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.So what did she think? Should she just go off with him, without a word toMistress Leila?It was that last statement of his, about  stiff-chinned, unlistening seniors, and thebrief glimpse of loss in his eyes before he said it, that decided her.But, I ll keep myeyes and ears open, she thought, remembering that no adventure in the history playsbegan with anyone saying:  Here s your path.Follow the signs and everything willbe easy. Second thing, she said. I don t know much about riding though I m ready tolearn but I know lots about sneaking, and& and acting.If any people see you, theywill know immediately that something is wrong.You keep looking around andstalking like ten fanged tigers are after you.Tyron said,  But we ve got to hurry if we re to  You don t need everyone to see it, do you? Walk like you re busy, but not likeyou re desperate.He gave a brief grin. All right.Got it.Stay here while I get my stuff.Don t letanyone see you.I ll be back just as fast as I can.Be ready to climb up behind me.We are going to ride. Chapter Five« ^ »Wren stood listening to some unseen birds scolding and wondered when MistressLeila would discover her absence.She felt a twinge of worry at the thought of beingfound and sent back to the orphanage in disgrace, but shook off the fears.No useborrowing trouble.Could be I ll see plenty soon enough.Then she heard the thudding of a horse s hooves on grass, and Wren had to keepa new, sharper fear from making her hide.Orphanage prentices had little to do withhorses, unless they were training for stable work.Horses were expensive, and onlythe rich rode them.But here was Tyron on a brown horse that looked as tall as a house.He reined itin and held down a hand to Wren.She swallowed in a dry throat, looking at thehorse s large eyes and tossing head, then thought: Eren Beyond-Stars never showedfear.Keeping her face unconcerned, she stepped forward firmly.She didn t know how to climb on something that moved and had no corners orbranches.It took Tyron pulling hard to get her up.Once aboard, she clasped herarms around his waist. Here we go, he said.The horse began to move, and the bouncing terrified her for a short time.Butwhen she realized that she had not been dashed to the ground yet, she slowly openedher eyes.Her grip must have loosened at the same time, for up front there was a suddenand explosive sigh. Whew! Tyron yelled. I thought you were going to cut me in half. You could have said something, she shouted back. Too much of a hurry.As long as you held on, I didn t want to squawk abouthow tightly you did it.Conversing was hard, so she said nothing in return.Instead, she began to noticethings like the rhythm of the horse s gallop and the countryside around them.Tyron s horse raced across fields.They crossed two roads but did not turn tofollow them.On one side Wren saw a gleam of river between groves of trees, andfurther on a small village, but Tyron kept the horse well away from any buildings.About the time Wren felt she was getting accustomed to the headlong pace, thehorse slowed.For a while this meant some nasty bouncing, much worse than thegalloping actually, then the horse slowed to a walk.Now they were on a narrow road.Along one side of this road grew tall trees withlong, dark green leaves that rustled in the breeze, and Wren thought the trees smelledsharply of summer weeds. Where are we? she asked. On the way to the Free Vale, Tyron said.  Where s that? You don t know about the Free Vale? He turned in the saddle to stare at her. Do you, she replied promptly,  know about Three Groves Orphanage? It s not just a place. He waved a hand. It s a Free Haven. Oh yes, those magician hideouts.We read about those in the plays. The Havens, Tyron said,  are safe areas where really important people can go,not just magicians.People who ve been exiled or who want to get away, usuallyfrom some villainous despot or other.Lots of magic protects the Havens.You ll feelthe magic when we pass the border, he added with a grin that made her suspiciousat once.She did not ask about that immediately, however [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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