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.‘It is a pleasure to serve’ he said.Bessarion’s eyes seemed to twinkle.It was probably a trick of the firelight, but Swan had the feeling that he amused the cardinal.The Prince of the Church held out the book he’d been reading, carefully marking his place with a ribbon.‘Do you know it?’ he asked.Swan almost dropped it when he opened it.It was a small volume bound in whitened parchment, and between the covers it was very ancient.It wasn’t a copy, or at least not a recent copy.The lettering was alien, the hand almost square.But the first page clearly said that it was about the stars.Swan flipped it open – turned a page.And shook his head.‘It’s not Aristotle’s Greek.It’s about mathematics.’ He felt foolish.‘I can’t even find a title page.’Bessarion smiled.‘That’s because it isn’t a modern copy, young Englishman.This is at least five hundred years old.Monks made it – perhaps when Alexandria, in Egypt, was still Christian.’Swan sucked in a difficult breath.‘Oh!’ He grinned.‘It’s beautiful.’‘Oh, indeed.I see you have the heart of a true connoisseur.’ He extended his hand and Swan put the book reverentially in it.‘It’s by Ptolemy.’Swan felt he was being tested.‘King Ptolemy?’ he asked.‘One of them,’ Bessarion said.‘I have trouble reading it, too.It’s about mathematics – the mathematics of measurement.Angles as relations to other distances.’ He shrugged.‘There are men in Italy who understand this sort of thing.’ He nodded to Swan, who took that for a dismissal.He retreated from the cardinal’s tent area, and went to find Peter.Peter was awake and better.Swan changed his bandage and got them both supper from the cardinal’s cooks.He sat on the ground to eat, and felt his eyelids closing.‘Unroll your blankets, you fool, or you’ll freeze at midnight,’ Peter hissed.His oddly sibilant Dutch-English and his slightly too careful pronunciation made him sound as if he was giving orders.Swan went and fetched his blanket roll and the sack he’d filled with purses.He used it as a pillow, but before he could get to sleep, he heard horses, and then he was summoned by Alessandro.The Italian dusted the leaf mould off his back.‘You killed four of them?’ he asked quietly.Swan met his eye.‘Yes.’Alessandro whistled.‘You weren’t going to mention it?’ he asked.Swan shrugged.‘And you robbed them?’ Alessandro asked.Swan realised he hadn’t thought this through.‘They were dead.’Alessandro nodded.‘I don’t mind.But the French think that someone else killed them and took their money.How do you want to play this?’Swan looked at the Italian.Even through a haze of sleep, he could tell that he was worried, and further, was not telling him something.‘Let them think that,’ Swan said.Alessandro shook his head.‘If I do, my master must travel slowly for days.If I say you did it, the French have no reason to go slowly, because all the brigands are dead.’ He waved.‘Come.’Swan followed him unwillingly, but consoled himself that he still had the sword.They walked to a different fire, where the French soldiers were gathered.Alessandro was well known here – they handed him wine.‘This is your fearsome Englishman?’ asked the count.Swan bowed.‘Did you kill four armed brigands by yourself, boy? Why didn’t you tell me when we rode up to you?’ The big knight took a step towards him.Swan looked at the ground.‘I.killed them, yes.I wasn’t thinking so well, after.’The knight winced, but he did not sneer.‘This I believe.Did you take their purses?’Swan shrugged.‘I’m not sure why—’ he said.The count nodded.‘It this your first time in battle?’ he asked.‘Second,’ Swan admitted.‘Mm,’ said the count.‘So – this one to you, Messire Alessandro.We have no more brigands – that we know of.But I will beg you to ride with us another day or so.’Alessandro shrugged wearily.‘If you insist.’ He bowed, and the two of them walked back towards Swan’s sleeping roll.‘Did you see anything? When you fought the brigands?’ Alessandro asked.‘I am phrasing this badly.Did something.alert you?’Swan stretched.‘A dead man.If that’s what you mean [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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