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.He said nothing to them, but watched as they walked in.On Harkman’s left, running for the length of the hall, was a bank of large drawers, painted grey.In the centre of the room, and, for some reason, at the place where the beams of several lights converged, was a large pile of discarded clothing, Harkman thought, whimsically, that it looked like the scene of an orgy that had been interrupted by a police-raid.‘Is that you, Paul?’ Julia said, narrowing her eyes against the glare of the lights.The figure made no movement or sound for nearly half a minute - during which time Harkman stepped forward, to be restrained by Julia’s hand on his arm - but then at last he came slowly forward.‘They’ve all gone,’ he said.‘The project has started.’‘Already?’ Julia said, in evident surprise.‘But you were going to wait - ’‘I had all the people I needed.No point delaying.’Julia glanced up at Harkman, and he saw a strange fear in her expression.She said: ‘Paul, I’ve found David Harkman.You remember, Don Mander proposed him?’‘David Harkman, is it?’‘David, this is Paul Mason, the director of our project.’‘Mason?’ Harkman extended a hand, but Mason ignored him and looked at Julia.‘So this is the David Harkman that’s so valuable to my project? Well, it’s no good, we’ve started and it’s too late for anyone else.’ He turned away, and went to stand beside the cabinets.He reached back with both hands, and pressed his palms against the smooth metal.‘I don’t know you, Harkman.Where are you from? What do you want here?’Harkman, irritated by the man’s manner - which lay somewhere between psychic disorder and plain rudeness - felt the temptation to give a sharp answer, but he saw Julia flash a warning look at him, and he remembered her request not to make a scene.He said: ‘I’ve been working at the Regional Commission, Mason.I was sent there from the Bureau of English - ’‘I don’t trust the Commission, Harkman.Nor anyone in it.What do you want here?’‘Paul, he was approved by the others.’‘The others have gone.You and I are the only two left.I want to know what this Commission man wants here.’‘We want him, Paul! ‘‘So you say.I select the participants for the project, not you.’Julia looked at Harkman again, this time with an expression of puzzled despair, then went forward to Mason.He turned away from her at once and walked down the line of metal cabinets, running a hand obsessively along the metal surfaces.With all that had happened during the day, Harkman had had no preconception of what he might find at the Castle.but this, with Mason apparently distracted beyond sense, was something he had no way of knowing how to deal with.‘Julia, is he sick?’ he said quietly.‘I’ve never seen him like this before,’ she said.‘When I left he was angry.but I hadn’t expected this.And where is everyone else?’Harkman said: ‘What shall we do?’Julia was silent, staring down the long room at Paul’s strangely neurotic figure.He was standing once again under the cluster of lights, his hands pressed against the nearest cabinet.Looking at him, Harkman could see why Julia had once been attracted to him.He was probably about the same age as she was, and was possessed of undoubted good looks, in a dark-haired, clean-cut way, but there was an ugliness to his mouth and a narrowness to his eyes that made Harkman dislike him.The fact that his dislike was evidently reciprocated came as no surprise: this, after all, was the other man in Julia’s life, and such confrontations were supposed to be charged with suppressed feelings.‘Do you know how this machinery works?’ Harkman said to Julia.‘Yes.Paul was explaining yesterday.’‘He seems incapable of explaining anything at the moment.What happens?’‘Each participant has a drawer to himself.Mine is that one.’She pointed towards the drawer about eighth or ninth from the nearer end, and Harkman realized that this was one of the three that were still not fully closed.‘How do you know that one is yours?’ Harkman said.‘They all look the same.’‘Because.I’m not sure.’ Julia looked at the other two, shook her head.‘I know it’s mine, because it feels like mine.I can’t say why [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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