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.In the progressive development up tothe appearance of the ancient Moon, several grades of such beings have already come into existence.There are, for instance, Spirits of Personality who, even on the Sun, have not yet attained their humanstage; there are, however, others who, on the Sun, have retrieved their failure to rise to this stage.Many Fire Spirits, too, who should have become human on the Sun, have remained behind.Just ascertain retarded Spirits of Personality withdrew during the Sun evolution from the body of the Sun andcaused Saturn to arise again as a special cosmic body, so also in the course of the Moon evolution thebeings described above withdrew to special cosmic bodies.Thus far we have spoken only of theseparation into sun and Moon, but for the reasons given above, still other cosmic bodies detachthemselves from the cosmic Moon body that made its appearance after the long pause between Sunand Moon evolutions.After a lapse of time there comes into existence a system of cosmic bodies, the most advanced ofwhich, as may be easily seen, is the new sun.In much the same way that during the Sun evolution as has already been described above  a bond of attraction was formed between the retarded Saturnkingdom and the Spirits of Personality on the new Saturn, now during the Moon evolution a bond isalso formed between every such cosmic body and the corresponding Moon beings.It would carry usmuch too far to follow up in detail all the cosmic bodies that come into existence.It must suffice tohave indicated the reason why a series of cosmic bodies is detached by degrees from the undividedcosmic organism that appeared in the beginning of mankind's evolution as Saturn.After the intervention of the Spirits of Form on the Moon, evolution proceeds for a time in the mannerdescribed.After this, another pause in outer activity ensues, during which the coarser parts of the threeMoon kingdoms remain in a state of rest, but the finer parts  chiefly the human astral bodies  detach themselves from these coarser organisms.They enter a state in which the higher powers of theexalted sun beings can work upon them with special force. After the rest period, they againpermeate the parts of the human being composed of coarser substances.Through the fact that, duringthe pause, they have absorbed powerful forces in a free state, they are able to prepare these coarsersubstances for the influences that the regularly advanced Spirits of Personality and Spirits of Firemust, after a certain time, bring to bear upon them.These Spirits of Personality have attained a stage at which they possess the consciousness ofinspiration.Not only are they able to perceive the inner state of other beings in pictures  as was thecase in their former picture consciousness  but they are able to perceive the inner nature of thesebeings as a spiritual tone language.The Spirits of Fire, however, have risen to the degree ofconsciousness possessed by the Spirits of Personality on the Sun.As a result, both kinds of spirits areable to intervene in the matured life of the human being.The Spirits of Personality work upon his astral body, the Fire Spirits upon his ether body.The astralbody thus receives the character of personality.It experiences henceforth not only pleasure and painwithin itself, but it relates them to itself.It has not yet attained a full ego consciousness that says toitself, "I exist," but it feels itself borne and sheltered by other beings in its environment.Looking up tothem, as it were, it can say, "This, my environment, gives me existence." The Fire Spirits workhenceforth upon the ether body.Under their influence the movement of forces in this body becomesmore and more an inner life activity.What thus comes into existence finds physical expression in a circulation of fluids and in phenomenaof growth.The gaseous substances have condensed to a fluid.We can speak of a kind of nutrition inthe sense that what is absorbed from without is transformed and worked over within.If we thinkperhaps of something midway between nutrition and breathing in the present day sense, then we shallhave some idea of what happened at that time in this respect.The human being drew nutritivesubstances from the kingdom of the animal-plants.These animal-plants must be thought of as floating, swimming in  or even lightly attached to  asurrounding element in much the same way the present-day lower animals live in water or the landanimals in the air.This element, however, is neither water nor air in the present sense of the word, butsomething midway between the two  a kind of thick vapor in which the most varied substances, asthough dissolved, move hither and thither in the most varied currents.The animal-plants appear onlyas condensed, regular forms of this element, often differing physically very little from theirenvironment.The process of respiration exists alongside the process of nutrition.It is not like what occurs on earth, but it is like an insucking and outpouring of heat.For supersensibleobservation it is as though, during these processes, organs opened and closed through which awarming stream flowed in and out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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