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.You never could be too careful.The sidewalk in front of Greene's was tidy—no litter, no gum on the pavement like some of the other stores in this part of town—with an old-fashioned green awning over the doorway.I knew bigger and better things were to come when Mark completed construction on the new office complex, but I was going to miss the old place.I pulled the heavy wood and glass door open and stepped inside.Carol looked up from her a pile of paperwork."Howdy, stranger."She got up from her desk and came around the big counter to give me a hug.She smelled of Estée Lauder perfume and powder."You look swamped," I said."I guess I suck at this whole business partner thing."Carol laughed."Are you kidding? You're a great partner.You fronted the money and let me have my way.I'm in control-freak heaven."Carol did like things a certain way.When I had first started filling in at Greene's, it had taken me awhile to get used to her systems.Tabitha must be making her crazy."So, anything I can help you with?"She waved a hand."No, this is easy.I want to get you prepared for Monday." She blinked at me through her thick glasses."You're sure you can commit to this? No more hitmen, pirates, or the like?""One hundred percent.I'm actually looking forward to it.Being a rock star isn't all it's cracked up to be.I need a break from it."Carol nodded sympathetically."It seems a little dangerous too.I can't believe what you've been through the past couple of weeks.And poor Andre and Marsha! They're lucky to be alive.""I'm not sure how bad Andre feels about the whole thing.I think he just had the opportunity of a lifetime to hook up with Marsha, and he took full advantage." I laughed."Oh?" Carol's eyes gleamed."Do tell."She loved a good romance story.When she wasn't matching temps up with jobs, she tried to match them up with each other.Not always a good idea given the temporary cliental, but at least Carol had all the background info on them before she set them up.More than you could hope for when you met somebody in a bar."How 'bout I buy you a drink at McGlynn's when we're done and give you all the details?" McGlynn's was my favorite watering hole and my regular music gig.It was also conveniently located across the street from Greene's."Deal! Oooh, I wonder if it's Karaoke Night!""Nope," I said quickly."Not on a Saturday.It'll be live music." Thank God.Karaoke was the bane of live musicians eking out a name for themselves on any local bar scene.Why pay a musician if your customers could amuse themselves with a $99 Karaoke machine? "Hey, a couple of them might even be good singers," said the bar owners.Yeah, right."Okay, then let's get to work." Carol rubbed her hands together eagerly.I took a seat in front of her desk."Here's your itinerary for the first week."She handed me a clump of papers.I flipped through.Monday: Meeting with HR at 9:00 and 1:00.Meeting with Department Heads 10:00.Meeting with plant supervisors 2:00.And so on."What's with all the meetings?""I agree it's a lot, but they want to get to know you by having you sit in on all of their regular meetings.Helps you get a feel for what's going on behind the scenes as well," Carol explained."So where are the temps while I'm in these meetings?""Out working on the lines." Carol gave me a "Duh" look."So who's watching the temps if all the supervisors are in meetings all day?" Hey, I'm no genius, but I'd worked with temps long enough to know you just don't leave a bunch of temps to supervise themselves.That's probably how the Apocalypse would start.Carol blinked at me.I think she was struggling with the idea of having to change her neat itinerary, including contacting the customer with the changes, and the Apocalyptic vision I'd now planted in the corner of her brain reserved for worst-case scenarios."Oh, my," she said."I think I should attend most of these meetings on the first day just to make an appearance.But my time should be spent in each department making sure the department supervisors are happy.Maybe I could get there early when the shift starts to check for any no-shows and try to get replacements.Then when I walk into a meeting I'm not getting crucified by the supervisors because they don't have enough temps." I had a picture in my mind's eye of me sitting in a meeting, munching a donut, while a production supervisor blamed a line shut-down on me.Carol regrouped."Okay.Good idea.And let's send an extra three people per shift per department.If they don't need them, we'll pay show up time.""Or I can shop them around to another department."Carol snapped her fingers."Bingo!" She furrowed her brow."The shifts are staggered by department starting at 7:30, 7:45, 8:15, 8:30, and there's a small second shift at 3:30 and 4:00.You'll access the computer and confirm if they've punched in on our time clocks.""We have our own time clocks there? Cool.""Cool but really expensive.I'm hoping they pay off.So you get there at 7:30 and count off all our temps.See if the supervisor needs anything else and then move on to the next time clock.Once you've checked everyone in you can go to the meetings."Sounded easy enough."Seems straightforward.I'd better wear my running shoes.How big's the plant?""Big," Carol replied."But make sure you still look like the boss.Suit jacket, slacks, etc." She glanced pointedly at my jeans and tank top."Yes, Mom.I clean up good, you know.So I call back to you as I need people during the day, or do I fill the orders myself?"Carol nodded."If you have excess temps in a department and can move them around, then you handle it.But you have to put the work order changes in the computer or the wrong department will get billed, and you'll really tick off the supervisors.Their bonuses are based on expenses.If you get new orders, enter them in the system and give us a call.""I'm assuming 'us' is you and Tabitha." I sighed."She's learning the ropes, Diana.Frankly, I've got no one else, and when Mr.Pyres comes back from Yugoslavia, we'll probably have to find someone to replace her."Tabitha was easily the worst office temp in the history of office temps [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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