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.“I’ll get Juliana,” Mom said.“No!”They both stared at me, but I stood my ground.I didn’t want to be taken care of, and I didn’t want to be protected, especially not by a girl who had stabbed me in the back.“I don’t want that lying witch to touch me.” I put extra emphasis on the word witch, because I knew it would drive Mom crazy.“What did she tell you happened, exactly?”Dad’s anger had been replaced with uncertainty.“She said you’d slept with him.”“I see.” I started to rise to my feet.“No, wait,” Mom said.“I’ll get some burn ointment.It’s just next door in the lab.” She left without waiting for me to respond.“You didn’t, did you?” The hardness on Dad’s face melted away as the realization struck.“No.”“I’m sorry.You know what Mom did–it was an accident.She lost control.She almost set Isaac on fire this morning.He managed a spectacular shield.”Dad trailed off, but I filled in the rest for him.If I hadn’t been such a disappointment, I could have protected myself, too.“We were just worried about you.”“Why?” I asked.I just didn’t get the level of anger.This wasn’t about loss of innocence–I had trouble imagining they’d react that way if they heard I slept with Braden.“What is so bad about Evan, anyway? I know you hate his dad, but he’s always been good to me.”Dad shook his head.“You don’t know everything about him.”“Enlighten me.”Just then, Mom came rushing back in with a bottle of burn ointment.She had the cap unscrewed before she even reached me, then she started rubbing huge quantities of the pale green ointment into the burns.They tingled, and began to feel better right away.She rubbed the ointment into shoulders, side, arm, and hand, then asked if she had missed anything.“No, that’s it.” I inspected my arms.The burn was already fading, though I knew it would take a couple more applications to get it all.“Put this on before bed tonight, and first thing in the morning.” Mom placed the bottle in my hand.“If that doesn’t take care of it, let me know right away.”“Yeah, okay.”“I’m sorry,” Mom said again.I didn’t say anything.“Why did you need to talk to us?”Since I still needed to have this conversation, I bit back my hurt feelings and told them about the vampire attack.They were both silent for a while, after I had finished.“I wanted to call Jason,” I said, “but I don’t know how to get in touch with him.”“I’ll give you his number,” Mom said.“It’s just so hard to believe.we haven’t seen a vampire around here in a long time.I didn’t think they would dare.”“One of them did.” I stood, and prepared to leave.I didn’t think I could stand anymore of their company.“I’ve got to get going.I’m already late for my lunch date.Oh, and I won’t be home for dinner tonight.I have a date with Braden.” I put special emphasis on the last sentence.“Braden?” Mom’s face brightened.“That’s nice.He’s good for you, right?”“I guess.”There was a pause.“I love you,” Dad said.“Yeah.”“Cassandra,” Mom began, then in a whisper, “Cassie.”She had never called me that before.I didn’t want to, but I softened at the show of effort.“I’m so sorry.I love you.”I swallowed.“I love you too, Mom.”I just wished I knew why they had been so angry.10WHEN I WAS IN THE tenth grade, the Eagle Rock cheerleading squad made the state finals.We were incredibly excited when we heard the news, even when the coach told us we’d have to get on a bus at five in the morning to make it to Jefferson City in time to compete.The day before the finals, I cut school to go to Springfield and get some gifts for the team.It was a spur of the moment decision.I’m not the sort of person who usually cuts class, but that day, I decided, was special.I talked an older teammate into driving me, and we browsed the shelves at the outlet mall until I found the perfect gifts–tiny gold crosses on woven gold chains [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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