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.Whatever this was, it wasn t the usual misplaced panic from one ofhis business associates.This was the real deal.My mind was racing - what could it possibly be? Hadhe lost a major partnership of some kind? I knew they'd been negotiating some kind of sponsorshipdeal with one of the big software companies - maybe it had unexpectedly fallen through.Daniel had his back to me now, staring out the window at the ever-flickering city lights.I turnedon my bedside lamp, and he didn't even seem to notice.When he finally turned back around andstarted pacing to the other side of the room, I saw that his face was ashen.I'd never seen him like this - not even when my ex-friend (and his ex-girlfriend) Flo threatened toturn us over to the INS for our sham marriage."What's wrong?" I hissed, but he didn't seem to hear me.He was still lost in his own world,listening to whoever was on the other end of the phone and completely oblivious to me.I sat inmiserable silence for what felt like an eternity, before he finally hung up the phone with some vaguepromise (or threat) of talking again soon."What's wrong?" I repeated.He looked so distant that I almost thought he hadn't heard me again,but he finally looked up at me, almost as if he were startled to see me there."I don't& I don't know, exactly," he said, walking slowly back over to the bed and sitting downheavily."That was my broker.He was trying to execute some late-night trades that I'd asked him totake care of, and he discovered that my accounts had been frozen." I frowned."Why?""Apparently, there was some& concern." He cleared his throat."A judge issued a freeze order dueto what appeared to be insider trading.The thing is, I didn't& I never& " He took a deep breath."It'sall a mistake.It has to be.I never acted on any inside information.I know better.""Sure," I said, numbly.I vaguely understood the concept from the news, but I never thought I'd bein the middle of an insider trading scandal."But I mean& why would they think you did?""I don't know," he said."That's just the thing.I have no idea what information they acted on,because they didn't tell me.They didn't warn me, they just froze everything and planned to tell meabout it later, I suppose.My broker only found out because he called in a few favors with somepeople he knows in the justice system.Apparently, I've been the talk of the town." He stopped and letout a little bewildered laugh."They've been monitoring my activity for some time.Which isn'tunusual, but what I don't understand is what they saw that triggered them to do something so drastic.Ithas to be a mistake.I'm sure it'll all be cleared up in the morning, but& ""But?" I prodded.I had no idea what else to say."I don't know," he said."God.I'm going to go make some coffee.Maybe that's a bad idea.Is it tooearly for a brandy? Too late? Christ, Maddy, what am I going to do?""I don't know," I said, honestly."But I'm sure it'll be fine.Right? It has to be fine.If you didn't doanything wrong& ""I didn't," he said, forcefully, standing up again and pacing around the room."I know you didn't." I raised my hands in a supplicating gesture.Truth was, I didn't have the firstclue if he was lying to me or not.Of course he'd say he was innocent.Even to me.He wouldn't bestupid enough to admit it to anyone if he'd done something like that.This was, after all, a man capableof committing marriage fraud.I took in a deep breath.I knew that he occasionally invested in the companies of people he knew,which had always seemed like an odd move to me - I didn't think I'd be able to resist the temptation toact on insider information if I were in his shoes, and I told him so.Apparently, he felt differentlyabout it.And he also apparently knew he was being watched, or suspected it, so why would he dosomething so stupid?Okay, hello, marriage fraud.But that was different.With online stock trading, there was a virtual paper trail three miles long.Ifhe did indeed do something questionable, he'd have a hell of a time ever proving his innocence.He wouldn't be that stupid.Would he?Marriage.Fraud.I shook my head to clear my thoughts.Daniel seemed to have gone back to barely being aware thatI was alive, and I really wanted nothing more than to take a long walk outside in the cool night airuntil my head felt clearer, but that was really a terrible idea, even in this part of the city.The onlyother option was to start quizzing him about the what the hell exactly was happening, and he'd alreadymade it quite clear that he had no idea, so that wasn't going to be very productive.Suddenly, a thought occurred to me."Were the investment accounts the only thing they froze?"He stared me, dully."What do you mean?" he said, at last, slowly."I mean, do you think there's a chance they froze any of your other assets? You should probablyfind out." He blinked, pulling his phone out of his pocket.I saw him tap the screen a few times, then throw iton the bed and exclaim "fucking shit!"I picked up the phone and looked at it.He was on the purchase page of his own app store.We're sorry, but there seems to be a problem with your payment method.Would you like toenter another card?The expression on his face was positively wild."Why the fuck would they do this? What am Isupposed to do now?" he shouted, at no one.I could think of several reasons why they might want to freeze all of his assets, actually - even ifhe wasn't considered a flight risk, if he was engaging in insider trading, any judge might reasonablyassume that some of the tainted funds existed in one of his non-investment accounts too.It made sense- but he almost certainly didn't want to hear that right now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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