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.The attitude associated with behavior, including nonattachment,might therefore be the defining element of compassion.5The overall awareness of the person aiming to be compassionate, as well as having agrasp of the immediate situation, determines the effects.Compassion might be the salve thatsoothes and awakens or it might be just a personal power play to make someone conform.Being overly compassionate, for example, diminishes objectivity.The concern given to asituation can reduce your ability to assess the meta-problem.You have increased difficultysensing the underlying problem causing the personal distress, rendering you unable to takeeffective action for a long-lasting remedy.This is why some Toltecs strive not to care.This doesn t mean they are blasé or callous. And it certainly doesn t mean they lack gusto.It means that they strive for a level ofobjectivity to be able to act precisely and effectively.They are cultivating the keenindifference that will allow them to be successful.But it doesn t mean to be overbearing asdon Juan says that balancing experience, wisdom, and knowledge requires kindness.CharlesTart says that conditions for  effective compassion include having a range of personalexperience, empathy that promotes objectivity, motivation to help, and the application ofintelligence to resolve the suffering.6JudgmentJudgment is a form of closure.It stems from interpretation and binds you to a particularemotional and mental disposition.Even at its best, judgment keeps you locked in the throes offundamentalism.You may even want to physically attack others, starting a street fight or awar.Judgment removes you from potential.It requires that you constantly justify your high-horse attitude, and requires you to work overtime to maintain that manner of self-reflection.What is ethical in one culture may not be in another.What is held sacred by some culturesmay be heresy to others, even though people in both strive to do good deeds.Judgment cantherefore be oppressive.Being nonjudgmental doesn t negate discernment; the difference being judgment carriesan emotional charge, a sense of condemnation, whereas discernment lends itself toobjectivity.It also doesn t mean you aren t allowed to take steps to avoid difficulties orrectify injustices.It does mean giving freedom to the world to be as it is, which grants morereliability to your assessments of others and yourself, thereby giving you room to gain widerperspective.This stance permits the understanding that promotes positive change rather thanongoing strife.From yet another angle, a nonjudgmental attitude helps awaken your energybody.Stepping away from judgment provides more energy to handle the abstractions of theunknown as you ply them into your practical, known world.ForgivenessForgiveness of the transgressions of self and others offers a release of the assemblage point,a release of a cohesion bound by judgment.But it doesn t mean being a whipping boy.It s arelaxation of tension that opens you to growth by ceasing to expend the energy required tomaintain a non-forgiving attitude.Forgiveness abounds, but only after a shift in cohesionpermitting a new relationship.I n Why Forgive? author Johann Christoph Arnold provides stories of the sojourns toforgiveness by various people that demonstrate why forgiveness has value.They clearlyshow that forgiveness enables us to free ourselves from the emotional debilitation of beingtied down by bitterness, heal the emotional and physical disorders caused by the lack of forgiveness, and restore our primary relationship with God.7I n The Power of Forgiveness, a documentary by Martin Doblmeir, concepts putforward included forgiving oneself of transgressions as doing so leads to compassion and thismay be a step before one can forgive others.The positive effects on health with forgivenessactivating specific areas of the brain also have a place in the film, helping build a case thathumans are biologically created to forgive.One interviewee is Azim Khamisa, a man whoseson had been murdered.Trained in Sufism, Khamisa said forgiveness and compassion are higher frequencies whereas fear, hatred, and vindictiveness are of a lower order.Inaddition, the documentary brings to the fore that forgiveness connects you with theenvironment since you re no longer creating separation through condemnation.8Power and ControlAn effect of perceiving the world from subject-object relationships is objectifying the world,which sets the stage to view people and the world as objects subject to manipulation.It s anextension of closure.While we need to exploit the world to survive and prosper, we need todo so with care and balance as being part of the world.The manner in which you exercisecontrol over yourself, others, and the environment, therefore, makes all the difference in yourlife.The more control you have over your energy body, the more ability you have to activelymold your world.This is why control is one of the barriers to ontological development.It isdifficult not to want to control your world; closure is innate.You may even want to becompassionate, to change things for the better, to relieve suffering, yet these can lead you tobecome a dictator.The effects of control on behavior can be very sneaky.Business expertise and political skill, for example, expand the more a person learns andgains experience in those arenas.This makes the person more capable to enter positions ofpower.The capacity for power derives from being aware, more aware than the norm in agiven situation.Other forms of awareness, such as psi and mystical experience, also provideevidence that increased awareness may be parlayed into holding sway over others as foundin cults.How a person uses enhanced awareness directly impacts the personal connectionwith core.Distractions loom at every turn.Decisions represent the energy you have alignedwith or wish to align; they indicate your cohesion.Some would say they represent who youare.At the craftsmanship stage, when will is pulled from its dormancy, you can modify yourcircumstances by aligning with emanations of your choosing.The many forms of personaldesire now tug at your sensibilities.As a preventive or corrective measure, don Juan saysthat it is a shame to align with the human world and forget that the assemblage point is aquality of being human, but it is even more of a loss to use this knowledge of the assemblagepoint for personal gain.9 Toltecs, says don Juan, are like anybody else pursuing a vocation.They can be good orbad.Since they ve learned to move their assemblage points, they can easily injure others.But, he advises, we must move past ordinary considerations.We must be governed bymorality and beauty.This involves the development of an ethic based on personal freedomrather than on the accumulation of power.Part of this ethic is the practice of impeccability,which automatically gives others their freedom as well.Don Juan says a person ofknowledge an artisan would never under any circumstance harm another person.10The guiding principle is that knowledge of the energy body is to be used to reach yourcore, not for control of any other type.Core is the essence of how you are created, and thisrelease to a higher will, rather than to desire, delivers the principal characteristic of modernToltec ethics.These teachings sprout from the energy body and highlight developing anatural relationship rather than having a conditioned relationship with the world.Creating alife based on expression of core is not considered personal desire.At each step, thismeasurement becomes an intricate and delicate balance.In practice, you wouldn t will an outcome or even test the possibility of your ability to doso.And you wouldn t exploit others.When you work for a good life, any change that needsto come will come of its own accord by virtue of your ethic [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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