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.Grumbling, the boy ducked his head and started for the door.She turned to the girls with as pleasant an expression as she could muster."Girls, it's time to wash up fordinner."Unlike Tyrone, they scrambled to obey, gathering up their jacks and ball and scurrying inside.As soon as Maude Ann was certain they were out of earshot, she turned to the two men."It's obvious that you two know each other and there's no love lost between you, but that's no excusefor that childish display you just put on.I want an explanation, and I want it right now, so one of you hadbetter start talking.""Matt has a problem with reporters," J.T.volunteered.Good humor returning, he aimed a cocky grinMatt's way.Matt's gaze still burned with anger."Not all reporters.Just pests like you." He turned to Maude Ann."Whenever a crime occurs, he barges in, interfering with police investigations, harassing victims forcomments at inappropriate times, digging up confidential information any way he can and publishing itwith no regard to how he's jeopardizing our case.""Hey.Ever heard of freedom of the press?""Ever heard of the right to privacy?" Matt shot back.His gaze sought Maude Ann again."When I took abullet, this guy practically beat me to the hospital.No sooner had I woken up from surgery than hestarted trying to worm a story out of me about the drug bust."J.T.spread his hands wide."Hey, I'm just doing my job.""Yeah, well, you've got a lousy job, Conway.And I'm warning you, if you so much as mention my namein your article, I'll make you wish you'd never heard of Henley Haven."His angry gaze switched to Maude Ann."I came here for privacy and to get away from people like him.It's bad enough that you've destroyed that by bringing a reporter here, but exploiting these kids formoney is low.And to think I believed you when you said you wanted to protect them.Nice going, Dr.Edwards.""Matt, you don't under Matt, wait!" She stepped forward, reaching out to him, but he ignored her andstalked into the house.Maude Ann flinched as the door slammed behind him."Oh, dear." Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"Ah, don't worry.I've known Matt for over ten years.Believe me, his bark is worse than his bite.Hedidn't mean that stuff about the kids he's just ticked off.When he cools down he'll probably apologize."J.T.paused."Of course, he'll get angry all over again when the article comes out, but don't worry, hewon't kill me."Her head snapped around."What do you mean? You're not going to mention him in the article afterwhat he just said, are you?""Sure I am.""But why? Do you hate him that much?"J.T.looked shocked."I don't hate him at all.To tell the truth, I kinda like the guy.Don't ask me why.He's hard-nosed and crusty as hell, and he sure isn't fond of me or my profession.Still, I can't help butadmire him.Go figure.""If you feel that way, then why are you going to write about him when you know he'll hate it?"A wicked twinkle entered J.T.'s eyes.His slow grin was pure devilment."Partly because I enjoy rattlinghis cage.""J.T.Conway, that's terrible.""Yeah, I know," he replied, not in the least repentant."Anyway, liking the guy is one thing, business issomething else.It'll make a great hook for the piece.You know, a headline like, 'Wounded officer findshealing peace at Henley Haven.'""I won't let you do that.""Now look ""You signed a contract, and I'm going to hold you to it.""C'mon, doc, that agreement was for the kids' protection.""It states that you will not mention the name of any resident of Henley Haven.Matt lives here.Thatmakes him a resident.So help me, J.T., if you print his name or even allude to his presence here, I'll slapyou with a lawsuit."He gaped at her."This is crazy.It's not as though I'm going to malign him.Matt's a hero.A fallenmember of the thin blue line.That makes him newsworthy.Besides, the readers want to know how he'srecovering.""That doesn't mean he has to satisfy their curiosity or sell newspapers for your boss.Matt, likeeveryone else, has a right to privacy.And you will respect that right.Do I make myself clear?"J.T.shook his head slowly, a look of amazement on his face."Like crystal.Jeez, lady, you are one toughnegotiator."He glanced at the door through which Matt had stormed moments before, then looked back at MaudeAnn with a speculative gleam in his eye."Am I missing something here? Do you and Matt have a thing Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlgoing? Is that why you're protecting him?""No, of course not!" she snapped quickly a bit too quickly, judging from the way J.T.'s eyebrows shotskyward."I simply think that in this case he's right and you're wrong."He grinned and gave her face another quick study."Whatever you say.Now, shall we go?""You still want to take me to dinner?"J.T.grasped her arm and led her down the steps and along the gravel walkway toward his JeepCherokee."You bet.Now more than ever.I like a woman who sticks up for her man.""What?J.T., I just told you, there is nothing going on between Matt and me.We're just friends, that'sall.""Okay.If you say so.""No, really.It's true."She continued to protest all the way to the restaurant, which was near the yacht club, several miles downshore from the lodge [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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