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."And I saw them on the terrace.I saw what they were doing." ABC Amber Text Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abctxt.html"And they saw you?" There was no inflection in his voice."They saw me," she agreed softly."I let the door close, and as it did, I heard the elevator.Malcolm hadpunched both buttons while we were talking.I didn't know whichelevator had arrived, but I got on and when it started down, I realizedI couldn't go to the lobby.I didn't know who they had shot, or even,at that point, if they had shot anybody.I thought it might be somekind of security thing.Protection for the sheikh.I didn't know, but by then, I had realized Icouldn't do it.I couldn't marry Amir, I mean.I couldn't live likethat."The spate of words stopped again.He wouldn't care about that.Abouther reasons.He just wanted to know why she had pulled him into whathad happened."So you got off the elevator." he said."I slapped at the buttons, hoping it would stop.Hoping I was in time.When it did, I don't think I even knew what floor I was on.I rantoward the exit at the end of the hall.But then I heard the elevatoragain.The bell.I heard it behind me.I thought they were coming, soI used the passkey.I slid it into the nearest door, and.that wasyour room."He said nothing.Although the room had lightened, she couldn't read hisface well enough to know whether he believed her."I wanted to tell you what I'd seen," she said."I tried to tell you in the restaurant." And instead of answering, youkissed me.Somehow the remembrance of that kiss seemed even moreintimate, here in the darkness of her bedroom, than it had then."I didn't want to get you involved," she said."I didn't want to pull someone else into that, but you seemed to knowwhat you were doing.You seemed so capable.So."Dangerous.The word echoed in her brain.It was what he had seemedtonight.He had saved her life again.She didn't know why.Or why hehad followed her here.But she did know he had dealt with the situationtonight with the same cool competence he had used to get her out of thehotel.Despite Amir's men and all those cops.Cops.As soon as she thought the word, the explanation for all thosethings occurred to her.And it made sense.Suddenly something madesense out of his presence here tonight.Of the fact that he had comeall the way to Mississippi to find her.It even made sense of what hehad done.It explained everything that had been so puzzling about thisman from the beginning."That's why you're here," she said.He was some kind of cop, of course.It was obvious, now that she put the clues together. ABC Amber Text Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abctxt.html"I told you in the restaurant that I saw them, and when you found outwhat had happened, what they had done, you came here to find out exactlywhat I saw."Her voice had risen with her growing excitement.That would explaineverything.Why he carried a gun.His certainty about what wouldhappen when the alarms went off.About how the cop on the street wouldreact."You're." She hesitated, thinking about who they would send.FBI?CIA? She wasn't sure, but it didn't really matter who he worked for."You're some kind of federal agent," she said."You're trying to find out who killed Amir's father."She should have gone straight to the police when she left the hotel.She would have, if she hadn't been so terrified.But all she had beenable to think about was getting away.Away from Amir, even if he hadhad nothing to do with his father's death.But now, of course."I'lltell them what I saw," she said."I'll tell it to whoever you want me to." She expected some reaction,but his eyes were considering.And still cold.His response, when it finally came, wasn't what she had expected.Again it was prosaic, in strong contrast to her sudden sense ofeuphoria."You should pack a few things," he suggested."All right," she agreed, a little let down by his tone.But obviouslyhe was going to take her with him.Back to New York?"Not much.One small bag."Those directions were as precise as the ones he had given her aboutgetting away from the hotel yesterday.And she was more than willing todo what he told her.After all, he was one of the good guys.She'd besafe with him.Far safer than she would be here alone.Tonight hadproved the fallacy of that."And get dressed," he said, holding his hand out."You won't want to travel in what you're wearing."The blue eyes, however, didn't examine the sheer nightgown.Theyfocused instead on her face, and in the growiuu me tsnae s rroiecwr inglight of dawn, she could find nothing in them like the flare of desireshe had seen yesterday.She put her fingers into his.Hers were cold against the warmth of hishand.Soft against its callused strength.He pulled her up, but as soonas she was upright, the room began to swim.She closed her eyes,swaying toward him.He took a step nearer, pushing his body againsthers.Supporting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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