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.If the store offers credit cards, get consumers to cut up theircards and return them to the company with a note of concern about thecompany s environmental practices.The possibilities are limitless!Not in Our BackyardYour campaign doesn t always have to shift a company s existingpractices you can use corporate campaigns to stop a company fromlaunching a new, unwanted operation or location in your community.Publiceducation, media activism, and public protests can all be used to halt theproject, as Erica Fernandez demonstrated in California.SUCCESS STORYNOT IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODErica Fernandez moved to the California coast from Mexico when she wasjust ten years old.A few years later, she found out that a liquefied natural gas(LNG) facility was proposed for the coast of Oxnard and Malibu, with athirty-six-inch pipeline routed through low-income neighborhoods.Natural gasis considered a cleaner form of fossil fuel than coal, but it has its own dangers:the pollution of water during drilling, the possibility of leaks during transport,and air pollution at the power plants.Erica worked in concert with the Sierra Club and Latino No on LNG group to mobilize the youth and Latino voice inprotests and public meetings.She organized weekly protests at the BHPBilliton offices in Oxnard, met regularly with community members, marchedthrough neighborhoods that would be most affected, reached out to the media,and brought more than 250 high school students to a critical rally.When the California State Lands Commission met to vote on the project,her passionate testimony helped convince the commission to deny the project.Next, she spoke to convince the California Coastal Commission to vote 12-0against the project, and she worked on a letter-writing and phone callcampaign to the governor asking him to veto the project, just as thecommissioners did.Erica s community organizing and dogged determinationplayed a crucial role in helping her community resist a multinationalbillion-dollar corporation. This project could be a model because WE BROUGHT TOGETHERDIFFERENT COMMUNITIES to fight together against a very dangerousproject.This is what made us so successful. - ERICA FERNANDEZErica s campaign was long and grueling.Although it lasted for four years,people didn t give up hope, and Erica and friends were a constant presence atthe BHP Billiton offices.In addition, although it started with a small numberof individuals, ultimately thousands of individuals attended key public protests.As you can see, campaigns targeting multinational, multimillion-dollar (ormultibillion-dollar!) companies can be lengthy and demanding affairs, but it snot impossible for a small group of persistent individuals to go up against bigcompanies.In this case, Erica couldn t appeal to the company itself to change its practices she had to target other decision makers that could halt or changethe company s practices, like the State Lands and Coastal Commissions.CREATE A GREEN ECONOMYStill not satisfied with corporate America? Then maybe it s time to createsomething better.Many companies are working to create a green and faireconomy.Some companies are creating innovative clean technology to solveissues in energy, water, and waste; others are installing clean energytechnologies and retrofitting buildings to be more efficient.We need newleaders to drive the transition to a green economy.One place to start is gettinga green education.Some schools, like the Bainbridge Graduate Institute(www.bgi.edu), now offer advanced degrees in sustainable business.By engaging in corporate campaigns, you can not only help improve onecompany s practices but also help elevate the entire industry standard.Again,once you bring about changes in one big company, other companies in theindustry could follow suit.As a result of Rainforest Action Network scampaign against Citigroup, for example, the company set new industrystandards guiding its lending practices, a step many other banks have sincetaken.Corporate campaigns can also serve as amazing educational tools.Mostcompanies just love to advertise their green tendencies; if a company makes anenvironmental commitment, they re likely to share the news.That s freeenvironmental education to all of their customers.Cool, huh? Stores in yourtown see thousands of shoppers annually; larger companies might educatemillions.Let s say your local store, as a result of your campaign, performs anenergy audit and replaces all of its lighting with energy-efficient bulbs.Thenthe store advertises both the cost savings and the green philosophy behind theretrofit.Shoppers who have never thought about an energy audit are nowlearning how a company saved money some shoppers will take thisknowledge back into their own homes and businesses and do the same.You never know what impact your campaign will have, but chances aregood that you ll influence more than just the company itself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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