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.I stood up again to start searching for some kind of escape.Any grates, gaps, windows, anything whatsoever.Likewise, Lily was doing the same.After several minutes of searching, I gave up.“Nothing,” I said.Lily’s voice echoed the same response.I sat on the floor of my cell, frustrated at everything.Victor had played me, Grace was a cow, Lily had been tortured, B3ast was incapacitated and Xander was innocent after all.Nobody should have the right to be able to imprison me like this.Nobody in Simulator was even close in status to me.I was going to be a super-model.A super-model.Grace was a pathetic cheater and Victor and her deserved each other.B3ast was just as weak, a coward behind his own powers.I wouldn’t be too fussed if he died.Lily and Xander were the only two people who hadn’t managed to do anything wrong as of yet.Xander was slowly going crazy though, if I didn’t get to him soon enough – to tell him it was okay, that I knew it wasn’t him – he’d be too far gone on his power bend to recover.Being bullied by Victor, losing me, nearly dying fighting Grace, having B3ast in his grasp and then watching him disappear, Victor now going after him and anything else inbetween, it was a miracle that he still had any ounce of feeling left to him.But now this game was making me angry.I was being held against my own will, trapped by the wants of a little, albeit sadistic, girl and I knew that I was so much better than this.The anger only intensified and although it was irrational, I just wanted to lash out at everything and everyone around me.I started to feel hot, as if the anger was literally giving me a fever and even then, this just made me angrier.I wished Grace was dead.Suddenly my skin erupted in flames, I yelled out, but it was too late.The lights in the hallway were on and Grace appeared.I needed to put the fire out or do something to make myself unnoticed before she blocked my power.Seeing her, however, just intensified my anger and without even thinking, the red and yellow flames leaping around my body, became blue and then invisible.Invisible.Grace couldn’t see me.I crouched in anticipation, waiting for her to discover I was missing.As she saw Lily and then B3ast, she turned to face my cell.I crouched in one of the corners, just in case.But suddenly, without rationality, I just launched myself at her.My manacles and chain-ball had long since melted off and I was fearless.I decided that I’d rather risk death than stay here, waiting for Grace to decide when it was time.She didn’t even see me coming.I sliced clean through the cell bars and watched as she was swept off her feet.She crashed into B3ast’s cage and slumped to the ground.She didn’t move.Taking the opportunity, I took her wand out of her hand and focussed my rage specifically at it.I was met with a satisfying hissing sound and then watched as the narrow strip of wood turned to ash.That was that problem sorted.Before Simulator, I might’ve thought I was good looking but now I was hot in more ways than one.I heard Lily groan at my terrible joke.Realising I had limited time, I melted through the bars of Lily’s prison cell.Sensing my thoughts, she found me, grabbed my hand and also became engulfed in my invisibility.I already seemed to have an element of control over this flame – but I couldn’t keep it up forever, I could feel myself begin to weaken.“What about me?” B3ast called out as Lily and I began to run for the exit.I paused, briefly considering the dangers.If I set him free, he’d potentially become a bigger risk than Grace was.If I didn’t set him free, he’d be after me with a vengeance.Darting back quickly, I slashed through the bars of his prison, kicking Grace in the ribs while doing so and then returning to Lily to continue on our escape.My eyes met with B3ast’s and it went unspoken that he was in debt to me; he nodded a gesture of gratitude.“I’m going to try find my computer, so don’t wait up or anything…?” B3ast awkwardly trailed off.“Yeah,” I said in an undertone to Lily, “we weren’t going to anyway.”We raced up the marble staircase that seemed to be leading out of the underground prison but we realised something was wrong when the stairs continued to reach infinitely higher.Looking to Lily, I realised she had noticed the same thing.“Did you see any doors that led out of this staircase back there?” I asked her.“No,” she sounded anxious, “none.”With no other choice we continued our ascent.Suddenly there was a screech behind us.“MY WAAANDD! I’M GOING TO GET YOU ALL!”A gust of wind suddenly blew up the staircase and what sounded like rocks bashing against metal echoed past us.“HOW DARE YOU! B3AST, YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR ME!”There were more yells, Grace still screeching curses.She was obviously awake and B3ast hadn’t managed to get far enough away.We didn’t have much time.With a renewed sense of urgency, Lily and I bolted to the top of what felt like a never-ending staircase.We finally reached it.Silence.We were standing in a circular-stone room, lit with flaming torches that were perched in metal brackets inlaid in the wall.There was an opening through which daylight streamed.I went over to what I thought was a door.I whimpered, “Impossible.”Lily had processed my thoughts before she even came over to look herself.Our eyes met, both relaying fear to one another.It was a window, so high above the ground that to jump would be suicide.Lily, without a second thought, climbed up onto the ledge.“LILY NO!” I yelled out.She was going to kill herself.Her only response was to reach out her hand to me.To take it would be spelling out my death.A shriek of triumph sounded behind me.Grace had arrived and was evidently satisfied.Death or Grace, death or Grace [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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