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."Look, you're not making sense.You haven't eaten in what?A week at least? I'm coming down to pick you up and take you back home.You can't stay there, babe.Need - 62 What if he comes with a bunch of guys, leaves you broken out in the sun, yeah? I'm coming for you.You sit tight and let Bael take care of you, babe.""K." He hung up the phone, hand shaking.Now he had to figure out what he was going to do when this guy showed up.Looking around, he folded the papers carefully and stuffed them back into the envelope and set it onthe bar.That was all he'd touched besides the phone.He went over to the elevator and pressed himselfagainst the wall, waiting anxiously.It didn't take nearly as long as he thought it would before the familiar, slow grind of the elevator starteddown.When the grate opened and this Bael stepped out, Trick was almost surprised to recognize the tall, thinblack man.The few times Trick had seen Bast outside the apartment this guy had always been withsomebody else, but nearby.Like Bast's shadow."Bast? You in here, babe? Everything okay?"He still didn't have a plan, so he just winged it.Pouncing, he slammed the man back against thegrating, arm going across the big man's windpipe."Where is he?""Who the fuck are you?" The tall guy struggled, thin hands pushing at his arm."Just tell me where Bast is." He pushed harder with his hand over Bael's windpipe."Kiss my ass.He doesn't want to see you." The dark eyes were angry now instead of scared, stubbornand pissed off.Well, shit, he'd played that wrong.He didn't let the black guy go though.He glared stubbornly back."Yes he does.And we both know it.""No.He doesn't.And even if he did I wouldn't tell you." Bael snorted."I've known Bast for fifteenyears.Never seen him cry.Never seen him unhappy once.Until you.""He's unhappy because I'm not with him -- he wants his Trick." Trick let go and stepped back, lettinghis weight settle on one leg, knowing it showed him to advantage."You're going to deny him a chanceto get all this back?"Bael arched an eyebrow."Look, I know you're for rent and I know Bast's a solid ticket.Hell, you blewthat on your own.I know, but Bast didn't get it." Bael shrugged and started pacing, looking allupperclass in his jeans and blue silk shirt."He didn't get that you don't owe somebody worry and care and concern when you're paying them tofuck you." Bael looked at Trick."At some fucked up point, Bast forgot what you are and that was amistake.But you've been paid -- an apartment, a fucking warehouse, more than you'd ever make.He'spaid his fucking debt to you, willed you Sebastian Apostolos' life.Bast is dead, Trick.Leave him in hisgrave."Need - 63 Trick snarled."Then get the fuck out off my property -- you're breaking and entering." He wanted toscream -- he'd not taken a dime from Bast, not since that first time, but he would never admit to thisasshole that he'd gotten soft himself."Happy to." Bael opened the grate and walked in, slamming it down behind him.As the elevator beganto move, he turned."Leave Bast alone.He's not a monster.And he's not yours."After the elevator took the black man away, Trick sat down hard, staring unhappily at the empty spacebehind the grating.He stayed there until his tears stopped and then he went and splashed his face.Before he left, he put hiselevator card next to the envelope and walked away.***He'd stopped moping after about three days, then he started working, frantically, mindlessly.All thelittle things he'd let slide while he and Tri.while he was busy got finished and settled and fixed andpaid for.Then Bast went through the tedious business of killing one personage and building himself another.Ithad been a stupid risk, trusting Trick, but he figured he needed an excuse to change, an excuse toreinvent.Maybe he'd head to the west coast, play with the children there.He looked down at his rumbling belly, belt already loose around it.Or maybe he'd just lock himselfinto the main room with its floor-to-ceiling windows and wait to die.The bell rang, startling him enough that he almost dropped his coffee.Pushing the button, he finished the last few gulp."Yes?""Home delivery -- someone here order a fresh pint?" Bael's soft tones were made flat by the intercom."Hey, pretty one.Come on up."He let Bael in, not sure if he was happy for the company or not.His fingers pulled through his shorthair, missing the feel of the long strands.Trick liked it purple, liked to touch it, liked.He shook his head as he made for the door, opening it to a smiling face."Hey, babe, you're looking good." Bael lied to him and stepped in and bent to kiss him, tongue warmas it pushed into his lips.He reached up to wrap his arms around Bael's neck, groaning.Two weeks since he'd touchedsomebody.Two weeks since he'd fed.Two weeks and he was desperate and hungry.Bael's hands were soft, stroking and warm."Take what you need, babe -- I'm here for you."Need - 64 "Bael.pretty.so good to me." He was weeping again, with hunger and need and the knowledge thatthis wasn't what he wanted, not really."That's what people who care for each other do, Bast.You know I love you." Bael was backing themslowly toward a low divan."Now, come on, feed."He almost crawled up Bael's body, straddling the thin hips when they sat down.Bael's head wasalready lifted, vein pulsing as his hunger fought free and he struck, biting deep.Bael groaned, the sound deep and solid, the big body jerking with pleasure.He drank deep, pulling the sweet, hot blood into him until that aching in his belly faded, then he easedthe wound shut.Then he collapsed into Bael's arms, with an exhausted sob."Thank you.""How long since you last had anything?" Bael's big hands were stroking him, moving over his touch-starved body."You should have called sooner -- I would have come.""So good to me.Just been busy.Just been.oh, your hands, pretty.It's good." He stayed close,drinking in one sensation after another, almost shuddering in reaction."Oh, babe, it hurts me to see you like this, to see you suffering for that little whore.""Sh.don't, Bael.My fault.I was stupid.It's over.All over." He wasn't at a place where he could callTrick a whore, not yet.He raised his head for a kiss, just needing the contact.Bael's lips closed over his, warm and easy.NotTrick, but good and familiar and caring and they'd do."You gonna let me love you, pretty?" Bael asked, large hands roaming over him."Let you do anything, Bael, just keep touching me.I'm so lonely here [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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