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.You probably have a hot date to hurry off to.” Derrick leaned toward the woman and gazed at her with a look that could only be described as debonair, like he thought he could hypnotize her with his eyes.The officer met Derrick’s gaze but didn’t respond.After a moment of silent waiting, she opened her mouth just wide enough to ask again.“Your license?”“Of course,” Derrick finally said.He reached into his pocket and took out his wallet.“I guess I was just distracted by your lovely eyes,” he went on.“But if you don’t mind me asking, what seems to be the problem?”The officer retrieved the ID from Derrick’s outstretched hand.“The speed limit here is forty-five.You were going sixty-eight.”Derrick’s eyes widened like a sad puppy.“Really? I’m sorry, officer.I’m visiting from out-of-town.I guess I’m not familiar with this road.I promise to be more careful.”“You’re just lucky I’m not writing you up for reckless driving,” she answered coldly.The officer took Derrick’s registration and returned to her vehicle.Derrick glanced over at me with a surprised look on his face.“I think she’s actually going to give me a ticket.” He chuckled to himself.“That’s never happened to me before.”“Seriously?” I said, feeling skeptical.“But you drive like a maniac.”“That’s true.It’s more fun that way.” Derrick pulled the rearview mirror down and examined his face.“Maybe it’s this new look I’ve been trying out.It must be too boring.I’ve been pulled over dozens of times before, but I’ve never actually been cited for it.” He grinned and settled back into the leather seat, raising his eyebrows with anticipation.“This will be a first for me.”I’d never seen anyone so excited to get a traffic ticket before.I almost thought Derrick was going to kiss the officer’s hand when she returned to give him the citation.She looked befuddled as Derrick met her with a wide smile, thanking her and wishing her a wonderful evening.My face probably looked just as confused as hers did.Derrick was turning out to be a little on the strange side.Derrick skimmed over the paperwork while the officer walked back to her car.“That’s it?” he said, disappointed.“You just pay a fine and you’re off the hook?”“Sort of,” I said.“But if you get too many tickets, they take away your license.”Derrick shrugged and turned the ignition, pulling the convertible back onto the road.With the paper clutched in one hand, he crumpled it into a ball and tossed it back over his shoulder.I stared at him incredulously as the citation tumbled behind us down the highway and out of sight.Most people I knew were angry, or at least a little shaken, after getting pulled over.Derrick, on the other hand, appeared to be completely unaffected.“So, should we head over to your place?” he said lightly, picking up exactly where our conversation had left off.First, I had Derrick drop me off outside Heather’s house to pick up my car.I’d left it parked there earlier that afternoon, so Heather and I could drive to the beach together.When we arrived at my house, Derrick waited in the living room while I changed.I slid into a nice pair of jeans and a soft pink blouse, along with the thick, turquois cuff bracelet Heather gave me for Christmas last year.When I was ready to go, Derrick and I headed back out the front door, only to stop a few feet away.Rayne stood at the edge of the drive waiting for us.His Range Rover was parked sideways along the street in front of the driveway, blocking Derrick’s car from the exit.I hid my exhilaration and relief, letting only my pride show through.I stomped across the yard in Rayne’s direction.“What are you doing?” I said coarsely.It was obvious Derrick wasn’t afraid of a fight.In fact, he looked excited at the possibility.Any sort of trouble seemed to be his favorite pastime.Derrick sped ahead of me across the grass.“Just wait here,” he said to me.“I can handle this.”Rayne’s body tightened at Derrick’s approach.“It appears your car is blocking my exit,” Derrick said.“Sadie and I were just leaving, unless you have a problem with that.”“You’re not going anywhere with her,” Rayne said.“Not if I can help it.”Derrick smiled.“I was hoping you’d say that.So, you’re ready to finish what we started at the beach, then?”Rayne pushed past Derrick.“I’m not interested in a fight.I’m here to talk to Sadie.I’ll move my car as soon as she’s in it.Then you’re going to leave…alone.”“I don’t think that’s really up to you,” Derrick said to Rayne’s back.“Did you also bring a pair of handcuffs to chain her to the seat? Sadie’s a big girl.She can make her own decisions.”Rayne ignored him and hurried to my side.“We need to talk; you know it just as much as I do.Will you please get in the car?”I didn’t budge.“Why? So you can fill my head with more lies? Or maybe one girl to make-out with per night isn’t enough for you?”Rayne put his hands on my shoulders, drawing me closer.His voice was quiet and gentle with concern.“Please believe me.Nicole was drunk and ready to drive her car into a pole.I had no choice but to help her.I have no desire, whatsoever, to kiss her or any other girl.Only you.”Rayne’s gaze wouldn’t leave mine.I stared up at him, hesitating, but knowing deep down I believed him.Derrick’s voice broke the silence.“Listen,” he said, leaning against the side of his mustang.“This little thing between you two is very sweet and all, but I’m starting to lose interest.Do you think you could speed things along and make a decision?”Derrick’s comment only confirmed what I already knew.He didn’t care about me or anybody else, only himself.I was stupid for even stepping foot in Derrick’s car to begin with, for considering going anywhere with him.I was just so fed up with everything right now.I was tired of worrying, and being lied to.I hated feeling scared about so many different things all at one time.My head was a swirl of massive confusion.I hardly felt like myself anymore.Without saying another word, I looked at both Derrick and Rayne with exasperation.Then I marched to the bottom of the driveway, dropped myself into Rayne’s car, and slammed the door behind me.I was hoping that would mean the end of any possible confrontation between the two guys, and I had the urge to watch them through the window just to be sure, but my indignation wouldn’t allow it.I sat with arms folded, staring blankly at the street in front of me.I was secretly relieved when Rayne entered the driver’s side door a moment later.I glanced at him from the corner of my eye.When I saw that he was fine, no cuts or black eyes of any kind, I went back to staring silently out the window as he directed his car away from the curb.Rayne let me be for a time.I felt his glance every few minutes on the side of my face, but he didn’t speak.He drove the car aimlessly through my neighborhood, then out to the surrounding city streets, heading nowhere in particular.He was giving me the time we both knew I needed.I wondered what he must be thinking right now.Was I anything like the girl he met five months ago on the beach, the one he had watched grow out of childhood from across the street over the last ten years? Did I even recognize myself anymore? I could feel the anger taking hold on my heart, turning me into a mess of frustration and doubts, turning me away from the people I loved.Had I let my problems harden me into a person driven by fear? Was I too caught up in my own anger to forgive or to trust? That was never me.And it wasn’t who I wanted to be.I couldn’t take it anymore.“Stop the car,” I said, out of nowhere [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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