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.***Like an answer to prayer, his face appeared next to mine.I moved lazily to my side beneath the sheets to gaze at the soft morning glow of his eyes.“Morning, sunshine,” he whispered.“Did you miss me?” His fingers combed gently through my hair, sending a shiver up my neck.“More than anything in the world,” I said.My expression fell.“Do you think we’ll ever be together without everything going wrong or trying to pull us apart?”“Well, I’m here now.I can’t think of anything to worry about, can you?”My eyes squinted briefly, thinking, then my mouth lifted at the corners.“No, for some reason, I can’t think of anything.All I care about right now is that you’re here.”Rayne leaned forward, shifting his body closer.“I’m with you always, Sadie, no matter what happens.You know that right?”I nodded softly in response.I knew he would always be with me.His hand slid across my shoulder, glided down my arm.Our hearts called out to each other, pulling us, mending the absence, until our lips pressed together.The touch of his kiss reached through me, raised me up like the wings of a butterfly, or a bluebird taking flight.I paused to take a quiet breath as a grin took over my face.“We should go somewhere,” I said, “just the two of us.”His face brightened.“Where do you want to go?”“Anywhere…” I said, “as long as you come with me.”He sat up and offered his hand.“I know the perfect place.”Rayne led me forward across my bedroom and opened the door, but as he pulled back on the handle, it wasn’t the hallway or even my house in front of our eyes.My bare feet left the carpet from my bedroom and stepped down into soothing warm sand.I saw the violet sky and the deep purple ocean before us, and I knew we were back on the beach at Lizzy Grove.I stepped forward with delight.“I always wanted a chance to come back here,” I said, “especially with you.”“Me too,” Rayne said.He looked out at the shore then glanced back at me with eyebrows raised.“Wanna go for a swim?”I grinned.“Race you to the water…” and we took off, running and laughing until we dove beneath the waves.An entire afternoon seemed to flash by in the blink of an eye.After we lay next to each other, soaking up the sun to get dry, Rayne sat up, as if our adventure had just begun, and said, “So, where should we go next?”“How about somewhere new,” I said, “somewhere we’ve never been before.”“Sounds good to me.” He jumped up from the sand and pulled me to my feet.“Lead the way…” he told me.“This time it’s your turn.”I grinned and strode forward.“I bet I know a place we’ve both never been.” Then, I found two flowery lizzy trees at the end of the sand.The space was dark between them, sort of like a tunnel.We stepped forward through the darkness and, a split second later, walked forward to a platform towering high in the air.“Whoa,” Rayne said, “where are we?”I hurried to the metal gate that surrounded us, marveling at the view.“We’re at the top of the Eiffel Tower…in Paris.”We had the whole place to ourselves; there wasn’t another person in sight.I started circling around the platform, taking in every inch of the stunning city below, but when I stopped halfway to the other side, Rayne’s hands slid around me from behind.I melted back into his chest.“Isn’t this amazing?” I said.“I’ve always wanted to come here.”Rayne leaned his chin down by my cheek.“It’s pretty incredible,” he agreed.Then he whispered in my ear, “But it’s nothing compared to you…”I turned inside his arms to meet his eyes, his lips more irresistible than ever before.My hands clasped around his neck, reaching, wanting, drawing him to me.His fingers grasped at my waist as he pressed his mouth onto mine.Then we floated, and the city disappeared.The grand tower faded from below us.The stars in the night sky blurred together, until we were surrounded by a vast universe of incandescent shapes and lines with no definite form.It didn’t matter.All that needed to exist…was us.***The next morning was Sunday.I woke with a content glow on my face, somehow feeling stronger.I’d had just about enough of sitting at home, moping and scared.I felt invigorated.I was ready to move forward with my life.“I want to go back to school,” I said bluntly as I sat with my parents at breakfast.“Sadie, honey,” my mom protested, “we already agreed—”“Please?” I went on.“I’m bored.I haven’t been outside for days, and there haven’t been any security problems since the other night.”“Well, maybe we could have lunch out in the backyard today,” she suggested, glancing at my father in search of back-up.He shrugged his shoulders as he considered the idea.“I suppose at this point a meal on the porch in broad daylight shouldn’t be a problem…”“No,” I objected, “I want to go to school.” I turned to my mom with pleading eyes.“I probably have a week’s worth of homework to make up as it is.And it’s the last month of my senior year…I’m going to miss everything.Don’t you want me to graduate with the rest of my friends?”My mom’s expression flooded with sympathy.She looked at my father with worried eyes.When I saw the crack in his resolve from her quiet plea, I jumped in, “You could send as many guards with me as you want, and I promise to come home straight after class.”Secretly, I was hoping they would let me go out with my friends soon as well, but at this point, I was willing to take whatever I could get.Suddenly, Orion’s voice chimed in from the corner of the room.“She has a point, Lin,” he said.“High school graduation is an important step in a young person’s future.It wouldn’t be prudent for us to hinder her progress.Voss is busy evading the team we called to track him.I can assure you that we are well equipped here to protect her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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