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.”He searched his new senses.It al rang true.“I’m sorry Idoubted you.”Necalli gulped, lifted his head and gave Adam a lingeringkiss.“It’s over, like you said.”A sly grin swept over his face.“And we have a new life tolook forward to.” He released Necal i’s hand and swatted himin the ass.“Get on the damned boat already.”Necal i’s eyes widened for a moment and a shy smile curledhis lips just before he dashed onto the boat, flung the cabindoor open and raced down wooden stairs, into the livingquarters.He chased Necal i onto the boat, feeling his body movewith ease over the railing.He shut the door behind him as heentered the cabin and flew down the stairs, his suitcasebumping into the wal s as he went.Necal i dropped his suitcase in the main room and turned,waiting for Adam in near darkness.258The First Ful MoonHe stopped, admiring his lover in the faint moonlightfiltering in through the lower cabin windows.He dropped hissuitcase to the floor and strolled to Necalli.“So, what shouldwe do now?” He brushed a lock of black hair off Necal i’sbrow and ran his fingers down Necal i’s cheek.Necal i’s head tilted with Adam’s touch and his browstensed.His breath and pulse quickened.“D-don’t we have toleave?”He slowly shook his head.“Not till tomorrow.I still haveto go to the bank and get my money.” Necal i’s obviousarousal filled his senses, making his cock harden.He closed hiseyes for a moment, trying to control himself.He wanted it tolast this time.“B-but won’t your uncle—”“He won’t know the boat is gone until long after we’regone.The people here al know me.They won’t question mebeing here.See? It’s a perfect plan.” A soft moan escaped himas a rush of desire raced down his spine.Just the mere whisperof having Necal i was almost too much for him.Necalli took Adam’s hand and brought it to his mouth,placing a soft kiss on his palm.His erection jerked with Necal i’s kiss.“You don’t need to sleep, do you.” Necal i’s eyes shined inthe faint light as he gazed up at Adam.“No, guess not.” His heavy breath fil ed the space of theroom.“You will.After the ful moon, you’ll be exhausted.Thenewness of the fever and the ful moon being so close ismaking you this way.” A sly grin spread on Necal i’s face.“I doneed to sleep.”Disappointment hit him hard.His groin ached.“You meanyou’re turning me down?”Necalli chuckled.“Yes.” Turning, his eyes took in hissurroundings.“Where’s the bed?”Rejection lodged in his chest.There was no way Necal i wasgetting away with this.Lunging forward, he seized Necal i’s259Christie Gordonarm and towed him to the largest sleeping quarters, off to theleft.“Adam!”His vision sharpened, al owing him to see easily in thedarkness.“What are you doing?” Necal i’s voice held a hint ofplayfulness.He flung Necalli to a bed, on his back.Necalli gasped and squirmed.Jumping onto the bed over Necalli, he straddled his lover.A soft snicker escaped Necal i.“I won’t let you have methat easily.”“Oh yeah?” Quickly unfastening the buttons of his shirt, heripped it open and threw it to the floor.“Easy or hard, I wilhave you.” He worked on getting his trousers open.Wriggling, Necal i made a feeble attempt to push Adam offhim.“No you won’t.I’m going to sleep.”He opened his pants and fel forward, grabbing Necal i’swrists, throwing his arms up over his head, and pinning himdown.Grinning, his eyes roamed up and down his imprisonedlover.“What was that?” The hard flesh of Necal i’s erectionpressed up under him.He moved his hips around, grindingdown over Necal i’s cock.“Seems I’m not the only oneenjoying this.”Necal i’s gaze turned hungry.“Let me take you.”He stopped al movement and stared at Necal i.“What? Areyou serious?”A predatory grin spread over Necal i’s lips and his hipsthrust up under Adam’s.“Very serious.”Stunned, he released Necal i’s wrists and sat up straight.“Iuh…” He never even considered this before.Fear and intriguewashed over him al at once.He raked his fingers through hishair.“Wel ….”Necal i’s hands were quick to come down and run underthe band of Adam’s boxers, caressing and rubbing the firmcock below the thin fabric.260The First Ful MoonPleasure seared through his body, making his eyes close, hiships thrust forward and a low moan crawl from his mouth.“Damn.”Necal i’s fingers and palm stroked Adam’s shaft and swirledover the seeping head, rubbing Adam’s pre-seed over hiserection.“I want to make you feel as good as you make mefeel.”“B-but won’t it, uh, hurt?” Another long moan escaped hismouth.His head tilted back with a rush of sensation.“I’ll be careful.I’l prepare you.” Necal i’s voice was huskyand ragged.He sat up in the bed, with Adam straddling his lapand pul ed the front of Adam’s boxers down to expose hispulsing cock.Quickly, he slicked his palm with saliva and cameback down, placing fast jerks over Adam’s erection.Bucking his hips forward, he cried out and clutched at thebedcovers behind him.The urgency in his groin coiled forrelease.“Oh my God, you better hurry then.”A sly, ravenous grin spread across Necal i’s lips.He pushedAdam off him and undressed in seconds.“Where’s theVaseline?”He lay panting on his side on the bed.“In my s-suitcase.”His hands reached down between his legs and pressed on hisaching cock, unable to control the need fil ing his body.Necal i jumped off the bed, ran into the other room andopened Adam’s suitcase.His clawed fingers fumbled in thecontents before he picked out the glass jar.With a wickedsmile, he brought the jar back into the bedroom.“Stoptouching yourself.”“I can’t help it.” He continued to press on his erection.Itwasn’t enough to satisfy, but enough to keep him on edge [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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