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. You mind if I watch you? If you want, Leigh said.He wrung the sponge out and wiped his abs,figuring it didn t much matter if someone watched him.If he wasfriendly, if he gave Paul what he wanted, then maybe Paul d let him go.He swabbed his thighs, rinsed the sponge, and then held his cock inone hand while he washed it.It began to swell, and was soon hard.Leigh blushed.He dipped the sponge into the bowl and cleaned his sac. Are you going to put the suit on? Yeah, Leigh said.He picked up the towel, dried himself vigorously,and then stepped into the suit, threading it over his shoes and hoisting itonto his shoulders.He zipped it up. You sure look good in that. Thanks, Leigh said.He folded the towel, very well aware of how hard his cock was, andof how it was jutting forward and tenting the suit.He placed the bowland the towel in front of the slot and Paul lifted his head. | | |  So  how did it happen?They were eating lunch, toasted ham and tomato sandwiches.Leigh satwith his back against the door. How did what happen? Your face. Oh  you don t want to know that. No.Really.I d like to know. My brother  he.aw, you don t want to know. No.Really.Tell me. Paul began hesitantly, starting with the kiss in the change room, and bythe time he was finished, Leigh was sitting in silence, gripping hisforehead.It sounded like something out of a horror movie.Not somethingyou could really believe in. Where d he get the brand from? It was our brand  a cattle brand from our ranch in Texas.Leigh nodded. I never went to school after that  only the one time.Leigh sat silently for minutes, imagining Paul on the landing, Paul inthis house, for years on his own.Absent-mindedly, he began to trail hisfingers through his hair. You know what d be good, he said. What s that? A hairbrush. Okay, Paul said.He got up, and a few moments later he was back.His hand appeared beneath the slot, holding a silver-backed hairbrush. Thanks, Leigh said, noting how warm Paul s skin was as their handstouched. Can I watch you? If you want to. Can you kneel by the keyhole?Leigh knelt on the floor and brushed his hair out, glancing now andthen at the shadow beyond the keyhole.Behind him, the sun came out andthe room filled with light. | | | Paul took the plates downstairs, and 15 or 20 minutes later a doorslammed.Leigh got off the bed and stood by the desk.Paul appeared inthe yard, walking toward the forest.Leigh frowned, wondering what hewas doing.He watched in silence as Paul stepped onto the track to thepool and disappeared into the woods.If something happened now, if the house caught fire, then Leigh was asgood as dead.He paced the room, thinking there had to be some way out of here.Ifhe d asked Paul for a blanket last night, for some sheets and a blanket,then he could have made a rope, and he resolved to do that tonight, to tellPaul he d been cold.Still, there had to be some way out of here right now.He glanced at the door, figured he hadn t tried barging it, and set hisUUL shoulder against it.After three or four minutes he decided it washopeless.He stared at the closet, at the dresser, at the desk, and was surehe must be missing something, that there was something a smarter personwould think of that he hadn t tried.He came up with nothing, and eventually fell asleep, sprawled on hisback.When he woke, it was dark. | | |  I saw your friend, Paul said. My friend? The guy with the dark hair and the thighs.Blake. I ve seen him with you before. He s my brother. Your brother? Yeah. You came up here with him last summer.Leigh nodded, twirling the spaghetti on his fork, though he feltstrangely distant from it now. I always watch you when you come here.A shiver passed along Leigh s arm and the skin on his chest turned togooseflesh. But when I saw you yesterday, I thought maybe you d like to come tothe house.I thought maybe you d like to get to know me.Leigh rested the back of his head against the door. He was looking all round the pool, and he found something. My wallet, Leigh said. Your wallet? And a Mars bar. You could have told me about that. I didn t think of it. Beyond the window, clouds raced over themoon. He probably saw my bike  on the road. Your bike s in the basement.Leigh closed his eyes. He was duck-diving in the pool.I figure he thinks you drowned.No.Blake wouldn t think that.He wasn t stupid.If Leigh s bike wasn t there and his wallet was, then Blake d know something had happened. You really ought to let me go. Let you go? Yeah.I.I won t tell anyone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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