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."Well, we got by obstacles one through six.Topside's gonna be alot tougher, though.Any ideas?"Trelig thought for a moment, eyes gleaming.The immediate threat over, he was beginning to enjoy this."Ask the machine if anyone Topside is aware of who escaped in the first ship," he ordered."How could Obie know?" Yulin asked."I mean, if he can't even monitor communications.Why? Whathave you got in mind?""To get to my position, you have to think of all the angles," the syndicate boss told him."For example,either ship was capable of carrying at least half the guests, yet only Mavra Chang, Nikki Zinder, and theguard went.Why?"Yulin thought a minute."Because they sneaked out.Chang was paid to get the girl, not save everybodyon Topside.The more people in a plot, the more chance for a foul-up."Trelig nodded."Now you begin to see.There are a lot of them, and they barely know one another.I'dguess, too, that they have, at best, an uneasy relationship with the guards.All hell broke loose not longafter the ship left.Want to bet some of them don't even know a ship is gone?""The guards " Yulin objected."Will know only that the ship is gone," Trelig completed."They also know that without the codes thesecond ship would be blasted by the orbiting sentries.Hell, they won't remember who's who or how manythere are, you know that.The girl's been more or less sealed off, and the guard what's one guard?Could have been killed down here.Getting the idea now?""You mean impersonate the ones who got away?" Yulin gasped.Trelig's expression looked impatient, impatient at this elementary step."Look," he said."We need a way to gain their confidence.Take them off guard.We need a way to get tothose visitors as friends, convince them it's us against the guards, get their help in taking the ship.Wemust get that ship away until they've died out here.We can't do it alone."Yulin nodded."I see," he said, but he didn't like it.He looked over at Gil Zinder.The older man wasslumped, a vacant expression.He looked tired and defeated."What about him?" Ben Yulin asked, gesturing."He has to go with us," Trelig answered quickly."He knows how to operate Obie, and Obie will doanything for him.To leave him here would be like jumping into the pit out there."Yulin nodded, his mind already considering several things, all unpleasant.For one thing, he didn't like theidea of going through the thing himself.Sending others through, that was fine a tremendous feeling ofgodlike power.But himself to become someone, something else.Trelig's plan worried him, worried himas much as having to bring it about using his own special circuitry, revealing to Zinder and to Trelighis own mastery of the machine.He looked again at Trelig.The councillor had a curious half-smile on his face and still held the pistol in hishand.He'd seen similar expressions on his boss when administering sponge to new victims and whenordering nasty executions."You want to go first?" he suggested hopefully.That evil grin spread wider."No, I don't think so," the syndicate boss replied acidly."You can do it, then?"Yulin nodded dully, still grasping at straws.He did not want to surrender to permanent second-classstatus. "Then we'll do it this way," the big man continued."First, you will try to find out the identity of the guard.IfObie can keep track of people, he should know who it was.Then one of us becomes the guard minusthe sponge addiction, make sure of that! and one becomes Nikki Zinder and the third becomes MavraChang.All preprogrammed in noninterruptable sequence, of course." He shrugged disarmingly."It's notthat I don't trust you, you understand.It's just that you get on top by doing the unthinkable and you stayon top by thinking the unthinkable."Yulin sighed, surrendering.The better part of valor and all that, he decided."Who do you want to be?" he asked."We have to think this through, and time's pressing," Trelig replied."The old man, there well, we'll needsome sort of mind-bind, of course [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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