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.The NationalWorkmen s Committee on Jewish Rights joined with the AmericanJewish Committee in opposing the  collaboration of classes in anorganization representing the entire Jewish collectivity thusexemplifying the curious alliance of right and left-wing solidarityfor common Jewish purposes.The Workmen s Circle, composedlargely of members of the old Jewish Socialist Bund, held out formass collaboration, and criticized the stand of the National Work-men s Committee on Jewish Rights and the American JewishCommittee. 310 BEASTS OF THE APOCALYPSEOn March 15, 1915, Judge Julian Mack, Louis D.Brandeis andDr.Stephen S.Wise set up the Jewish Congress OrganizationalCommittee.The man who was destined to become a Justice ofthe United States Supreme Court was able to declare (September27, 1915) that the American Jewish Congress was to be  an inci-dent of the organization of the Jewish people an instrumentthrough which their will may be ascertained, and when ascer-tained may be carried out.Meanwhile, the Kehillah (Jewish ruling body) of New York Cityproposed a secret conference for October 24, 1915, and the Amer-ican Jewish Committee proceeded to make arrangements for it.Brandeis, believing that bold action was the better policy, opposedthe meeting. Secrecy, he said,  will lead necessarily to suspicionand misrepresentation of Jewish purposes and deprive us of non-Jewish support.We seek action in the open so that there shallbe no misunderstanding either among our own people or amongour fellow-citizens, as to our aims and methods. The futureJustice of the Supreme Court had no hesistancy in distinguishingbetween  our own people and the strangers  our fellow-citizens.Likewise, he emulated that other outspoken Jew Karl Marxwho deplored secrecy when he declared:  The Communists disdainto conceal their views and aims.They openly declare that theirends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existingsocial conditions.The preliminary conference of the American Jewish Congresswas held in Philadelphia March 26, 1916.Three hundred andsixty-seven delegates, representing more than a million AmericanJews, participated.Dr.Stephen S.Wise made the  keynoteaddress American Israel and Democracy.Although the United States had not yet been involved in WorldWar I, the Jews looked ahead to the  Peace Conference. Theycalled upon  the Congress to  consider the question of securingto Jews free and equal rights, civil, political and religious, in allsuch lands where these rights were denied to them; that the Con-gress consider the question of securing to the Jews national rightsin all such lands in which national rights were or ought to berecognized.The Congress went on record for cooperation withthe Jews of other lands  in furtherance of the Congress program ,thus laying the ground-work for the World Jewish Congress.Louis D.Brandeis was named honorary chairman of the organ-ization.A National Executive Committee was elected.Jewishgroups of the world were invited to work with the Congress.TheAmerican Jewish Committee and the National Workmen s Com-mittee on Jewish Rights went along with the program.At a meet-ing held Christmas Day, 1916, representatives of the variousgroups agreed that the American Jewish Congress would confine BEASTS OF THE APOCALYPSE 311itself to the  Peace Conference and dissolve when its purposesin this connection had been accomplished.* * * * * *The National Workmen s Committee on Jewish Rights, organ-ized early in 1915, was composed of four of the most radical ofthe American Jewish organizations the United Worker s Circle,Hebrew Trades, the Jewish Socialist Federation of America, andthe Forward Association.The 1918 officers of the National Work-men s Committee were Frank F.Rosenblatt, treasurer; J.B.Salut-sky, secretary; A.Baroff, I.Baskin, Isidor Cohen, M.Gillis, J.Halpern, A.Held, B.Hoffman, E.H.Jeshurin, H.Lang, M.Lulow,M.Olgin, Jacob Panken, Max Pine, Frank F.Rosenblatt, J.B.Salutsky, L.Schaffer, J.Schlossberg, S.Valitzky, B.Vladeck, M.Winchevsky, directors.M.Olgin was destined to become one ofAmerica s outspoken Communists.His  Why Communism? isprobably the most daring exposition of what the United Statesmay expect from Marxism.The Central Verband of the Bund Organizations of America,organized for the support of the Jewish Socialist Bund in Russia,Poland and Lithuania, maintained branches in  all cities of theUnited States and Canada.Its avowed purpose was financial aidto the revolutionary Jews in Russia.During 1904 through 1907 the branches of the Bund were the most active and influentialbodies in the Jewish radical spheres in this country. The BundOrganizations of America worked feverishly in the United Statesduring 1904, raising money to finance its  comrades of theJewish Socialist Bund in their desperate attempt to overthrow theRussian Government.Tens of thousands of dollars passed throughthe American Bund to buy arms and ammunition for the Jewishassassins in Russia.Simultaneously, in concert with other Amer-ican Jewish organizations, the Bund fought a rear-guard actionfor their revolutionary  comrades by painting the Czar s measuresfor self-defense as  pogroms and  religious persecutions.TheCentral Verband continued its fund-raising activities in the UnitedStates after the successful Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 this time to assist the Russian Bund in its work against counter-revolu-tionary forces.During 1918, M.Gurwich was secretary and Dr.C.Kopelsonwas treasurer of the Central Verband.The work of these revolutionary organizations indicates the wide-spread support of American Jewry for the Russian Revolution.Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Sverdlov, Uritzky, Volodarsky andmany other such famous names of revolutionary Bolshevik leadersmay have sounded  Russian to the Gentiles of America, but theJews knew that these pseudonyms concealed the Jewish characterof the new government that was rising over Russia.There wasgreat joy in the hearts of American Jews at the fall of the Czar,and, in the excitement of the great  victory , they did not hesitate 312 BEASTS OF THE APOCALYPSEto take full credit for the result. There is much in the factof bolshevism itself, boasted the London Jewish Chronicle ofApril 4, 1919,  in the fact that so many Jews are bolsheviks, in thefact that the ideals of bolshevism at many points are consonantwith the finest ideals of Judaism.American Jewry glorified inthe rise of Jewish power over the Gentiles.Isaac Steinberg, amember of the Soviet of People s Commissars, suddenly became aCommissar of Justice.Uritzky, Chief of the powerful Cheka,striking terror into the hearts of Christian Russians, became anavenging angel in the minds of Israel.American Jewry indeedworld Jewry believed that the red dawn that had broken overRussia was ushering in a new day for Israel; a Neo-Messianicage that must fulfill the promise of the Covenant and deliver theworld to Israel.The American Hebrew of New York, September 10, 1920, hailedthe promise of the  Red Dawn and anticipated its breaking overthe Western World:  What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontenthave so powerfully contributed to accomplish in Russia, the samehistoric qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are tending topromote in other countries.In June, 1914, Crown Prince Francis Ferdinand of Austria andhis wife were assassinated at Sarajevo, Bosnia.The Crown Princewas the nephew of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria.GabrilovPrinkip and the men who had fired the fusillade were of Serbianbirth but Bosnian citizenship [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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