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.” A shudder, involuntary and quickly suppressed, shook the old man under his suit.“Him? You know who did this?”“Oh, yes.I know him.”“Sir, what I saw—what happened to the men—there’s no way anything human did that.It looked like some kind of animal.”“Not an animal, no,” he said.“A predator, but not an animal.”“I don’t understand.”The old man sighed.“Before tonight, you thought you knew secrets.One of the few pressed into service, to carry the burdens of what it takes to keep this country safe.The elite.Don’t argue with me.Don’t look at me with that false humility.Admit it.You loved the idea of power.Of being privy to the real action in the world while everyone else swallowed lies.”Graves nodded.Lord grinned and moved closer.“Well, boy, let me tell you, you have no fucking idea.”Suddenly Graves was looking into the barrel of a.45, a WWII-vintage Colt Peacemaker.“Are you sure you want to know the truth?” Lord asked.Before Graves could say anything, the old man pushed the gun a little closer.“Think carefully.Do you want to know the real answers? I’m about to bring you inside the knowledge, son.But there is always a choice.Just say the word.I will set you free.”For a moment, Graves considered it.As if it was a real choice.He wasn’t sure if he wanted to live in a world where the things he’d seen over the past forty-eight hours could happen.Oddly, he thought of his mother.He hadn’t spoken to her since he had taken on his new name and identity.He barely even thought about her anymore, except perhaps at Christmas.But now he wondered, what would she think of what he’d become? Was this what she wanted for him?For a moment, he thought it might be better to take the bullet.But that was crazy.He blinked, and the moment was gone.“I have to know,” he said.Lord nodded and lowered the gun to the table.“Yes, you do.That’s our gift and our curse.We have to know the secrets.And we have to carry them, ever after.It’s why we chose you, after all.”“What does this have to do with anything? Who killed my men?”“A vampire,” the old man said.Despite everything, Graves almost laughed.But the old man’s face was devoid of humor.“What do you mean?”“Every presidential assassination attempt since Lincoln has been carried out in broad daylight.Now you know why.”“Sir, when you say ‘vampire’—”Lord slammed his glass on the table, splashing whiskey and nearly upsetting the bottle.“I mean a goddamned vampire.Clear the wax out of your ears.”Graves apologized, but inside he wondered if the old man was insane, or if he was.If he had not seen the bodies of his agents, if he had not heard that voice on the phone, he would have run for the door.“There’s more to this world than the things you can see,” Lord said.“There are hidden chapters to history, and not all of them were written by men.Think about what you saw.Think about the voice you heard.Was that human?”Graves shook his head.No.That was not human.He was sure of that.“Just be grateful you didn’t meet him in person,” Lord said.“You wouldn’t be here.”“Who is he?”“You’ll find out.Along with many other things.But first, I want you to answer a very important question.”The old man leaned close.“Haven’t you ever noticed the similarities between spycraft and witchcraft?” Lord asked.Graves shook his head, confused.“Think about it.Witches revere true names—they are the way to control demons.While we use false names to get close to people, and then use their demons—alcohol, homosexuality, pederasty—to control them.Witches speak magic words to unlock secrets.We use code words.They talk of crossing over to the ‘Other Side,’ the place beyond death.We refer to the enemy as the Other Side, and when we find a traitor, we say he’s gone over.It’s all about who controls reality.That’s what we’re after.That’s what we’ve always been after.”Graves struggled to keep up.This was all starting to be too much.Sure, he’d heard about some esoteric projects run by the Agency.Things like MK-ULTRA, or CONNECTICUT-HULU, or even the rumors about what they were keeping out at Groom Lake.That stuff sounded like science fiction, and it was real.He’d seen it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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