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.When you strip away all of the slutty clothes and thehatefulness, Porsche is actually quite beautiful.I can’t help but wonder if this is who she is whenwith Keagan.How can I compare to her? Her eyes are glassy with unshed tears and the sword that I had noticed poised and ready to attack is now held loosely at her side.She appears crushed, defeated.I don’t trust her; I feel like she is doing this to get underKeagan’s skin and is going toattack him at any minute.“Keagan,don’t trust her!She’s making you let your guard down.” Keagan glances myway when I speak, and in that moment Porsche flings herself at Keagan, putting him in aheadlock.She is attached to his back and I can see that Keagan’s face is turning purple from theloss of air.He is trying to remove her from his back by pulling her arm, but with little success.Idon’t think he wants to hurt her, and that is what eventually causes him to black out.I simplystand there, and it comes to me that I should have done something to help him, but I was tooshocked at the strength and conniving way that Porsche has about her.Suddenly, Porsche raises her sword and starts running toward me.I imagine her in thegrassy area that Aunt Tisi and I always practice, and right before my eyes she starts disappearing.I will deal with her another time.I’m done with this and don’t feel like playing small ballanymore;it’s time for some real magic.I take in the scene below me and start picturing it as I want it.I visualize a largecontainment area with bars running the entire front of the building and only one door leading out.I then imagine all of the Guardians inside, and the keys that open the building in Helen’s hands.Ihave to close my eyes because it’s taking a lot of energy and I start feeling tired.I know that Ican’t do a whole lot more.I’m just done, butI don’t want anybody hurt.I don’t know why wedidn’t do this to begin with,but sometimes I guess we just don’t think of using our powers to thefull extent.When I open my eyes, I see that it is just as I wanted it.All of the Guardians are inthe containment building and the rebels are cheering.Helen turns and looks in my direction,lifting her sword in the air in acknowledgment.In the next instant, all of the rebels are turning tome, raising their swords and cheering me on.I’m glad that it’s all over and no one got seriouslyhurt.Taking a deep breath, I wave to everyone before turning to check on Keagan.Chapter 7 Keagan I seriously can’t believe that she knocked me out cold.I always thought the only thing Porsche has going for her is that she’s hot, but something about her putting me in a head lock makes me want her bad.I love a girl with a fighting spirit who goes after what she wants and sticks to her guns.I can’t hate on that.After everything that has happened,I’m not sure if Porsche and I are gonna be together any time soon, though.Eventually it will happen; girls always throw themselves at me.With Porsche, I don’t really mind.I’m glad I came up with the plan to bring her here.I needed to prove that I wasn’t with the Young Creator, like everyone was saying.My head is pounding, and as I slowly get up, vertigo sets in.The room starts spinning, and I squeeze my eyes shut tight.Crap, this really sucks.Where a moment ago I was all about Porsche, now I’m cursing her name.I stillcan’t believe the mess I’ve found myself in.I was just fine with how things were, and then everything had to go ahead and completely come unhinged.I like the structure and rules that the Guardians live by; you always know what’s expected.There are never any surprises.Even when you mess up, you already know that you did because you fell short of the expectations.You take the punishment andmake sure you don’t ever make the same mistake again.It’s simple, straightforward.Now this situation that I have found myself in, I have no frickin ’ idea where right and wrong fall.I keep finding myself in scenarios where everything that I have known and believed in my entire life gets challenged.I don’t really understand myself sometimes.Just when I think I have everything figured out and it’s starting to make sense, I run into another obstacle, which completely changes my outlook.I really do admire Porsche and how she is sticking with what she knows and believes in.As far as things go right now,I’m not so sure about everything that we have done and are doing in Haven.Maybe it is time for change.I guess that is why I made the decision I did.When that Young Creator asked me if I really wanted to see Riley and my mom go through torture and the hardship that happens to break a Young Creator,I knew I just didn’t have the heart to see those I love put through something like that.Maybe that makes me weak, but I’m going to stick with it.I seriously just want things to chill.I slowly open my eyes and am relieved to notice that the tent has stopped spinning, so I jump up, which I instantly regret.I’m just happy that none of the guys in my training class are here to see what a pansyI’m being right now.Man up, Keagan, I tell myself.I start stretching my sore muscles and am relieved to feel some of the tension leave my body.This is something that I can control, and I like being in control.I like things neat and orderly; each and every person has their place, their mission, and knows what they are responsible.One well-oiled machine.I run my hands over my recently cropped hair, feeling the large lump that must be causing me all of my discomfort.I pull on a shirt sinceI’m only in a pair of loose shorts.Someone must have changed me out of my gear.I wonder if it was that hot little Creator, Trish.Stop it, Keagan, you can’t think of her like that.However,it’s hard not to.Ever since I first laid eyes on her, when she was leaning over me, there’s an attraction and pull that draws me to her.I can’t explain it and it annoys the crap out of me.Like I said, I like things simple, organized.I always know where I’m standing with Porsche, but this chickI just don’t know.I would never tell anyone this, especially not any of the guys, but I feel drawn to Trish, which I know is completely wrong.Our kinds are not meant to be together and it is completely unnatural.We were taught that in one of our first classes, and it has been ingrained in us ever since.That is why this is all so difficult.I know that I’m probably sending Trish mixed signals, but there is the side of me that warns against Trish, and then there is the side that wants to be close to her.I’ve seen how my parents were treated at Haven based on my dad’s choice to be with my Mom.I have always had to work harder to overcome the shadow that being their kid cast on me.It’s too much to think and worry about; all I really need to do right now is find my family.I just want to make sure that they are doing well.Opening the flap on the tent, I step into bright sunshine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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