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.23.Ibid.24.Ibid.25.Ibid.; and Lt Gen James E.Chambers, USAF, retired, interviewed byauthor, Fairfax, Va., 10 February 1998, author s notes, author s personalcollection.26.Chambers interview.27.Ibid.28.Gen Joseph W.Ashy was deputy commander in chief of USAFE forthe Southern Region.That was a titular position without much real author-68 BACKGROUND ON THE USE OF AIRPOWER IN BOSNIAity.Gen Joseph W.Ashy, USAF, interviewed by Lt Col Rob Owen, 29 April1996, unclassified version redacted by the Air Force Historical ResearchAgency for the Director of History at Air Force Space Command, October1997, Peterson AFB, Colo.29.United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 781, 9 October1992; and Facts On File Yearbook 1992 (USA: Facts on File, Inc., 1993), 761and 988.30.Ashy interview.31.Ibid.32.Lushbaugh interview.33.Chambers interview.34.Ibid.35.Lushbaugh interview; and Gen Joseph W.Ashy, USAF, interviewed byauthor, Fairfax, Va., 3 July 1998, author s notes, author s personal collection.36.Chambers interview; Lushbaugh interview; and Ashy interview byauthor.37.Chambers interview.38.Daniel Bethlehem and Marc Weller, eds.,  The Yugoslav Crisis inInternational Law, General Issues Part 1, Cambridge InternationalDocuments Series, vol.5 (Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press,1997), 45; and Jan Willem Honig and Norbert Both, Srebrenica: Record of aWar Crime (London: Penguin Books, 1996), 89.39.Honig and Both, 89; and Bethlehem and Weller, 32 and 45.40.UNSCR 816, 31 March 1993, par.4.41.Ibid.42.Ibid.43.Dr.Thomas S.Snyder and Dr.Daniel F.Harrington, USAFE Office ofHistory, USAFE Historical Highlights, 1942 1997: Fifty-fifth AnniversaryEdition (Ramstein Air Base, Germany: Headquarters USAFE, 1997), 159.44.Lushbaugh interview.45.Chambers interview.46.Lushbaugh interview; and Ashy, interview by Colonel Owen.Note:General Rossetti took over command of 5ATAF on 7 April 1993, replacing LtGen Giuseppe Degli Innocenti.47.Ashy interview by Colonel Owen; Chambers interview; andLushbaugh interview.48.Ashy interview by Colonel Owen; Chambers interview; andLushbaugh interview.Under Operation Provide Promise, the US began air-dropping food in Bosnia in March 1993, shortly after the Clinton adminis-tration took office.49.Col Robert Owen, Deliberate Force: A Case Study in Effective AirCampaigning (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 2000), 381.50.North Atlantic Treaty Organization Airborne Early Warning Force,Operation Deny Flight: A History (U), February 1997, n.p., 17-page unit his-tory, History Office, NATO CAOC, Vicenza, Italy, 9.51.Chambers interview.69 RESPONSIBILITY OF COMMAND52.Ibid.; and Lt Col Lowell R.Boyd Jr., USAF, AFSOUTH staff officer,Naples, Italy, April 1993 December 1995, interviewed by Lt Col Rob Owen,6 December 1995, Naples, Italy, transcript of taped interview, Balkans AirCampaign Study (BACS) Collection, Air Force Historical Research Agency,Maxwell AFB, Ala.Colonel Boyd recalled the issue of intercepting helicopterscoming to a head and being resolved in the first two weeks of Deny Flightoperations.53.Chambers interview; Ashy interview by author; and Lowell Boydinterview.54.Chambers interview.55.Ibid.56.Ibid.The wisdom of AFSOUTH s policy on helicopters was validateda year later when USAF F-15s accidentally downed two US Army Blackhawkhelicopters in the no-fly zone over northern Iraq, killing 26 people.57.Colin Powell with Joseph E.Persico, My American Journey (New York:Random House, 1995), 576.58.Ibid.59.Ibid., 576 77; Colin Powell,  Why Generals Get Nervous, New YorkTimes, 8 October 1992, A35; and Colin Powell,  US Forces: ChallengesAhead, Foreign Affairs 72, no.5, (winter 1992 1993): 32 45.60.Powell, My American Journey, 577.61.Susan L.Woodward, Balkan Tragedy: Chaos and Dissolution after theCold War (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1995), 306; and Owen,Balkan Odyssey, 123.62.Michael R.Gordon,  12 In State Department Ask Military MoveAgainst Serbs, New York Times, 23 April 1993, sec.A1 and A12.63.Gwen Ifill,  Clinton Considers Bosnia Air Strikes; Sees Allied Accord,New York Times, 24 April 1993, sec.A1 and A6.64.Ifill; and Robert Morgan,  Hurd Warns of Dangers in Air StrikesAgainst Serbs, Times (London), 20 April 1993, 8.65.James Gow,  British Perspectives, in International Perspectives onthe Yugoslav Conflict, eds.Alex Danchev and Thomas Halverson (London:Macmillan, 1996), 95; and Oliver Lepik,  French Perspective, inInternational Perspectives on the Yugoslav Conflict, eds.Alex Danchev andThomas Halverson (London: Macmillan, 1996), 83.66 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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