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.Big Tom flattened himself against the wall with a wolfish grin.Rod followedsuit.and drew away with a gasp and a convulsive shudder.Tom scowled at him, motioning for silence.Rod looked at the wall and saw a thick blob of grayish-white stuff fastened to thewall.It had brushed the back of his neck, and he could say with authority that thetexture was flaccid, the touch cold and moist.He looked at the obscene glob and shuddered again.''Tis but witch-moss, RodGallowglass,' Tuan whispered in his ear.Rod frowned.'Witch-moss?'Tuan stared, incredulous.'Thou'rt a warlock, and knowest not witch-moss?'Rod was saved from an answer by the cessation of the snores from around theaaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rcorner.The trio caught their collective breath and flattened themselves against the wall,Rod carefully avoiding the witchmoss.Tom glared at his sidekicks.The moment of silence stretched out as thin as the content of a congressman'sspeech.'Hold!' shouted a voice from around the corner.Their muscles snapped tight in a spasm.'Where do you go at this hour?' the sentry's voice snarled.Dread clambered its way up Rod's spine.A quaking, nasal voice answered the sentry.'Nay, I do but seek the jakes!'The three men let their breath out in a long, silent sigh.'Sir, when yer speak to a soldier!''Sir,' the whining voice echoed, surly.'What was your reason for walking past curfew?' the sentry threatened inominous tones.'I do but seek the jakes, sir,' the nasal voice whined.The sentry chuckled, mollified.'And the jakes are near to the women's hall? Nay,I think not! Back to your pallet, scum! Your doxie's not for you this night!''But I-''Nay!' the guard snapped.'You do know the rule, fellow.Do you ask of the Mockerfirst.' The voice became almost confidential.''Tain't so much as all that, chum.Like as not he'll give yer the paper says yer can do't, an' set yer a fit place an' time.He's free 'nough about it.'The nasal one hawked and spat.'Come on, now,' the guard growled.'Yer've but to ask of him.''Aye,' sneered the nasal voice, 'and ask again every night that I'm wishin' to seeher! Hell, 'twas the one thing in this world that came cheap!'The guard's voice hardened again.'The Mocker's word is the law in this House,and my club'll remind you of it, if my word's not enough!'aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rThere was a pause, then an angry, despairing snarl, and feet padded away.There was silence again; after a while, the guard began to Snore again.Rod glanced at Tuan.The boy's face was dead white, lips pressed so tight thecolor'd gone out of them.'I take it you didn't know anything about this?' Rod whispered.'Nay,' Tuan whispered back.'Once they'd set me by, they wasted no time.A guardat each hall, a writ ere two may share a bed - this is worse than the lords of theSouth!'Tom's head jerked up.'Nay!' he snarled.''Tis but inconvenience.The gains to begot from it are well worth the price.'For his part, Rod agreed with Tuan.Police state, control over every facet of thepeople's lives - yes, the Mocker's Marxism was showing.'What gains are worth that price?' Tuan snorted, raising his whisper a trifle.'Why,' growled Big Tom, at minimum bullfrog volume, 'more food for all, moreand better clothing, none poor and none starving.''And all thanks to planned parenthood,' Rod murmured, with an apprehensiveglance at the corner.'And how may this come?' asked Tuan, hiking his voice another notch andignoring Rod's frantic signals.'From a writ of consent for a lovemaking? I cannotsee how!'Tom's lip twisted in scorn, and the bullfrog croaked louder.'Nay, you cannot! Butthe Mocker can!'Tuan stared; then his jaw tightened, and his hand slipped to his dagger.'Do youplace yourself and your kind above a nobleman, churl?''Uh, gentlemen,' Rod whispered.Big Tom tensed, grinning; his eyes danced mockery.'Blood will tell,' he said, fullvoice.Tuan's dagger leaped out as he sprang.Tom lugged out his minor sword.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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