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.”“Ah.” Daphne nodded slowly, then folded her arms over her chest and leaned back.“You’ve got my attention.As long as I also get an order of Swedish pancakes with lingonberries.Extra syrup.Side of sausage.”“Before Daphne scarfs down half the menu, do you want to bring the rest of us up to speed? What’s the deal with Ben? Did he set our building on fire?” asked Milo, a facetious smirk flattening one side of his mouth.“Not the building.Just me.” God, could she sound more like a deluded soap opera virgin? Apparently Daphne wasn’t the only one running on fumes.Ivy slurped down half of her coffee at once.“Ben and I went on a date last night.”“After the Sigurski wedding? Where did you find the stamina?” asked Julianna.“I went home and melted into the couch.”“Ben can be…persuasive.”“Did he persuade your panties off?” Milo sniggered.Fair question.After the frantic phone calls dragging them out of bed, the least her friends deserved was total honesty.“Not this time.”Three mouths fell open.She’d struck them all speechless.Then the glances started.Swift, darting looks between Daphne and Milo, Julianna and Milo, then Daphne and Julianna.Ivy could tell they were trying to figure out who should take the lead in the inevitable interrogation.Their imaginary psychic powers must not have been on line yet, since the careening cue ball effect just kept going.Even the arrival of the first platter of cinnamon rolls didn’t break the pointed stares, accompanied by truly impressive eyebrow gymnastics.She’d give them a quick recap of the April weekend.Like peeling off a bandage, right? Their judgment would only hurt for a second before she moved on to the real reason for the meeting.“After the taping of Wild Wedding Smackdown, Ben and I shared an…encounter.”“Definition, please?” Milo dipped the tines of his fork in the moat of melted butter and brown sugar surrounding the rolls.“How much does an encounter encompass?”Maybe they didn’t deserve total honesty.After all, Ivy wanted them to be able to look Ben in the face without blushing in a few hours.“Enough.Use your imagination.”He licked his lips.“Don’t think you want that to happen, boss.Are we talking you dropped your handkerchief and he retrieved it? Or he dropped his trousers and you—”Julianna clapped her hand over Milo’s mouth, stifling the rest of his sentence.“Not at breakfast.I can’t take suggestive smut at breakfast.”“Ivy started it.”Oh, for crying out loud! As if this story wasn’t hard enough to blurt out without dodging their interruptions.“What level of sordid detail would you like? Or should I see if we can get the elevator’s security tapes from Gib?”Daphne dropped her fork to make a time-out sign with her hands.“You told me when I dropped off clothes for you that you’d stayed up all night talking and fell asleep on the couch.And now I find out not only did something more happen, but Gib knows? I’m your best friend, and I’m kept in the dark, but you tell Gibson Moore?”The last thing Ivy wanted to do was hurt Daphne’s feelings.So far her summit meeting was off to a less than stellar start.“No.Of course not, Daph.I’m sorry I misled you, but I needed to keep the lid on this one.I haven’t told anyone what really happened until right this second.The only thing Gib knows is that we had drinks in the lounge at the Cavendish.Unless he’s turned into a flaming pervert and really does review the security tapes looking for skeevy behavior.”Mollified, Daphne took another bite.“Okay.We’ll save the story of what happened in the elevator until the next time we’re knee deep in margaritas.Let’s get back to this encounter.Or should I call it a romantic interlude? How long did it last?”“We spent the night together.And the next day.Then he left.” Then she cried into her pillow for so long she had to change out the damp blob in the middle of the night.“And I couldn’t say anything because I didn’t want you to tell me how stupid I was, to open up my heart so completely.Trust me when I say I didn’t mean to.”“Ivy, the door to your heart doesn’t even have hinges.It’s permanently welded open.We all love that about you,” said Julianna.Her hands began to clench on the sunny yellow tablecloth dusting the tops of her thighs.“But I knew Ben should be nothing more than a lost weekend.I went into it with every intention of a fun fling.Except we had lots more fun than I expected.Ben lights me up.He’s fantastic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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