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.Understands.He smiles.EDWARDWe call ourselves vegetarians, bythe way.For our kind, huntinganimals is like living on tofu.Itkeeps you strong but isn't verysatisfying.Then abruptly, he whips past Bella.She turns to see him standingon a large rock in the river.BELLAShow off.EDWARDIt's not that impressive, really.Anyone in my family can do this.BELLACan they all read minds, too?EDWARDNo, that's unique to me.But Alice cansee the future.BELLA(fishing)Really? Bet she saw me coming amile away.She notes his change of mood as he slows, darkening.EDWARDHer visions are very subjective.The future can change.He cuts off her questions by returning to shore, andcontinuing their walk.EXT.CHARLIE'S HOUSE - TWILIGHT (ANOTHER DAY) 75 75Water sprays from a hose as Bella and Edward wash her truck.A boom box PLAYS.He perches on top of the roof.EDWARDCome to my house tomorrow.Bella looks up, aiming the hose badly - water ricochets offthe cab and sprays in her face.He jumps down from the roof.BELLAYour house? With your family?58.He wipes down the dented front fender, then reaches under itand, with his bare hands, easily pops a large DENT out of thetruck's body.She's too flustered to register it.BELLABut.what if they don't like me?EDWARD(laughing heartily)You're worried, not because you'llbe in a houseful of vampires, butbecause you think they won'tapprove of you?BELLAI'm glad I amuse you.But then his laughter dies, as he hears something.BELLAWhat is it?EDWARDA complication.as a BLACK CAR comes into view, and pulls up.EDWARDI'll pick you up tomorrow.He heads to his car, eying the passengers in --EDWARD'S POV - INT.BLACK CARJacob, with his father, Billy, who's expression is intense.Anxious.SLOW MOTION as Edward locks eyes with Billy.Jacoblooks questioningly at his father.Bella watches Edward drive away, perturbed by the exchange.Sheforces a smile and goes to greet the visitors.Jacob sets upBilly's wheelchair and Billy climbs into it as --BELLACome to visit your truck?JACOBLooks good.You got that dent out.BILLYActually, we came to visit yourflat screen.First Mariners gameof the season.Plus Jacob herekept bugging me to see you again.59.JACOB(mortified)Great, Dad.Thanks.Jacob shoots his father an irritated look, just as the POLICECRUISER pulls up.Charlie climbs out, holding two six-packs.CHARLIEPale Ale.BILLY(holds up a brown paperBAG)Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry.Charlie smiles, pleased.He clicks on the game as they all headinside --BILLYAny luck with the Waylon case?CHARLIE(darkening)Found a footprint out at the crimescene today.A bare, human footprint.Billy seems disturbed but not surprised.Bella is horrified.BELLAA person did that?JACOBA crazy person, walking aroundbarefoot this time of year.CHARLIESpread the word out at the rez, willya? Keep the kids out of the woods.BILLYWill do.(directed at Bella)Don't want no one else getting hurt.Bella looks away from Billy, unnerved.OMITTED 76 76OMITTED 77 77DREAM SEQUENCE - UNDERWATER 78 78Bella floats near Edward, only their hands touching, buttheir bodies are nearing, so close, so sensual.60.Suddenly, EDWARD IS YANKED DOWNWARD! Something has him,pulling him down.SMASH TO:INT.BELLA'S ROOM - ON BELLA - MORNING 79 79-- as her eyes pop open.and relief sweeps over her as sherealizes it was just a dream.But it haunts her.EXT.OLYMPIC PENINSULA - ROAD - DAY 80 80AERIAL SHOT of the forest as we sweep over its lush greenexpanse, to FIND Edward's Volvo speeding along, very fast.The Volvo finally turns off the paved highway and onto a longserpentine dirt road.FOLLOW THE CAR until, finally, itreaches a small meadow, in the center of which sits --EXT.CULLEN HOUSE - DAY 81 81A timeless graceful house.The Volvo pulls up and Bellaclimbs out, surprised.BELLAIt's.wonderful.EDWARDYou expected turrets, dungeons and moats?BELLANo.not moats.He takes her hand.She girds herself.They head inside.INT.CULLEN HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY 82 82Edward guides Bella into the large, bright house.Walls of glasslook out on the river.Everything's open and white.Historicalobjects are tastefully placed throughout.HEAR Verdi's “La Traviata: Libiamo ne' lieti calici” coming fromanother room.Bella is enraptured.BELLAIt's so light and open.EDWARDThanks to tinted windows.It's the oneplace we never have to hide.We then notice CLANGING coming from the kitchen.Edwardshakes his head.EDWARDI told them not to do this.61.INT.CULLEN HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY 83 83Verdi's opera BLASTS Bella and Edward who enter to find thekitchen in full swing.Dr.Cullen, Emmett, Rosalie, and ESMEprepare elaborate platters of Italian pastas and antipasti.Esme rolls out a pizza dough and fans tomatoes around it in aninstant.Rosalie stirs a pot, disinterested.Esme sees Bella and stops, emanating maternal warmth.Herheart-shaped face and billows of hair are reminiscent of thesilent-movie era.ESMEBella.We're making Italiano foryou.EDWARDThis is Esme, my mother for allintents and purposes.BELLABon giorno?ESMEMolto bene!DR.CULLENYou've given us an excuse to usethe kitchen for the first time.Hit pause.PAN across brand new Williams-Sonoma cookware boxes to thecorner -- they're watching an ITALIAN COOKING SHOW on a TV.Emmett hits the DVD remote control.ESMEI hope you're hungry.BELLAOh, absolutely --EDWARDShe already ate.Bella shoots him a look, but something SHATTERS.Rosalie hasthrown down a bowl and now strides out --ROSALIEPerfect.62.INT.LIVING ROOM (CONTINUOUS) - DAY 84 84-- Bella exits behind Rosalie, trying to explain.Theother's follow --BELLAI just assumed -- because you don'teat, you know.ESMEOf course.That was very considerateof you.EDWARD(re: Rosalie)Ignore her.I do.ROSALIEYes, let's keep pretending thisisn't dangerous for all of us.BELLAI would never, ever tell anyone.DR.CULLEN(reassuring)She knows that.EMMETTThe problem is, you two have gonepublic now, so.ESMEEmmett [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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