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."Was that it? Drinks anddinner?"With a wince in her voice she said, "They went back to his place.""For how long?""Well, the bloke waited outside till five o'clock in the morning.But that doesn't mean they actuallydidanything," she added hastily.Of course not.They played Beggar My Neighbor and had a nice glass of hot milk."You are upset, aren't you?" she went on anxiously."God, I knew you would be.""I'm not!" I even added a light little laugh."It's not as if I've been seeing him for six months.""Are you sure? I'd never have told you, but I thought you'd want to know you were off the hook.Nina'shook, I mean." She paused."And to be honest, I thought you were quite keen, andI'd want to know.Iknow one night doesn't exactly constitute a relationship, but I'm not sure I'd like it.""Well, that's blokes for you, isn't it?" I said lightly."Always looking for the next bit of nectar to stick theirproboscis in.""I suppose.At least you won't have Nina screaming on your doorstep." Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlI thought she'd never get off the phone.When she eventually did, Sally said, "For God's sake,what ?"It's weird how in the space of hours, roles can be reversed.Sally was now the comforter, the practicalone with her life all sorted, while I felt like a lump of frozen sick.She did her best, pointing at every reasonable explanation."He might have arranged to see her evenbefore anything happened with you.""Yes, but couldn't he have stopped at dinner?""Look, just because people sleep under the same roof doesn't mean anything has to happen.Maybe shewas just staying the night.""Yes, and maybe Jacko just signed up for apassementerie class.""What the hell'spassementerie ?""Tassel making," I said, like a numb mechanism."As in soft furnishings." I'd never have known this either,only Jess had been to just such a class, so she could make nice tiebacks for her bedroom curtains."He told you he was going out on Friday night, didn't he?" she pointed out."You didn't exactly throw afit then.""It was a dinner party! At least, that's what I thought he meant.A long-standing dinner 'thing,' he said."Was that what he'd intended me to think? Or was it the truth? What if he'd seen Blonde on Thursdaynight? What if he'd met some rampant Charlotte on Friday night, too?"Maybe it was a long-standing dinnerdate ," Sally said."An old friend who'd come up from the sticks.Inwhich case, no wonder she stayed the night."The more she came up with reasonable explanations, the more I couldn't accept them.Every shred ofsuspicion I'd ever held about him was suddenly combining into a tidal wave."Working late," the ease withwhich he could lie& Had he told Nina he was working late when he'd been with me? Why had I blithelyassumed I was the only one?"Sally, Suzannesaw the photos.You can tell 'old friend' stuff a mile off, and this was not 'old friends.' ""Okay, maybe it wasn't.Look, I'm not making excuses for him, but if you couldn't see him three nights ina row, you can hardly expect him to stay in watching the snooker.Unless he's signed someexclusive-rights contract you haven't told me about, you know you're overreacting.""I can't help it! He's not just some passing fancy I can take or leave!""Harriet, he's abloke ! That's what blokes do! You had one night with him, not a joint mortgage.You'vegot to get this in proportion.""You don't get it, do you? It meant something to me, the other night!""Of course it did! You'd let yourself get obsessed with him, and you hadn't had sex in ages!""It wasn't just sex!" Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"Then you've got two choices.Either you put this out of your mind and take him as you find him, or youconfront him.Tell him about Nina and her spy.At least it'll all be out in the open [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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