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.”“You’d be surprised how many people tell me that,” Fil muttered.“I guess that means you won’t let us hang around and stand guard while you work, either?”“What part of ‘peace’ did you not understand?” Wynn gave her an exaggerated stare.“Plus, Goddess knows how long it will take me to actually see something.Scrying isn’t like casting a normal spell.Whatever I ask to see, I still have to wait for the vision, and although I’ve had it come in minutes, I’ve also had to wait days.Sometimes even weeks.You are not going to hang around watching my TV and eating my snacks for that long.It would spell the end of our friendship.Hell, of any friendship!”“I’m not sure we have weeks, Wynn.”She sighed.“I know.I’m praying it won’t take that long, but to have you stand guard around me and wait would just be silly.Besides, my apartment is warded tighter than a tick.I’ll be safe there, I promise.”“You realize I’m holding you to that, right?”“Mais oui, as you francophones say.”Fil didn’t find the wink that accompanied the statement as reassuring as she was sure Wynn had intended.Which probably had something to do with the new habit she developed of pacing around the apartment in circles that drove Spar to the brink of insanity.“Little one,” he repeated daily, usually more than once, “wearing yourself into exhaustion will not hurry the process.Wynn’s vision will come when it comes.Sit and try to focus on something else.”On the third evening, he pretty much lost it.“For the sake of the Eternal Light, woman, sit! Down!”Fil shot him a glare.“I can’t! What the hell is taking her so long? I know she said this wasn’t instantaneous, but it’s been three days! The Order could have killed someone else by now.Shit, they could have killed another dozen people.We have to find them.”Spar grasped her shoulders to hold her in place.“We all know the dangers, Felicity.Do you think Wynn does not take this seriously?”“Fil,” she corrected, mostly out of habit at this point.She’d given up any real hope of getting him to stop using her full name.“I know she’s taking it seriously, I’m just so frustrated.I’m sick of looking over my shoulder every five minutes, and I’m sick of worrying what else the nocturnis are going to do before we can stop them.If they manage to restore the demon to its full strength, we’ll be screwed, especially with Ella still having trouble finding the rest of you Guardians.”She dropped her head to his chest—which was almost as good as banging it against a brick wall—and smacked him ineffectually with the flat of her left hand.“And I’m sick of having this stupid mark still clinging to my skin.You know, for the last year or so I’d been giving some serious thought to getting a tattoo, but I think this thing has turned me off the idea of permanent body art in a big way.”Spar raised her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to the center of her palm.“I cannot say I can blame you for that.Try to remember what Wynn said.It will fade eventually.You must be patient.”“Yeah, you can see how well I’m doing in that department.”He hugged her.“It is difficult for all of us.Come, you need a distraction.You will show me once again how to play this game called poker.Only this time, you will show me the tricks your grandmother taught you.”Fil appreciated his effort, really she did, but the fact that he actually won a couple of the hands they played demonstrated exactly how much trouble she had concentrating on anything else.For some reason, the tension always got worse after dark, too.Maybe she was just that superstitious, but she couldn’t help thinking that every time the sun set, the Order got a little closer to bringing about the end of the world.Intellectually, she realized evil could operate in the daylight just as well as in the dark—well, she realized it now, since Spar had patiently explained to her that vampires did not really exist—but her subconscious still equated black magic with the hours of darkness.Who had known she was such a traditionalist?When the phone rang just after nine that night, Fil practically flew across the apartment to answer it.If this wasn’t Wynn with good news, she really was going to lose her mind.“Hello?”“Fil? Hey, it’s Rick.”She nearly dropped the phone.“Rick?” Out of the corner of her eye she saw Spar glance at her curiously.“I … I, uh, didn’t expect to hear from you.”“Yeah, I know [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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