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. I didn t lie to you, Pickering said. He was here.Look, he s goneupstairs.Can t you see?Gabriel realized that he had left footprints in the fine white dust thatcovered the staircase.The hallway behind him was also covered with dust.Nomatter where he stepped, the wolves would be able to track him down.Can t stay here, he thought, and continued up the staircase.The stairs endedon the fifth floor.He passed through a steel fire door hanging from one hingeand found himself on the roof.The yellowish-gray clouds that covered the skyhad turned dark and billowy, as if a malignant rain were about to fall.Gazingover the skyline, he could see the shattered bridge and the black line of theriver.Gabriel walked to the low safety wall that ran around the edge of the roof.There was a fifteen-foot gap between where he was standing and the adjacentbuilding.If the jump failed, he would never return to his own world.WouldMaya ever see his dead body? Would she press her ear to his chest and realizethat his heart had finally stopped beating? He circled the roof once, twice,and returned to his original position.Because of the safety wall, he couldn trun and throw himself forward.The steel fire door was ripped away and tossed down the stairwell.Pickeringand the patrol stepped onto the roof. See? I told you so! Pickering said.Gabriel stepped onto the top of the concrete wall and looked over at the nextbuilding.It s too far , he thought.Much too far.The wolves raised their weapons and started toward him.27Two of the Tabula mercenaries hiked up the slope to the helicopters andreturned with a portable electric generator.The generator was placed near thestorage hut and attached to a sodium light.Michael glanced upward.Thethousands of stars visible in the night sky resembled little chips of ice.Itwas very cold now, and the moisture from everyone s lungs left a faint haze inthe air.Page 134 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlMichael was disappointed that neither Gabriel nor his father was on theisland, but the operation wasn t a complete failure.Perhaps the team wouldfind documents or information on a computer that would lead them to a morepromising target.Word would get back to Mrs.Brewster that he had brought inthe splicers and demanded an aggressive approach to searching the huts.TheBrethren liked people who took charge.He sat down on a slab of limestone and watched Boone give orders to his men.When the backscatter device told them that the person inside the hut wasneutralized, a man with an ax attacked the heavy oak door.Boone told themercenary to stop working when he had chopped a jagged hole about two feetsquare.A moment later, one of the baboons peered out of the hole like acurious dog.Boone shot the animal in the head.The two remaining splicers inside the hut began calling to each other.Theywere clever enough to sense danger and stay away from the hole.The man withthe ax resumed his work.Fifteen minutes later he had completely destroyed thedoor.Boone s men moved cautiously, pushing away storage containers andraising their shotguns before edging inside.Michael heard more shrieks andthen gunshots.One of Boone s men had started a fire in the cooking hut and served mugs oftea to the others.Michael used the cup to warm his cold hands while he waitedfor more information.Ten minutes later, Boone walked out through the wreckeddoor.Boone was smiling and moving his body in a confident way, as if he hadsomehow regained his power.He accepted a cup of tea and strolled over toMichael. Is the Harlequin dead? Michael asked. Maya wasn t in the building.It was a young woman from Los Angeles namedVictory From Sin Fraser. Boone chuckled. That name always amused me. And she was the only person in the building? Oh, someone else was there.Down in the cellar. Boone hesitated for a fewseconds, enjoying the tension in Michael s face. We just found your father.That is& your father s body.Michael took a flashlight from one of the mercenaries and followed Boone intothe storage hut.The floor and walls were splattered with blood, still brightred and glistening.A plastic cloth covered the four dead splicers.A secondcloth covered Victory Fraser, but Michael could see the scuffed soles of hershoes.They climbed down a staircase to a cellar with a gravel floor and passedthrough a door into a side room.Matthew Corrigan lay on a stone slab with awhite muslin cloth over his legs.As Michael looked down at the body, imagesfrom the past overwhelmed him with an unexpected force [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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