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.He looked down at the shield.His lips twitched.His mouth clamped closed.The shield began to shine; the light quickly grew until the whole shield was wrapped in a golden radiance that shifted and pulsed.Norouk screamed in horror as he stared, transfixed, at the rune-covered shield.The shield burst into a blinding light that filled the valley.A deafening cheer rose from a thousand human voices.Dean’s mouth opened as he looked around at an army of warriors.One standing above Dean turned his head and stared at Dean.“Thank you.” The silver-haired man gave a sweeping bow.“This fight is no longer yours.It’s ours.” The man drew a silver sword and turned to face Norouk.“Graylen?” Norouk asked with horror and disbelief in his voice.“Coren?”A young man moved to stand beside Graylen.His armor was dented and battered, but he had a regal bearing.“Norouk.” Coren raised his hand, and the men behind him drew their swords.“Coren, wait,” Norouk pleaded.“Let me explain.I let Graylen have his last words.Give me mine.Let me explain.”Coren stepped forward.“Traitors don’t deserve last words.” Coren’s sword drove straight through Norouk’s breast.As Norouk slumped to the ground, a deafening roar came from the warriors.They raised their swords and attacked their murderers.The four companions turned their eyes from the carnage as the warriors of Wardevar crushed all of the Vereortu in only a few gruesome minutes.When the last of the Vereortu fell, the warriors cheered in a triumphant call that swelled into a gust.The warriors stamped their feet and cried louder.The gust turned into a gale that swept about the companions and blinded them with the flying sands.Dean shielded his face as the sand blasted against his skin.The swirling wind’s shriek grew so loud that he pressed his hands over his ears and tucked his chin against his chest.As suddenly as the wind started, it stopped.As they looked around, they saw the valley floor swept smooth, with no trace of Norouk, the Vereortu, the Wardevar, Graylen, or Coren.A faint sound at the end of the valley made them turn.The sound grew louder until they could hear singing.They couldn’t make out the words of the song, but they rose beautifully into the air.Slowly the singing faded away, except for the last lingering notes that echoed softly through the valley.CHAPTER EIGHTEENThe Lion ManDean awoke with a start.It was midday, and he’d only slept for a couple of hours, but the events of the morning seemed to have taken place long before.As he looked up at the sky, he saw it was again filled with black clouds, only they now seemed nearer and darker.He woke the others and turned to look to the north, over the woods that stretched before them.Soon, they would be at Volsur’s.Naviak.The others were soon ready to move, though they were still weary.As they looked at Dean, he straightened up and walked forward.He didn’t have a plan yet, but he didn’t want to tell them that.They decided to travel through the woods and not on the main road.Oieda led the way as they silently slipped between the trees like shadows wrapped around the trunks.The days were cheerless, for they spoke little, whether because of the foul, cold, black days or their thoughts about what would soon happen.The nights were pitch-black; no stars shined, and no wind stirred the trees.The woods were filled with invisible creatures who moved and chattered in the darkness.They chanced no fire and slept little.On the sixth day, the woods thinned and the clouds seemed to lower.As the shadows of day lengthened, they could see the lights of the city ahead.They stopped to camp and to plan.They all tried to think of different ways to come into the city.They talked long into the night.A great sense of urgency pressed on their minds.In the end, it was Dean who decided to go right into Naviak.Now, outside, there were too many things that could only be guessed at.The only way they could make a plan was to get inside and look around.They sat in a circle on the ground, and Dean drew a large circle with a stick.He drew a gate with a stick figure next to it.“This is Naviak.Dalvin said the city itself was guarded by humans.”“Filthy traitors.” Oieda spat on the stick figure.“That’s kinda gross but funny.” Han grinned.“Why does Volsur have humans watch the city?”“Because Krulgs would kill the slaves too often,” Bravic said.“Slaves?” Dean asked.“Under Volsur’s rule, there are two options: soldier or slave,” Bravic explained.“Dalvin had no idea about the number of soldiers but he said they’re human.The Krulgs and Varlugs stay out of the city, so it’s almost all humans.That works for us too.”“How?” Oieda asked.“We try to blend in,” Dean said.“You know, when in Rome.”“Rome?” Han asked as everyone looked quizzically up at Dean.“It’s a city in my world.oh, skip it.We have to act like them.Blend in.Instead of skins, now we have to wear masks.”“That means you keep your big mouth closed.” Bravic pointed at Han.Han sat up straighter but pressed his lips together.“Good work, already.” Oieda patted Han on the back, and Han smirked at Bravic.“The castle’s a different story,” Dean continued.“Dalvin said it’s guarded by Krulgs and Varlugs.He doesn’t know how many, but I don’t think it will be a lot.”“Why? It’s his castle now.Wouldn’t he surround himself with an army?” Bravic asked.“It’s Volsur we’re talking about,” Dean said.“He’s prideful.I bet he thinks he doesn’t need an army around himself.”“It still will not be easy,” Oieda said.Dean nodded.“This might be a stupid question, but I have to ask it.Tomorrow we’ll be in Naviak.I don’t have a plan for how to get in besides just walking through the gate.I also don’t have a plan for how to get out.What I’m saying is.if we do make it to Volsur, I don’t see any of us making it back out.”“We know, Dean.” Oieda had a puzzled look on her face.“What I’m saying.we might die.I might get you all killed, and I really don’t know if it’s fair for me to ask that from you.”“You never asked me.I said I was coming.” Han leapt to his feet.“I told you I was coming.I’ll tell you again, too, if you have any crazy notion of trying to leave me behind,” Bravic growled.“Dean.We all came with you because we chose to.If we must die to defeat Volsur, then we must die.” Oieda walked next to Dean.“Then we’ll all go?”The three nodded their heads.That night they slept little, if at all.They stared at the few lights that still burned in Naviak, Volsur’s stronghold, the end of their journey.They woke to a morning almost as black as the night.A thick fog lay all around and seemed to press into them.They ate nothing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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