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.Harry had seen Lola once or twice sliding into Matthew’s car beside him and hadn’t missed the look on her face.It was an even bet Carmen didn’t know that Matthew had personally escorted Lola to her training.Lola was certainly learning something, but Harry doubted that it had much to do with nails.‘Well, maybe I’ll wait until Lola’s completed her course, then I can have the works,’ said Harry, trying to imagine what George would say if she turned up to mend an engine sporting inch-long, painted talons.At least she’d got Carmen off her back, she thought, watching her trot away proudly; although hopefully Matthew would find himself being waxed in all kinds of painful places once she found out what he was up to with Lola.And, if the letter she had in her pocket turned out to be a real threat, she would be only too happy to volunteer to help Carmen.‘It’s all right, Trev, she’s not stopping.’Trevor emerged from the back of the shop where he’d been trying to hide his big frame in the shadows and edged forward until he was standing just behind Frankie.‘What am I, Trev, a human shield? She’s gone.Look! I wonder where she’s off to in such a hurry?’Together they watched as Harry disappeared up the road.‘I’m just glad it’s not here.I couldn’t face her today, Frankie.I’m nervous enough about whether or not this is the right direction for the business, without a cross-examination from Harry.’Frankie sighed.‘You’re not having second thoughts, are you, Trev?’Trevor lifted his stubbled chin.‘I can’t say I’m not worried, Frankie.’‘What are you worrying about, Trev? Not what Harry Watling thinks, surely?’ said Frankie, feeling mutinous.‘You know my theory about that.What Harry Watling needs is a right good −’‘Frankie!’‘Oh, all right, Trev.Stop being so sensitive.I’m not asking you to do it.Anyone can see who she’s got the hots for.That’s what this fuss about the restaurant really boils down to.Harry’s just found out that you can’t choose who you fall in lust with and she doesn’t like it.Any normal guy walking into that place after a stream of round-Britain sailors would make an impression,’ − he shuddered − ‘but someone like Matthew would have really woken her up.’Frankie turned to get a better look at his partner.‘Look, Trev, we don’t need Harry’s approval to do some work for him or to revamp the business.I mean, by anyone’s standards the place is due for an overhaul, but if all you want to do is give the shop a lick of paint we might as well not bother.Let’s think big and not make excuses for it.’Trevor drew back.‘I’m not, but …’‘I know,’ Frankie said gently.‘I understand that this is about more than Harry’s opinion.I know what you’re scared of, but really, Trev, isn’t it about time we started living truthfully? It’s the deception that’s breaking you down, not what Harry thinks or doesn’t think about how we decorate the shop.I like Harry, she’s always been good to us, but if she expects everyone to live in the past like her, she’s wrong.If that restaurant brings in half the customers it’s expected to, we’ve got to be prepared to use it to our advantage.’‘I just feel for her, Frankie.You know she’s not half as tough as she makes out; it’s worrying about what’s going to happen to the boat yard that’s making her so snappy.’Frankie rubbed his head.‘Yeah, I know.But Harry’s got to let go like the rest of us.It’s about time Little Spitmarsh had its day, so let’s be part of it.Let’s enjoy it and deal with any problems that come along the way we always have – together.’Big old softie, he thought, as Trevor struggled to control his emotions.‘Well, then,’ said Trevor.‘How about soft pinks with amber, a little turquoise and a touch of chartreuse green?’‘Lovely, Trevor, if you want it to look like a teenage girl’s idea of a tart’s boudoir.’‘Look, Frankie, I’ve had it up to here with calm and neutral.What is the point of a “robust buff” colour anyway?’Frankie slapped his hand to his forehead.‘Now I remember the real reason why we’ve never managed to decorate the shop; it’s because we have to overcome the problem of your execrable taste.’Trevor looked at him beadily.‘You said it.’‘Right, that’s it.’ Frankie clicked his fingers and summoned Phil towards him.‘Phil and I are going for a walk,’ he said, fastening the dog’s lead.‘We may even catch up with Harry, and I might just let it slip that you’ve insisted on a huge, flamboyant makeover for the shop to attract all Matthew’s high-spending customers.’Hmm.Now who had a touch of chartreuse green about him?Harry wasn’t sure what Little Spitmarsh had done to merit having a solicitor like Andrew Lawrence; well over six foot, in his early forties, with the hooked nose of a natural predator and glittering black eyes, he oozed equal quantities of Aramis, charm and virility.There was talk of a rather lurid sexual harassment case in a previous life, which had forced him to lie low in Little Spitmarsh until the dust settled; but Harry had no doubt that, given a couple of years, he’d be back in the race for world domination.At least he took the trouble to pull out a chair for Harry, rather than, as she’d feared, inviting her to sit on his lap.‘Now, please tell me this is a joke,’ Harry began.Andrew Lawrence beamed back at her.That had to be a good sign, surely?‘Manorial rights.’ He smacked his lips as if he was preparing to take a bite out of her.‘Very interesting! It goes without saying, I suppose, that you had no idea, when you assumed ownership of the business, that the area referred to in this document was subject to such rights? No mention on the Land Registry?’Clearly he knew she didn’t, Harry thought helplessly; he just enjoyed watching her squirm whilst he prolonged the agony.After a pause while he waited, presumably, for beads of fear to appear on her upper lip, he tore his eyes away from her to give a soft chuckle at the paperwork laid out before him.Harry couldn’t wait to join in the fun.‘My father could be impulsive, but he wasn’t reckless.He would never have chosen that location for the boat yard if he thought someone else owned the access.If this is a genuine claim, don’t you think we would have known about it sooner?’ she asked nicely.Andrew Lawrence ignored her.‘It makes fascinating reading; the title was originally bestowed on Percival Campion, “Innkeeper and purveyor of fine oysters”.The story goes that the king granted the honour after being Percy’s guest.Percy provided the king with a feast of his oysters, and the king decided to put their renowned aphrodisiac qualities to the test.It must have been quite a night, or quite a lady.Who knows? It might even have been Percy’s own wife, in which case he was definitely owed a favour,’ he observed, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms behind his head to give her a blood-curdling smile.‘But surely,’ Harry began, then had to clear her throat so that she could continue on a stronger sounding note, ‘surely feudal law has nothing to do with a twenty-first-century legal system?’‘You’d think so, wouldn’t you?’ said Andrew Lawrence, leaning across the desk as if trying to smell her.‘But as it stands manorial rights are categorised as overriding interests, so you as a landowner are subject to them even if they are not mentioned in the register [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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