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.Her mood turned blacker.When she walked in, the house practically expanded with the scent of garlic and herbsand tomatoes.Alexa threw her purse on the couch, kicked off her shoes, and hiked up herskirt to rip off her pantyhose before entering the kitchen. What are you doing?He turned his head. Making dinner.She gave him a scowl. I just want a salad. I already made it.In the refrigerator, chilling.How was your day?His nice tone ruffled her nerves. Just ducky.  That good, hmmm?She ignored him and poured herself a large glass of water.Water and dry lettucecomplemented each other nicely. Did you feed the fish?He stirred a pot of sauce that bubbled over, and the smell made saliva pool in hermouth.How the hell he had learned to cook like an old Italian grandmother was beyondher, but the whole thing was getting annoying.What husband got home from work andcooked a gourmet meal for God s sakes? He wasn t normal.He threw in the spaghetti. Odd choice of a word, isn t it? Fish is either singular, orplural.Imagine my surprise when I walked in the study and found not one fish in a tinyfish bowl, but an entire aquarium.She practically vibrated for the need to fight. Otto was lonely and you were practicinganimal cruelty.He was too isolated.Now, he has friends and a place to swim. Yes, nice little tunnels and rocks and algae to play hide and seek with his buddies. You re being sarcastic. And you re cranky.She slammed her water glass down on the table.Liquid sloshed over the rim.With adefiant turn on her heel, she ditched the water, walked over to the liquor cabinet, andpoured herself two fingers of Scotch.The liquid sizzled down her throat and calmed hernerves.She caught sight of his shoulders shaking a little but when she looked at him withsuspicion, he didn t seem to be laughing at her. I had a bad day. Wanna talk about it? No.And I m not eating any spaghetti. Okay.He left her in silence while she had another drink and started to settle.She sat in thecozy kitchen surrounded by the sounds of old-fashioned cooking and a heavenly silence.He wore an apron tonight over his faded jeans and T-shirt.Instead of softening hismasculinity, the plain black apron emphasized lean hips, a broad chest, and a magnificentbutt.His grace and ease in such a domestic environment made her breath hitch just a bit.He set the table, dispersed his food and her salad, and began to eat.Her curiosityabout his day piqued. How s the waterfront contract going?He expertly rolled his spaghetti over his fork and popped it neatly into his mouth. Hada drink with Hyoshi and he gave me his vote.A deep sense of pleasure cut through her fog. Nick, that s wonderful.That only leavesMichael.He frowned. Yeah.Conte may cause a problem. You can talk to him Saturday night.His frown deepened. I d rather not go to the party. Oh.Okay, I ll go alone. Forget it, I ll go. We ll have fun.It will give you another chance to pitch him in a relaxed environment.She left her salad in front of her and stared hungrily at the bowl of spaghetti.Maybe she d sneak in a forkful.After all, she had to try the sauce. If Conte nixes the deal, the whole thing is off. He won t. How do you know? Because you re the best.She concentrated on her pasta.When she finally looked up, it was to see a strangeexpression cross his face.He seemed unsettled. How would you know?Alexa smiled. I ve seen your work.I used to watch when we were young, and you dbuild things in the garage.I always thought you d be a carpenter, but when I saw Mt.Vesuvius restaurant, I knew you found your true calling.The whole place pulled at me,Nick.From the trickling water, to the flowers and bamboo and the resemblance to an oldJapanese hut in the mountains.You re a brilliant architect.He looked positively awestruck at her comment.Didn t he know she had alwaysadmired his talent, even when they d ruthlessly teased each other? Even after the longyears apart?  Why do you look so surprised?He seemed to shake off the spell. I don t know.I never had a woman interested in mycareer.No one really understands it. Then they re stupid [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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