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.This is the right time to meet in person.If you lose the momentum, you mayjeopardize your relationship.Summing it up: Do not correspond for years.Six months is about themaximum your relationship can wait before it starts to go downhill.You don tneed to meet her right away, but you should at least start planning yourpersonal meeting.Page 376Copyright © 2006, Simon Heong -- All Rights Reserved.www.InstantAttractionProgram.com Instant Attraction ProgramTechnique 23  The key to successful real-life meetingSince you are going to meet her when she already is in love with yourpersonality, you are already nearly there.Now all you need to do is reinforce her feelings.It is mandatory that you look neat and smell good, your hair be clean-cut,your clothes new and fashionable, and your shoes shiny.Good personal hygiene cannot be replaced by anything else.Long pants and long-sleeved shirts or polo shirts will work much better thanshorts and T-shirts.It works to look good.Be a gentleman: Open doors for her, move chairs, take her handwhen stepping out of a vehicle, hold her coat for her to slip on, etc.If you think it is nonsense, I can assure you she does not think so!Be polite and kind to all people around you.Even if something irritates you,don t show it.Don t be afraid of her rejection.She will not turn her back on you because ofsimple hospitality.You are friends already; the worst that can happen, is that you will remainfriends only.Read advice of other authors from this book on dealing with women on apersonal basis.This will help you understand how women think.Once youknow it, you cannot do too many things wrong.Be on your best behavior, relax and enjoy.The best thing you can do to ensure success of your personal meeting is toHAVE FUN!Summing it up: When meeting in person, you need only reinforce thefeelings she already has for you.Be her knight in shining armour, and shewill be your princess.Page 377Copyright © 2006, Simon Heong -- All Rights Reserved.www.InstantAttractionProgram.com Instant Attraction ProgramTechnique 24  How to deal with immigrationSince immigration procedures vary from country to country, I will not betalking here of particulars.To ensure smooth immigration, you must check your country s immigrationprocedures prior to your visiting your girlfriend.There may be certain requirements you need to meet (having photosmade together, having proof of entertaining together, etc.).If money is not a problem for you, get a consultation from an immigrationlawyer.For some countries it works best when you are already married; forsome it works best when you are not.Immigration rules change all the time.(No wonder, with the world we live in today.)They might have just changed the procedure and you can now do somethingin a few weeks that earlier took months.Tell your girlfriend what you have found out about immigration rules; it willreassure her you are serious about her.She is just as worried about your meeting as you are!Summing it up: By learning about the immigration procedure before yourvisit, you will save yourself lots of time and can make the process easier foryou and your girlfriend.Technique 25  How to find out if she is really interested in youSometimes men cannot tell if a woman is truly interested or not.Some guysare shy and simply afraid of women and don t even attempt to get closer tothem, and then they wonder how she feels.Girls are always polite with visitors because of simple hospitality, and thisconfuses men: Is she friendly because she likes me or simply because it isinappropriate in her country to turn her back on a guest?The key to her true feelings is her body language.BODY LANGUAGE DOES NOT LIE!If the body language tells you one thing, and the woman says another, trustthe body language.What she tells you is what she thinks; and she mayPage 378Copyright © 2006, Simon Heong -- All Rights Reserved.www.InstantAttractionProgram.com Instant Attraction Programthink you are a great catch.What her body language shows is what shefeels; and her mind and heart may tell her different things.Either way, if her body language is negative, nothing good will comeof it.When mind and heart contradict each other, the heart alwayswins.You will not be happy together.The general rule here is, when a woman likes you, she willreciprocate your body language and have an open posture; and if shedoes not like you, she will turn away from you and try to  cover or protect herself (crossed legs and arms).If she likes you, she will move closer to you when you move closer (or atleast will not move back) [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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