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. Oh, that is just nasty.And then my tire blew up.Rubber popped.The Mini Cooper s back end spun out.My heart stuttered as my pretty little carmade grinding noises when the metal of my tire rim hit pavement. Shit, piss, motherfucker.Oh God.Oh God.Skidding off onto the soft shoulder of the road, the car finally came to a stop.I sat there and panted while my heart rategalloped.My knuckles showed white on the wheel, and I had to force myself to relax my grip and reach down to shift into park.My hands shook on the door handle when I hauled myself out to go look at my tire.I walked around the car to the passenger sideand kept an eye out for crazy-ass drivers who might be too blind or stupid to see the emergency flashers on my car and hit me.Oh,yeah.That was the flattest tire I d ever seen.Little bits of rubber hung off it and flopped on the ground. Spare tire, Cyn.Put it on and get the hell to Vegas. Popping my trunk, I What the hell? Where were the jack and tireiron? I had forgotten to check for them in this car when I bought it from the used car dealership last week.Now that I needed  em,they were nowhere to be found.Fan-damn-tastic.Time to call in reinforcements.I opened the passenger door and fished around for my cell phone.Please, please, please let me have cell phone service.I wasin the middle of bumfuck nowhere.I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, not daring to look.My breath whooshed out when Isaw I had full bars.I pulled in a deep breath while I dialed my roadside assistance number.The number was programmed into myphone, just in case.You never knew when a Rambo-wannabe jackrabbit would hang on to your bumper and use his last breath toshred your tire.Fucking bunny.I punched in all the appropriate numbers and listened to a recorded voice tell me to call 911 if it was a life threateningemergency.Well, duh. Hello? I have a flat tire, and I need someone to come put on my spare The woman dispatcher s professionally concerned voice cut me off. Okay, ma am.Are you in a safe area?I looked around at the miles and miles of dirt. I m kind of in the middle of nowhere, but I guess I m safe. Good.Now where are you exactly? I m not sure.I m eastbound on I-15 about a hundred miles west of Las Vegas.I don t see a call box or any mile markers. So, you re east of Las Vegas  No, I m west of Vegas going east toward Vegas. I rolled my eyes. What city did you just pass?Did I just speak English? I swear I d told this woman I had no idea where I was.I was worried about Desi, not about where Imight pop a tire. I m not sure.I know I m about a hundred miles west of Vegas. All right, ma am.We ll dispatch someone, and they should be there in about twenty to thirty minutes. Thank you! I could be with Desi soon, then.I shivered as the cold desert night air hit my bare shoulders and legs.Hurryingback to the driver s side, I slid into my seat.Twenty minutes later, my phone rang.Oh, good.Must be the tow truck driver. Hello?An older female voice responded,  Hi, Ms.Trent.I m sorry, but we won t be able to dispatch anyone until we know yourlocation.Can you tell me exactly where you are?I blinked. Um.I already told the last lady I talked to. Can you tell me again?Okay, stay calm.I d only been on the side of the road for about half an hour.Everything was fine. Sure.I m not one hundred percent sure of where I am, but I m eastbound on I-15 about a hundred miles west of Las Vegas. Are there any mile makers nearby? No. And I sure as hell wouldn t wander around in the frigid ass desert to look for one.She was silent for a long moment. Um.All right, ma am.We ll dispatch someone, and they should be there in about twenty tothirty minutes. Sounds good. I sighed and dropped the phone on my lap.Twenty minutes later, my phone rang. Hello?A pleasant male voice answered. Hi, Ms.Trent.I m sorry, but we won t be able to dispatch anyone until we know yourlocation.Can you tell me exactly where you are?She agreed to everything but sex.She hadn t counted on his monstrous creativity&My Fair Monster© 2008 Lila DuboisMonsters in Hollywood, Book TwoSince the day three incredibly hot men in disguise walk into her office and proved Monsters are real, intrepid screenwriter JaneDarby is obsessed with one task: to give the creatures a mythical makeover by writing a revolutionary, blockbuster screenplay.Now if only she can get over her own fear and get the closed-mouth Michael to talk about his people.Michael is fascinated by the demur and docile Jane, whose efforts to hold him at arm  s length hide an untapped sexualpassion a beast within her waiting to be set free.There s only one way to get under her lovely skin: strike a bargain [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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