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.Knife handles showed from hisboot tops, as well."Was anyone left on the boat?" Annie asked."Empty.""Anything on it they didn't tell us about?""Not that I could find." Max poured some more whiskey into his glass."Fromwhat I saw, not all of these folks are together."file:///C|/3226%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%20.r%20-%20Deathlands%2045%20-%20Starfall.html (201 of 332) [1/3/2005 12:28:08 AM] file:///C|/3226%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%20E-books/James%20Axler%20-%20Deathlands%2045%20-%20Starfall.html"I know about Morse and his boys."Max nodded."I watched those seven come up the hill together." He pointed outRyan and the others."They move like one.Been together a long time, and indangerous places from the looks of them.""You didn't have a reason to go on that boat," Dean stated angrily."Dean," Ryan said, "back off."The boy's color remained mottled, and Ryan knew the boy had inherited morefrom him than a mere physical re-semblance.But the anger that resided in his sonwas going to have to be tempered if he was going to get a handle on it."It's not right, Dad," the boy said."For all we know, this bastard set fire to theboat and burned it to the water-line."If he was offended by the accusation, Max didn't show it.Instead, he seemedmore amused than anything."We'd have seen the smoke," J.B.stated."The boat's still there," Max said as calmly as if they were discussing the weather."I didn't do nothing more than look it over.""I reserve the right, as always, to look out for my own welfare, young man,"Annie said to Dean."Your father knows this, and accepted it when he started upto this trad-ing post."That was the truth, and Ryan knew it.They couldn't have stayed with the boat andaccomplished the trading.From the instant they'd left it behind, he'd beenprepared to lose it.Now he recognized that Annie had read the commitment he'dmade to getting the necessary supplies.It put them both on equal footing.file:///C|/3226%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%20.r%20-%20Deathlands%2045%20-%20Starfall.html (202 of 332) [1/3/2005 12:28:08 AM] file:///C|/3226%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%20E-books/James%20Axler%20-%20Deathlands%2045%20-%20Starfall.html"There's something else you might consider," Annie told them."What?" Mildred asked.Her attitude showed that she didn't appreciate the high-handed way the woman had taken with them."There's a storm coming tonight," Annie said."How do you know?" Ryan asked.The woman focused her attention on him, the dark slate eyes locking on his."I'velived here almost all my life.I know the land, and I know the weather thatsurrounds it.And I'm telling you now that there's a storm blowing in from thesouth that'll be here by nightfall."Ryan glanced at Morse, and the sailor gave him an ab-breviated shrug."You're welcome to tie Junie up to the pier below," Annie stated, "but you're alsowelcome to stay up here at the trading post if you've mind to.""I thought your guest houses were full up," Ryan said.She nodded."They are.But you're welcome to sleep in the barn if you'd like.It'dbe better than trying to rest up out in that boat with the river running wild as it'sgonna be.""Getting off the boat for the night sounds good, lover," Krysty said.It was herway of letting him know she sensed nothing untoward about the offer.Then again, Ryan had no reason to believe that her cus-tomary powers ofdeduction were what they usually were."I'll even add a little more to sweeten the pot," Annie stated."The guest I've gotstaying with me even has his personal cook with him.He's rented my rooms andaccess to my larder.When he heard you folks were coming, he made me promiseto ask you up to the table if you stopped by."file:///C|/3226%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%20.r%20-%20Deathlands%2045%20-%20Starfall.html (203 of 332) [1/3/2005 12:28:08 AM] file:///C|/3226%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%20E-books/James%20Axler%20-%20Deathlands%2045%20-%20Starfall.htmlDoc turned to her and put on his most charming smile."Dear lady, the merethought of enjoying a delicious repast with you is fraught with the promise ofexhilaration.I should think we would be delighted to join you.What say you,friend Ryan?""Sounds okay," Ryan replied."But I want some idea of how much jack you'regoing to charge us before I accept your hospitality."Annie grinned at him, her eyes blazing."A practical man, Ryan Cawdor?""Always want to know if I can carry the freight before I heft it to my shoulder.""Then I give you my word that the price you'll pay for the experience won't beanything you can't live with.My word on that.And I can vouch for the cook.He'sbeen in my kitchen for the last nine days.""Do you have a place we can wash up?" Mildred asked."There are horse troughs out in the barn," Annie said."Got a hand pump outthere, too, and a fireplace you can use to heat up water for baths.We get ourwater from an underground stream, not that shit out in the river, so you don't haveto worry about diseases.It can be drank without purification or any fear ofcontaminants.There's tack you can use for bedrolls.""When do we get to look at the supplies?" Ryan asked."If you want to do it now, Max will take you.""I'd like to see what I'm getting."Annie looked at her son, who nodded."Come with me," Max said.file:///C|/3226%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%20.r%20-%20Deathlands%2045%20-%20Starfall.html (204 of 332) [1/3/2005 12:28:08 AM] file:///C|/3226%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%20E-books/James%20Axler%20-%20Deathlands%2045%20-%20Starfall.html"J.B.," Ryan called, "you come with me.The rest of you get down to the barn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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