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.They were jumping in the waves and smiled toward each other.The photo was priceless.I'm a little jealous I don't have one for myself."Those are my awesome kids," a deep voice startles me from the door opening."Your kids are pretty damn awesome," I reply back.I stand up and walk over to him and place my arms around his waist."I love you morefinity, Dr.Turner," I say."Morefinity?" He raises an eyebrow at my chosen words."It's something I came up with because more isn't enough and everyone says infinity," I explain."Ah, I like it morefinity." He winks.Damn, I love that sexy face.Chance and I arrive at home just in time for me to get out of my work clothes and get Kaleb for us to go meet his father.We pull into The Waffle Cone, which is an ice cream shop by the pier.I figured it was quiet but still public enough that I would feel safe.Kaleb gets us both a root beer float while we are waiting for Michael to arrive.After waiting for ten minutes for him, he walks through the door.My heart skips about twenty beats and the breath in my lungs cause pain as I try to find my breath.He doesn't look angry.Rather, he looks almost nervous as he makes his way to the table.I shoot back away from him and more toward Kaleb when he joins us."I don't want to harm you.I just want to apologize," he utters."Well, go ahead and say what you need to say." I place my lips into a thin line.He turns to Kaleb."Son, I am sorry for what I did to your mother.I can't take it back but I hate that you hate me like you do." He tries comforting him, but Kaleb has barely acknowledged him.Michael turns to me and begins his speech."Laney, I am sorry for what I have done to you in the past and the recent present.I cannot take back the pain or trauma I have caused you, and I know it would take forever if not a lifetime for you to forgive me, but I love you and I miss our family.I just want you to give me another chance," he begs.Chance, all I can think of is Chance and how much I love him and how much of a wonderful, caring man he is to me and my children."Michael, we are over.I don't miss our life together.I can't remember the last happy time we had together.I just want it all to be over.You made your bed and now you have to lay in it," I firmly tell him."Okay, I just wanted to try one last time before I signed on the dotted line and ended something that lasted so long.I will meet with my lawyer tomorrow," he calmly murmurs.He stands, nods at Kaleb and walks out.Kaleb and I finished our floats when a group of guys walk in and wave at Kaleb."Hey, Mom, those guys are training for the surfing competition," he whispers excitedly.One of the young boys walks over and punches him on the arm in one of those Dudes, what's up moves.Kaleb asks if he can go hang out with them and they will bring him home later.I agree and he walks me out to my car to see I get there safely.I drive back to the condo and realize I left my debit card on the table so I turn around and go back to The Waffle Cone to get it.I get out of the car and turn to walk inside when I see Michael standing face to face with me.I jump nearly three feet high from the shock and then I yell, "What the fuck, Michael? You scared the shit out of me.""I decided I want you to come home and I am not taking no for an answer.Get your ass in my car now," he screams.A lump surrounds my windpipe and by the time I make out my call for help, Michael opens my car door and pushes me inside.He pries the keys out of my hand and cranks the car.I reach for the handle to get out and BAM, a burning, stinging sensation stretches over my face.He back hands me so hard I can only focus on the pain for a few seconds until I realize what had just happened.I struggle to get out of the car but with every move I make, he hits me again.I can feel the side of my face swelling and I remember the last time I felt this way.He nearly killed me."Where are you taking me?" I yell."Stop fucking yelling and stop making this harder than it has to be.I love you and I don't want to hurt you." He raises his voice."Love doesn't hurt, Michael.This is not how you show someone you love them.Please let me out," I beg.Beg for my freedom.Beg for him to see that love isn't like this.I am reliving every moment that has brought me to this place.The love I had for him before all the years of torture.The loneliness I felt all those year he ignored me and made me feel like I was nothing.I try to calm myself down so I can think of a way to escape."Please just listen to me.Let me explain." he murmurs.I have given him a lifetime to explain his reactions and he never once wanted anything to do with me.Now that he has lost me, he wants to fix what he broke.I just can't go through another year with someone that has made me hate everything about myself.Over the past year I have grown into someone who is strong and independent.I have a life that doesn't include worry, hate, or fear.I have a life that is full of joy and love."It isn't me you want.It is the life you wished you had all those years we were married.Now you have a chance to go find someone to complete it.Please, let me go," I sob.He doesn't speak and pulls into the driveway of his house.I don't move because I am trying to think of a way to get away from him.He walks around to my car door and yanks it open.He reaches for my arm and I grab ahold of his with my teeth.I bite as hard as I can and try to push him away from me.It isn't enough to stop him.He grabs the back of my head and slams my face into the concrete driveway.I can feel the small pebbles sink into my flesh as he holds me down."Stop fucking moving!" he yells.I try not to move because I can feel the concrete cutting into my face.He picks me up by my arm and shoves me toward the house.I try to walk as slowly as I can, hoping someone will walk out of their house and see that I need help.He opens the front door and pushes me inside.I run into the kitchen and he tackles me to the ground.I hate being in this room where he nearly killed me once.I will not let him get the best of me this time."Stop trying to get away and listen to me.I love you and you are making me hurt you," he utters.I take in a deep breath and relax."Okay, Michael.Talk," I say calmly."I am sorry for all this pain.I just don't want to lose you, and I need you to come home," he utters.There are no feelings in his tone.I only hear the monster he has always been.I am always worrying about Michael and his needs.He sure knows how to win someone back.As if that would ever happen.I listen to him go on and on about the same thing.I can't take the poor Michael story any longer.I have wasted enough my life on the bastard who stands before me."Michael, this is not what I want anymore [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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