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."I bid you open in the name ofZhar Ptitsa."The black marble door swung open, and Dym steppedinside.The door closed again behind him, blocking outeverything, reducing the world to Dym, Pechal, and the SacredFires.Another altar resided at the back of the room, the blackmarble glistening as though it had only been carved that day,polished, and put into place.All around its base, flamesflickered.Dym stepped up to it, ignoring the flames that licked at hisrobes without actually harming them.He stepped back, shovedhis hood back, and watched as the flames flared up at thearrival of a Vessel.Tears streamed down his face as the flames became toogreat for him to see anything, but that the figure on the altarquickly vanished.A burst of brilliant light, and the flamesabruptly died, leaving only sparks that blossomed into firefeathers and a pile of ashes upon the altar.117 | Megan Derr  Burning Bright Later, when he returned to collect the feathers, the asheswould be gone.Dym turned around and slowly left thechamber, pulling up his hood again to hide his own tears.Returning to the main altar, he announced, "The Vessel issuccessfully sacrificed.Be at peace, children of Pozhar.Firewarm your hearth and light your path."Those few who had attended the ceremony slowly rose,most of them shuffling out.When they had gone, only Krasny,Sonya, and Zholty remained.Sonya extended her hands andafter shoving back his hood, Dym offered his own, soothed bythe simple comfort of her touch."I cannot stand these things," Krasny said."I am glad I get tolive to see the last of them."Zholty said only, "So the next one will show himself shortly,yes?""A matter of days, if not a matter of hours," Dym said."I willbegin work on it in a few days.Tonight ""Yes, I know," Zholty cut in."Mourning, though I do not seewhy we should mourn something that was meant to die."No one replied to his comment, and Zholty shiftedimpatiently."Sonya, we should go ""I will follow in due course," Sonya snapped."If you cannotfind a little bit of heart, then certainly you may go." She glaredat him until Zholty drew himself up, turned sharply around, andwalked off.Krasny blew out an irritated breath when he was gone."Icannot imagine why you think marrying him is even remotelybearable.""I do what I must for Pozhar," Sonya said, sighing."Though, Isuppose now it little matters, since you are likely only daysaway from being Tsar and Zholty is bound for a noose.Assumingwe can find suitable evidence, of course.""A matter for another day," Krasny said."Are you all right,Dym?"Dym nodded."I will be fine, thank you.I think we have allhad a very long day, and it is well past the time we should findour beds.Sleep well, fire warm and guide."118 | Megan Derr  Burning Bright Sonya kissed his cheek and gave Krasny a nod, and thenthey both left him alone in the cathedral.Dym slowly draggedhimself back to his chambers where he hastily discarded hisclothes.He snuffed all the candles in his chambers with a merethought, pausing only to retrieve the keys he had carelesslydiscarded with his clothes, and then strode through his roomsto his bed.Climbing into it, he pulled up the covers and tried tosleep, praying fervently that he would not dream.119 | Megan Derr  Burning Bright Chapter Eleven: PainRaz had just reached the Incoming Tide when the bellsbegan to toll.There was no mistaking that special set of bells, that patternof ringing.Raz froze in place, whipped around, and startedrunning back across the harbor toward the main road.He had toget to the palace, he had to save Pechal.How in the fires hadIvan and Shio and Shinju failed!"Pechal!" he screamed as the bells stopped ringing,stumbling to a halt.He tried to make himself move again, butcouldn't because he knew deep down that he was too late.He did not know if the sensation was real or in his head, buthe felt it when Pechal died.He screamed again, tears streamingdown his face, and only when someone shoved him did Razrealize that other people were screaming too.The rough stones of the street scraped his palms where helanded, but he barely noticed, more caught up in not beingtrampled as people fled the harbor in a panic.Raz stoodgawking as he stared at the disaster the shipyard had becomethere were boats sinking, already sunk, barely still afloat, andnearly all of them were or had been on fire.What in the fires.He'd done it, he realized.Just as he'd practically destroyedthe Ashes.Raz stood there, feeling lost.Scared.Oh, fires.Pechalwas dead.He tried not to think about it, scared of what wouldhappen if he lost control of himself again.Reaching up, hewiped away his tears, tried to focus and yelped when someone grabbed him and jerkedback"Calm down!" Ailill said and shook him."Raz, you have tocalm down."Raz nodded."I know.I didn't mean Pechal is dead, eventhough they promised "120 | Megan Derr  Burning Bright Ailill let him go, but then took one arm again and half-led,half-dragged him away from the harbors and back into the heartof the city."We need somewhere we can talk, somewhere noone will pay us any mind or ask questions.We may need to bethere for some time.""Um." Raz tried to think."The Two Roses.East side of town.Go to the cellar, not the front door.Left here." He haltingly gavefurther directions to Ailill as they walked through the city andwas shaking hard by the time they finally slipped into the cellarroom of the Two Roses.Dried roses hung from the ceiling, their scent beating backthe otherwise musty smell.There was a small bed in one corner,and a table with two chairs against the opposite wall.A smallstove was in the middle of the room, and it took Raz only a fewminutes to get the coals going.Then he simply dropped to sit on the floor."Pechal is dead,"he said."They promised they would take care of him for me,and I left even though I had a bad feeling and now he is dead.""And you're next," Ailill said quietly."Once they throw youinto that fire, Holy Zhar Ptitsa will be gone forever [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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