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.I glance up at him, feeling mortified I just said that out-loud, Tristan’s eyebrows raise and he smirks at me.“I suppose she is,” he says looking amused, which irritates me.But I can't help feeling dubious - I don't think Susannah likes me.I don't think we’ll get on at all.“What?” Tristan asks, reading my expression.I shake my head.I don't want to tell him that.“Coral, tell me.” He orders.“I just.I don't think she likes me,” I whisper.Shut up Coral!“Nonsense, she has no reason not to like you.” He tells me firmly, so I decide to drop it.“So when will the take-over happen?” I ask, wondering how long the process will take.“About a month,” he answers.“And I keep my job?” I clarify even though he’s just told me I’ll be his P.A.What the hell does that involve anyway? I feel a little panicky.“Yes Coral, you will keep your job.” I wish he’d stop saying my name like that; it keeps sending weird shivers down my spine.“But what if I’m really bad at it? I know how to be a legal secretary, not a P.A.”Tristan shrugs.“It’s pretty much the same thing Coral, and like I said, I’ll get Susannah to go through any programs you haven’t used before.She’ll be there to help train you if you need it, but I’m sure you won’t.” He says almost proudly.I frown at him, I’m not really sure I want leggy blonde anywhere near me.What if she’s secretly a bitch and sabotages me so I make mistakes? Then I lose my job – Oh God!“Coral, what are you looking so concerned about?” Damn him, how is he reading me so easily?“I don’t like change Tristan, this is all.” I wave my hand in the air.“I know, a shock,” he says finishing my sentence for me.Picking up one of the office chairs, he places it in front of me and sits down.His scent wafts towards me, sending my senses into disarray, he smells divine – What is that?“I’m leaving tomorrow.” He stops talking and frowns; he briefly glances at me in an odd way, then quickly looks away.“My legal team will be dealing with the take-over, and I know Joyce will be back in tomorrow.You will have a whole month with her to process the change.I will be back towards the end of the month.” I nod silently trying to take it all in.“I don’t think I need to tell you this information is classified Coral, top secret,” he says tapping his nose.“Of course,” I answer.“So no-one else knows, not even the Solicitors?”Tristan smiles some sort of secret smile and shakes his head at me.“Just you Coral.”I relax a little knowing Joyce has at least given me the courtesy of telling me in advance.If I’d have found out when it was announced, I think I would have had a full scale meltdown.“Ok.” I say.His gaze holds mine, I want to look away but I’m finding it so hard to do.It’s as though he’s analysing me, trying to figure me out.“So.” Tristan says, standing and putting the chair back in its place.“Joyce said to tell you when you came in that you can take the day off, as she’s not in herself.” Are you fucking kidding me, I have just dragged my sorry, hung-over ass into work only to be told I can go home!I grit my teeth in annoyance and stare back at him.He walks back over to me smiling widely.I think he’s secretly laughing at me.“But I really am rather hungry, so.would you mind?” he asks holding his hand out to me.“You.you want me to take you to Munchies?” I clarify squeakily.“Yes please,” he smiles.I shrug not really knowing what to say, I don’t really want to go anywhere with him, but – “And I’d also like to ask you to come to a couple of house viewings with me today,” he adds.“H-house v-viewings.?” I stutter.Tristan nods once.“I always purchase a property close to where I work, I don’t like staying in hotels even if I’m only there a few days, and you know this area very well.Joyce tells me you’ve lived here since you were five?”All the colour drains out of my face.I don’t like thinking about back then.When I first came here, I felt so alone and I had no idea if I could trust Gladys.I didn’t know if she was going to be nice to me, treat me well, or even if I was staying with her permanently, everything was so confusing.“Coral!” Tristan dashes over to me, twists my chair around and crouches down in front of me so we are face to face, his features etched with concern.“Are you ok? Would you like some water? Some fresh-air? Tell me what you need?” he asks frantically.Why the hell is he being so attentive and nice?I take a deep breath to steady my nerves then gaze into his warm eyes.“A brandy?” I choke, laughing nervously.“Some water.” He says ignoring my request and dashing away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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