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.After all, he was a prince.The most powerful men andwomen on Earth had summoned him.She understood.And yet he was still here, with her. I m fine, she said. Go away.The worry in his eyes softened.He spun toward Dr.Erland and pulled something from his pocket, forcing it intothe doctor s hand. I also came to bring you this.Dr.Erland slipped his spectacles on and held the glassvial up into the light.It was filled with clear liquid. And thisis? A gift from Queen Levana.She claims it s an antidote to letumosis.Cinder s heart lurched.Her gaze focused on the vial.An antidote?Peony.Dr.Erland s complexion had drained, his eyes wideningbehind the glasses. Is that so? It could be a trick.I don t know.Supposedly, it s onedosage enough for an adult male. I see. So, do you think you can duplicate it? If it is a cure?Dr.Erland drew his lips into a thin line and lowered thevial. That depends on many things, Your Highness, hesaid after a long pause. But I will try my best. Thank you.Let me know as soon as you find anything. Of course.Relief loosened Kai s brow.He turned to Cinder. Andyou ll let me know if anything  Yes.  changes your mind about going to the ball?Cinder pressed her lips together.Kai s smile barely reached his eyes.With a curt bow tothe doctor, he was gone.Cinder retrained her gaze on thevial, enclosed in the doctor s fist.Desire coursed throughher.But then she noticed the whitening of his knuckles andlooked up, finding herself pinned under a stormy glare. What do you think you are doing here? he said,planting his free hand on the desk.She started, surprisedby his vehemence. Don t you realize that Queen Levana ishere, now, in this palace? Did you not understand when I told you to stay away? I had to bring the prince s android back.It s part of myjob. You re talking livelihood.I m talking life.You are notsafe here! For your information that android could be a matter oflife. She clenched her teeth, refraining from saying more.With a heavy sigh, she peeled the stifling gloves from herhands and slipped them into her pocket. All right, I m sorry,but I m here now. You have to go.Now.What if she asked to see the labfacilities? Why would the queen care about your lab facilities?She claimed the seat opposite Dr.Erland.He stayedstanding. Besides, it s too late.The queen already sawme.She expected the doctor to explode with thisannouncement, but instead his frown was quickly replacedwith horror.His thick eyebrows drew up beneath his cap.Slowly, he sank down into his seat. She saw you? Are yousure?Cinder nodded. I was in the courtyard when the protestswere going on.Queen Levana appeared on one of theupper balconies and she& did something.To the crowd.Brainwashed or glamoured them or whatever it s called.They all calmed down and stopped protesting.It was soeerie.Like they all just forgot why they were there, that theyhated her.And then they just left. Yes. Dr.Erland set the vial on the desk. It suddenly becomes clear how she is able to keep her own peoplefrom rebelling against her, isn t it?Cinder leaned forward, tapping her metal fingers againstthe desk. Here s the thing, though.You said before thatshells aren t affected by the Lunar glamour, right? That swhy she ordered them us to be killed? That s right. But it did affect me.I trusted her, as much as anyoneelse.At least, until my programming kicked in and tookcontrol. She watched as Dr.Erland took off his hat,adjusted the brim, and pulled it back over his fluffy gray hair. That shouldn t have happened, right? Because I m a shell. No, he said, without conviction. That shouldn t havehappened.He lifted himself from his chair and faced the floor-to-ceiling windows.A compulsion to reach out and snatch the vial off thedesk surged to the tips of her fingers, but Cinder withheld it.The antidote if it was an antidote was meant foreveryone.Gulping, she leaned back. Doctor? You don t seem toosurprised.He raised a hand and tapped his mouth with two fingersbefore slowly turning toward her. I may have misread your diagnostics. Lie.She squeezed her hands in her lap. Or you just didn ttell me the truth.His eyebrows knit, but he didn t deny it.Cinder curled her fingers. So I m not Lunar?  No, no.You are most definitely Lunar. Truth.She sulked in the chair, disappointed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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