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.VocabularyReview 3BLessons 21-30Vocabulary1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.There are two extra words.receive / website / connect / mouse / surf / keyboard / download / monitor / laptop0 You can send or ____receive___ an email.1 I'd like to have a ___________________ and not a PC because you can take it out of your house.2 You need a telephone and a modem to ___________________ your computer to the Internet.3 My granddad needs to have a really big ___________________ on his computer so he can read writing easily.4 I like holding the ___________________ in my left hand, but most people use their right hand.5 My brother loves to ___________________ the Internet.SCORE/ 52 Read what the people are saying and write the job.0 “We are now flying over France and will arrive in London at 16.30.”L O P T I _pilot_______________1 “I put new baths or toilets in houses.”U E L B R P M ___________________2 “Prince William has got a new girlfriend! That story must go on the front page!”O J L R N S U T A I ___________________3 “Don't worry! We'll soon get you out safely!”R E F I G E T I F H R ___________________4 “And where were you last night at 9 o' clock?”E C L O P I E F F R O I C ___________________5 “I need to go really fast to win today.”SCORE/ 5R G I A C N R A C V E D I R R ___________________3 Read the sentences.Circle the correct word.0 Helen never helps with the work in the house because she is so patient / lazy / greedy.1 My mum is really bad-tempered / modest / shy at the moment — she's always shouting at us!2 James is so generous / moody / mean — he gave his aunt a lovely ring for her birthday.3 Did you eat all those biscuits? You're so greedy / polite / tidy!4 Nick told his dad he broke the window with his football.He's very honest / untidy / rude.5 Cathy is really impatient / easy-going / loyal! She can never wait in a queue.SCORE/ 54 Circle the word that is different.0 politician furniture detective web designer1 backpack get on pick up throw away2 cushions rug sauce tablecloth3 loyal polite dishonest modest4 memory laptop choose software5 oven fry sprinkle meltSCORE/ 5Grammar5 Complete with the correct form of would like to be.0 I __wouldn't like to be__ a vet.I don't like animals.1 A: ___________________ you ___________________ a carpenter?B: No! I'm hopeless at making things!2 I ___________________ a sports reporter because I love watching all kinds of sport.3 I ___________________ a ski instructor because I don't like it when it's cold.4 A: Why ___________________ you ___________________ a firefighter?B: Because I want to save lives.lI ___________________ a model because I like eating chips and chocolate too muchlSCORE/ 56 John and Annie will look after Kyle's rabbit, Bobby, when Kyle goes on holiday.Complete the dialogue with 'll, will or won't.Kyle: Now promise me you 0 ____'ll______ look after Bobby carefully.Annie: Of course we will! We 1 _______________ let him get out of the garden.John: And we 2 _______________ give him lots of carrots and apples to eat.Annie: Yes, and we 3 _______________ change his water every day.Kyle: You 4 _______________ forget to bring him in at night! My dad forgot to last night!John: We won't forget!Kyle: If you leave him in the garden he 5 _______________ eat my dad's favourite plants!Annie: Don't worry! Bobby will be fine with us.SCORE/ 57 Read and complete the email with the verbs in the box.will drive /'ll get / won't be / won't be / won't give / will wearSCORE/ 58 Read the questions and complete the answers.0 Would you prefer to be a hairdresser or a plumber?I'd prefer to be a hairdresser________________ because I like talking to people.1 Would you rather be a vet or a doctor?________________________________________ because I really like animals.2 Would you prefer to be a newsreader or a reporter?________________________________________ because I don't want to be filmed.3 Would you prefer to be a carpenter or a hairdresser?________________________________________ because I'm shy and find it hard to talk to people.4 Would you rather be a teacher or a web designer?________________________________________ because I'd like to work with children.5 Would you prefer to be an electrician or a politician?________________________________________ because I'm not very good at speaking.SCORE/ 59 Complete the text with the correct verb forms.Use the zero and the first conditional.My uncle is really kind.If it's my birthday or I 0 ___get_______ (get) good marks at school he always takes me shopping or to a football match.He's really good at football and, if he takes me to see a match he 1_______________ (tell) me everything about the players.He's really good at science and when I 2_______________ (have) problems with my homework, he helps me find the answers.Next year he'll take me to see Manchester United if I 3_______________ (pass) my school exams.If I see Rooney play I 4 _______________ (not forget) it! My uncle lets me stay up late when my parents 5 _______________ (ask) him to look after me and my sister.He's really cool!SCORE/ 510 Read and circle the correct answer.When my brother 0 leaves / 'll leave / won't leave home next year I want to have his bedroom.It is much bigger than mine.If I 1 may move / will move / move into his room I won't have to share with my little brother.We sometimes fight so 2 I 'd prefer / 'd rather / like to have my own room.It 3 would be / is / will be great.I could ask my friend Tom to come and sleep over one weekend.I think my mum 4 may be / will be / is OK if I ask her — she really likes Tom! In the summer holidays I 5 will paint / paint / may paint the room a different colour.SCORE/ 5Vocabulary20Grammar30Total50PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2009 Pearson Longman ELT5Name ClassPHOTOCOPIABLE © 2009 Pearson Longman ELT1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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