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.Therelatively small group of space travelers had obeyed the biblical injunctionto go forth and multiply.Explorers mapped a continent.Ships sailed the oceans and spread man to theother land masses.With the growth of technical knowledge the resources of theplanet were utilized.Steam engines replaced sails on the seas and theinternal combustion engine was not far behind.And then man was back in the sky, reaching with accelerated eagerness towardspace.Somewhere out there, its exact location long since forgotten, was Home.Earth.The Mother Planet.The myth.All knowledge of the original planet hadbeen passed down by word of mouth in the beginning, and the telling had beencolored by the fears and bitterness of the original exiles.Old Earth was aplace of savagery.It was a world of war and death.Diverse peoples who spokelanguages understood only by themselves sought to dominate others, to takespoils and exact tribute.Old Earth was a planet of carnivores.Man, himself, was the most dangerous ofall.The cities of Old Earth were walled and men had to be ready at all timesto defend what was theirs.It was to escape the cycle of wars and destructionthat the original settlers had set forth into the unknown.To prevent thereinstitution of war as policy, the old ones taught peace, but theyremembered.Although there was no threat to man onNew Earth from members of his own race or from carnivorous animals, the firstsettlement had a thorn barricade.On Old Earth a nation had to be capable ofdefending itself or fall prey to the first aggressor who came along.Thisbasic philosophy was so much a part of man that as technology developed andpopulation grew New Earth organized an army and a navy.In defense of having armed forces on a planet populated by one unified peoplethose who were elected to govern pointed upward, toward the darkness of space."We came through the distances," they said."Othersmight, as well."The most common explanation for the army and the navy was that it gave theyoung ones something to do during two to four critical years in theirdevelopment.When, as they had on Old Earth, the thundering rockets began tomaul their way out of the atmosphere, a new service was organized.The spacearm becameTheService.Members of The Service tested the first ship to be equipped with ablink generator.Man had managed, once again, to reach out to the stars.Later, when a small explorer ship happened into the sac in which swam the DeadWorlds, xenophobia was given new impetus.The people who had destroyed anentire family of worlds, actually cooling the interior fires of planets, wereout there somewhere.Those fearsome beings with weapons which man could onlyPage 60 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlimagine could come sweeping out of the depths of space at any time.X&A shipswent armed, and because of the DeadWorlds there was developed a weapon as awesome as that which the killer racehad used to cool the fires of the Dead Worlds, the planet buster.One missile,one planet.One titanic convulsion and there was a new asteroid belt whereonce there had been a world.To man's eternal shame, the planet buster was used in the Zede War, a conflictthat pitted man against man once more.The Zede worlds boasted the finesttechnology in the galaxy, and, although they were outnumbered by those loyalto the United Planets Confederation, they were close to victory when "in theinterest of freedom and the dignity of mankind" theUnited Planets began to fire the deadly, planet destroying missiles.So it was that the Service had its roots in the history of what the mutants ofOld Earth called The Old Ones, the original race of man as represented bythose few who managed to escape Earth before TheDestruction.When a sailing ship of the New Earth Navy lost a man while atsea, his body was consigned to the deep with due ceremony.Traveling in thebroad cavity of space was, in many ways, similar to sailing wide seas.In eachinstance distance was a factor, and time was required to conquer thatdistance.When a man died far from land on one of the old sailing ships, hewas sewn into a hank of sail and given to the sea.There the materialscontained in his body were returned to the earth through decay.In deep spacea ship was far from home.Aboard a relatively small vessel, such as theErin Kenner, no method had been provided for storing a dead body.Even on larger shipskeeping a body aboard would have beenentirely too destructive of crew morale.Better to consign the dead to thesea, to the sea of space.However, there was a difference between dumping a man's body into the waterwhere it would be consumed by sea creatures who would benefit from it andpushing a body through an air lock to float in the darkness of space.Therethe cold and the vacuum would preserve the body forever [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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