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.He searched for Elizabeth, then caught sight of something rushing at him from the side.He turned swiftly—and faced Rainbow, her face hard and angry.She grabbed him by the arm and in a hurried, hushed voice, said, “Andrew Marrero has Elizabeth cornered and he’s throwing a shit fit.”Garik searched the restaurant with his narrowed gaze.“What? Why?”“Some reporter put an article in the online papers rehashing the whole Banner murder case—identifying Charles as the world’s foremost geologist, telling how he founded the study, how he killed his wife, what Elizabeth saw, how she says her father didn’t do it.”That brought Garik’s attention squarely onto Rainbow.“She said her father didn’t do it?” Talk about creating complications.Then he caught sight of Elizabeth at the back corner by the window, backed against the wall, her eyes wide, horrified, and fixed on her boss.Marrero stood, his palms pressed flat to the table, every line of his body hostile and aggressive.Garik had never seen Elizabeth look like that.Not when they were fighting—she had never been afraid of him.He wanted to rush to her side, to shove Marrero’s face through the wall.But that would be the act of a man who was out of control.Elizabeth could handle herself for another few minutes, and Garik needed to know the facts before he stepped in.“So what has Charles’s guilt or innocence got to do with Marrero? Why is he picking on her?”“Because this reporter said she recorded a mind-boggling video of the tsunami and Andrew won’t let her release it because he’s jealous.The article claimed she is so much more talented that Marrero is afraid he’d be left in her dust.” As Rainbow watched Marrero and Elizabeth, she clutched the sleeve of Garik’s shirt in her fist.“I don’t believe it.She didn’t say that.” True, Elizabeth was distressingly honest, and she knew very well how intelligent she was.But he’d never heard her slam other geologists.“No, of course she didn’t.But that’s the way the reporter wrote the article.Andrew came charging in here, carrying on about how she sabotaged him.” Rainbow watched Marrero as he leaned farther and gestured with hostile motions.Garik shook Rainbow away.“Okay, thanks, I’ll take it from here.”She caught him by the back of the shirt.“Earlier, he put the pressure on Elizabeth to make Margaret let him stay at the resort.”Garik laughed once, shortly.“You are shitting me.”Rainbow looked at him.He looked at Rainbow.They nodded.Then he headed to the table in the back corner by the window where Elizabeth sat, staring at Andrew Marrero.Garik heard the phrases Marrero flung at Elizabeth: “You want to be a star, even at the cost of the study,” “Recklessly putting yourself forward without thought to the results,” “Ignoring my recommendations made with nothing but your best interests at heart,” “Proving your inadequacies…”Garik slapped his hand on Andrew Marrero’s shoulder hard enough to make him jump.“You’re upset, Marrero.”Marrero turned on him with ferocious intent … then saw who it was and backed away.Garik had recognized him as a specific kind of coward: the man who picked on women, children, the elderly, and never someone who could beat him.Never Garik.Garik spoke pleasantly.“A man so upset deserves to take a few moments to formulate his thoughts.Perhaps you should go away and consider how best to handle this situation with the press, maybe approach the reporter and explain your reasons for not wanting Elizabeth to present her video to the waiting world.I’m sure you have good ones.In the meantime, considering how you feel about Elizabeth, I understand how you would be reluctant to stay at Virtue Falls Resort.I’ll express your regrets to Margaret.”Marrero needed a few minutes to comprehend and respond.Then, like the selfish bastard he was, he latched onto the tidbit that impacted him most.“Margaret was going to let me stay?”“Of course!” Garik used all his FBI-honed acting ability to drive a stake into Marrero’s heart.“Elizabeth requested that you be allowed to move in.You and your team.”Elizabeth started to speak.He shook his head back, an infinitesimal shake to warn her off.Before, when they were married, she was oblivious to all but the most blatant of hints.Now she caught on, and subsided.Garik continued, “Margaret adores Elizabeth, so she said she would welcome you into her resort.But after this disappointment, you don’t want to be around Elizabeth.” Taking Elizabeth’s hand, he pulled her up off her chair.“I respect your feelings.” He picked up her bag and slung it over his shoulder.“I’ll tell Margaret not to prepare your room.Good evening, Andrew.”“But I can … That is, this is nothing but a misunderstanding.” Marrero backtracked fast, and too late.“The reporter probably misrepresented everything Elizabeth said.I’ve met him before.He draws rash conclusions.Elizabeth is probably innocent of maligning me.”“Probably.” Garik smiled tightly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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