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.Frankie’s love of eighties and nineties hair bands has rubbed off on me over the years.I used to bitch and moan about the music he played at his gym, but now I actually prefer listening to it rather than the shit that they play on the radio now.I step down onto the main level and survey the room.The ring is set up right in the middle; it looks out of place with the lavish chandelier hanging above, and the fancy decorative wallpaper that adorns the walls.This is only the second time I’ve attended a fight here, but the venue has become quite popular with fight promoters.Besides boxing matches, I’ve heard of several MMA fights being held here, as well.We weave our way through the tables that are set up around the room.It appears to be a sold out event, with either single seats or an entire table for purchase.As I near the ring, I notice a roped off VIP section.Of course, it’s all front row seating and each table in the section has a bottle of champagne on it.As we get closer to my corner of the ring, I see Blaine.He quickly jumps to his feet, extending his hand to Frankie.“It’s great to see you again,” he shakes Frankie’s hand.Then he turns his attention to me, “This is going to be a great fight!”I nod my head in acknowledgement.Letting go of Frankie’s hand, he steps towards me, actually going into a “man hug” by bringing his shoulder into mine.I look over his shoulder to see Salem sitting in the chair next to his.I’m actually surprised to see her here, since the last time I’d seen her, she called what I do “barbaric.” At first, she seems to be avoiding eye contact, but as I continuously stare, she finally looks up at me.I give her a quick wink and smile; she just turns her head.Is she playing hard to get, or is she actually appalled by me? I’m not sure at this point in time, but I am certainly going to explore the possibilities… soon.As I take all of her in, I notice she’s wearing yet another dress.Just like the other one, this one is showing off one of her best assets, her legs.She has them crossed, and the dress is riding up her tanned thighs.What I wouldn’t do, to be able to run my hands up under her dress.My eyes skim down her body, to her calves, where I can see the definition in her muscle from the high heels she’s wearing.There’s nothing more attractive to me than a woman who keeps her body in shape.I feel a tap on my shoulder.“Come on, let’s go,” Jimmy says in my ear.I manage to drag my eyes away from the temptation that is Salem, turn, and start walking.“Knock ‘em dead!” Blaine calls after me, as I make my way up the steps to the ring.Gladiator is anxiously awaiting my arrival.He’s sporting a new look since earlier today; his hair is now cut into a mohawk.The sides of his head are completely bald, and the top is barely an inch long, as well as having been dyed bleach blonde.This look makes him seem even fiercer than before.He glares at me while he bounces in place, punching his gloves together repeatedly.“He’s focused,” Frankie’s looking over into Gladiator’s corner.Closing my eyes, I shake my head, trying to get the dirty thoughts of Salem out.I almost wish I didn’t see her.She’s a distraction to me, but I can’t help it; I’m drawn to her.“What’s the matter with you, kid?”“Nothin’, I’m good,” I lie.“It certainly doesn’t seem like nothing,” his eyes scour over my face.“Did you fuck her?” his voice goes down to a whisper.“Who?”Frankie gives me a sideways look.“No,” I laugh.“This isn’t a laughing matter.”“I know it’s not,” I reply, trying not to smile.Frankie’s getting more pissed by the second.“You need to clear your head of her.She’s not even your girlfriend, and she’s got your head all twisted.”“Frankie, I’m fine.You have nothing to worry about,” I reassure him.“Christ almighty, I hope so.If you lose this fight because of a broad…”“Blue corner, ready?” I hear the ref say in our direction, interrupting Frankie’s rant.I hold my arm up, signaling to him that I’m ready.The announcer begins his introductions; first with the referee, he then moves on to Gladiator, and lastly, to me.I keep my eyes on Gladiator during the announcements, trying to intimidate him a little.The announcer steps out of the ring and the ref motions us to the middle.He explains the rules to us; we touch gloves, and return to our corners, waiting for the sound of the bell.Frankie is waiting for me in mine.“Alright, this is it,” he puts his face right in front of mine until we’re almost nose to nose, “you’re ready for him.You are gonna win this fight.”Looking directly into his eyes, I inhale through my nose and let out a deep breath.Frankie and I are in sync; neither of us needs words to communicate.I trust him with my life and know he’d never let me down [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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