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.See him keep a straight face.Ardie didn't, though, chuckling away. Oh, if that's the truth,West, you're in for a world of disappointment.""I doubt it.I know what I'm getting into. He so did, downdeep. Chapter TenWest was nervous.No, scared.Petrified.It was one thing to be Ard's lover in the city, on the road, butin Ard's house?With the kids and the family and everything.Christ.He sat in his car, watching Ard open the gate, trying notfreak the fuck out.Ard got back into the car, hand moving to sit on his thigh,where it had been the bulk of their trip. You're alreadyfamily, West.We're just making it official.""You sure you want to do this, love? I don't want to screw upyour life.""Stop the car, West.""Huh? He hit the brakes, half-scared Ard was going to tellhim to go now that everything was set to come back.Ardie's fingers went beneath his chin and turned his face to Ardie's fingers went beneath his chin and turned his face tolook into Ard's. I love you, West.I've been wishing most ofmy life to introduce you as my lover.I'm not going to changemy mind now that I can."He was given a long kiss, Ardie's tongue pushing into hismouth. Now, let's get home and give them the good news.""Oh.Okay. It was a dazed and beaming man that pulledinto the farm.The whole brood came out to meet them and Mabel tookone look at her brother and crowed. It's about damnedtime, Maynard Bodine.""About time what? asked Agnes, looking from Mabel toArdie to him.Ard chuckled and slipped an arm around his waist. Me andWest are together."Aggie's mouth dropped open. As in fucking?""Aggie! Keep a civil tongue in your mouth while the kids areup and about! Ardie frowned at her.But then he chuckled,and who could blame him, because she looked about asshocked as could be."Well, I'm sorry, Ard.I thought you were going to die avirgin.I never realized." "Aggie. West looked over, grinned, cheeks on fire. Shutup, and tell your brother congratulations.""Yeah.Christ.Congratulations, Ardie.What the hell yougoing to tell the church ladies?""That at least you're not pregnant again. Ardie looked likenothing was going to phase him just now and that handaround his waist stayed there."Bu-Pa? What does it mean? asked Alice."It means me and West are going to be together like yourAunt Mabel and Uncle Billy.""You gonna have a wedding?""I don't know. Ardie turned to him. You want a ceremony orparty or something, West? To mark the occasion?""I just want to be home for a while, Ard. Please.He stillwasn't used to there being so many people.Ardie nodded and smiled. Yeah, West is right.Maybe tomark a year or something.For now, let's just get settled.He nodded to the kids. Go get our bags and put them inmy room, okay?""Okay, Bu-Pa! They ran over to the car, arguing about whogot to carry what. West met Mabel's eyes, smiled. You cool with this, Bell?"She laughed and grinned at him. Are you kidding? I'vebeen telling Ardie off for not saying anything to you foryears.It's about time he brought you home for real.""It all happened fast.So fast, once it happened."She laughed. Oh, I'm glad you added that last bit, West,because I would say that was the longest courtship inhistory."Ardie'd gone red. Can't be a courtship if only one partyknows, Mabel.""Exactly, you big lug."West chuckled, shook his head. I needed time, Bell.Ineeded to know it was time to come home.""See? I was biding my time until it was the right time.Ardie's arm felt good around his waist, right.Mabel snorted, the sound so like Ardie. You were just tooscared, Bu-Pa."Ardie was beet red now, eyes on the porch. Yeah, maybe."Mabel chuckled and leaned up to kiss her brother's cheek. Well, I'm real glad you finally said something. Her eyes narrowed suddenly and she looked over at him. He did saysomething, right? Or did you guess?""I kissed him.Then I sort of kissed him again."Mabel bopped Ardie on the arm. You didn't tell him! Youbig goof.""Hush now, Mabel our friendship was more important.Ididn't want to put any pressure on West.Don't you havesomething to cook or bake? Ardie's hand had tightened onhis waist. I'm taking my lover upstairs now."His cheeks went red and hot, but he nodded.They'd waitedforever to lie together in a bed of their own.Ardie's suddenly mischievous look should have warnedhim, the man looking suddenly fifteen again, and damn,Ardie could move fast when he wanted to.Ardie bent andpicked him up, one arm beneath his shoulder and onebeneath his knees, carrying him over the threshold,laughing and happy.His laughter was swallowed in Ard's kiss, West getting lostin it, just like that.Ardie took him upstairs, kissing him all the way, breathlessby the time he was put down in Ardie's room.He got a grin,Ardie looking sheepish but happy. I couldn't resist." "You spoil me.I'm not going to know how to manage, beingso happy."Ardie chuckled. I imagine you'll figure something out.Probably work too hard and make me come to your officeand drag you home or something.""Oh, okay.That's a good plan. He grinned, looked around [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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