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.Ben sat quietly on the throne at the center of the dais, Willow at one hand, Questor and Abernathy at theother.The kobolds crouched directly in front of him.Fillip and Sot were nowhere to be seen.TheG'home Gnomes had vanished once more.Tunneled down about twenty feet, Ben surmised with faint amusement."Abernathy." Ben turned abruptly to find his scribe.The dog jumped at the sound of his voice, then collected himself and bowed stiffly."Yes, High Lord?""Go to Kallendbor and the Lords of the Greensward, then to the River Master.Ask that they join mebefore the dais.""Yes, High Lord."He went immediately.Abernathy hadn't quarreled once with Questor since they had left the castle.Bothwere on their best behavior  both walking on eggshells.It made Ben more nervous than he would havebeen if they had simply acted normal."High Lord." Questor bent close, his voice a whisper."It nears dawn.You wear no armor and you haveno weapons.Let me suggest that you allow me to equip you with some of each  now."Ben looked up at the scarecrow figure with his gray robes and colored scarfs, his wispish hair andbeard, and his lined, anxious face and he smiled gently."No, Questor.No weapons and no armor.Theywouldn't do me any good against a creature like the Mark.I can't defeat him that way.I have to findanother."Questor Thews cleared his throat."Do you happen to have such a way in mind, High Lord?"Ben felt the cold that had settled deep within him burn sharply."I might," he lied.Questor stepped back.The shadows that cloaked the clearing were beginning to fade with the coming ofdaylight.Figures appeared from out of the gloom to either side  the Lords of the Greensward and theRiver Master and members of his family.Ben stood up and walked to the edge of the dais, stepping pastthe watchful kobolds.The iron forms of the Lords and the slim shadows of the fairies converged beforehim.He took a deep breath.There was no point in mincing, words."The Mark comes to challenge me atdawn," he told them quietly."Will you stand with me against him?"There was complete silence.Ben looked from one face to the next, then nodded."Very well.Let me putit another way.Kallendbor, the Lords of the Greensward gave me their word that they would pledge tothe throne if I rid them of the dragon Strabo.I have done so.He is banished from the Greensward and allof the settled parts of the valley.I ask you now for your pledge.If your word means anything, you willgive it to me." Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlHe waited.Kallendbor looked uncertain."What guarantee have we that you have done as you say that the dragon is gone for good?" demanded Strehan harshly.He isn't gone for good, Ben was tempted to say.He's gone for as long as I'm King and not a momentmore, so you ought to think seriously about helping me stay alive!But he didn't say that.Instead, he ignored Strehan and kept his eyes on Kallendbor."Once your pledgeis given, I will command that the people of Greensward cease all violation of the waters that feed into andsustain the lake country.Your people will work with the people of the River Master to clean thosewaters and to keep them clean.He turned."You, River Master, will then fulfill your promise and give to me your pledge as well.Andyou will begin again to teach to the people of the Greensward the secrets of your healing magic.You willhelp them to understand."He paused again, eyes fixed now on the chiseled face of the sprite.There was uncertainty in the RiverMaster's face as well.No one said anything.The wind brushed suddenly against his face, sharp and quick.From somewhere distant, there was a lowrumble like thunder.Ben forced himself to remain outwardly calm.The dawn had begun to break againstthe skyline."No one," he said softly, "will be forced to stand with me against the Mark."He felt Questor's hand clamp roughly on his arm, but he ignored it.The clearing had gone still but for thequickening of the wind and the growing sound of the thunder.Shadows faded into streaks of silver androse.The people of the lake country slipped deeper into the forest gloom; the knights and their warhorses began to grow restless."High Lord." Kallendbor came forward a step.His dark eyes were intense."It matters nothing whatpromises passed between us.If the Mark has challenged you, you are a dead man.You would be soeven if we chose to take your part in this.None of us  Lords or fairy people  can withstand theMark [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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