the shit would I wanna meet  oh.Bonnie, Bonnie? Like, your &  hebrought up a hand and nibbled at the side of his thumbnail. Like my.A furrow appeared between Tucker s brows. Damn.You pissed? Do I look pissed? Chance went back to nuzzling Tucker s neck and startedgrinding slowly against him, since Tucker seemed to be finished protesting. Either I m really loaded, or you look like you wanna fuck.Page 36 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlTorquere Press High Ball - 52 Both right.How s the back? Hurts. Sorry.I ll stop. Chance made as if to pull away. The hell you will. Tucker grabbed Chance s head with two hands and kissedhim with an open mouth and hot tongue, his legs coming up to wrap around thebacks of Chance s thighs.Chance moaned and pushed back, feeling Tucker s cock hard against his hipboneand wanting him badly.He nibbled at Tucker s lower lip and dropped a hand toTucker s waistband, pulling ineffectually at his shorts.They were on the floor of the kitchen almost before Chance realized it, Tuckerhaving practically leapt off the counter at him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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