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.Maybe she'd gone off LukeArcher, close up.Maybe he had really hairy nostrils.That sent me into another fit, like afourteen-year-old with the giggles.Nick shot a grin at Rob."I'm not sure those two should be let loose on Barbados without an officialwarning to their government.""Highly dangerous," said Rob."Maybe one of us should tag along to keep them in order."I was still wiping my eyes."Feel free.We could do with a slave along to fetch the drinks.""And for the sun cream," said Jane."Any slave must be highly skilled at slapping on factor fifteen." "I've got a Ph.D.in it," said Rob."My hands are legend," said Nick."Toss for it, then," she said."And don't forget your swimmies.But none of those revolting male knickers,please.The ones that look as if you've got a milk bottle down the front."That set me off again."Has Izzy been sniffing something on the quiet?" said Ian."Because if so, I wish she'd give me a snort ofit."If Rob hadn't zonked out around three-thirty we might have started playing silly games, but he did, andNick started making time-to-go noises.He called a couple of cab companies who said sorry, no chancetill six.Felicity said never mind, they could sleep on the sofas.Ian brought down duvets and pillows, andwe tucked Rob in.It was nearly four when I finally staggered upstairs with Jane and Henry.She came from the bathroom just as I was about to get into bed."Izzy, what have you got on?""Alice's Christmas present.Not really me, but I thought I might as well christen it.""Hmm.Probably the sort of thing the kind of person who irons her knickers would wear for a ladylikedirty weekend.""Can you have a ladylike dirty weekend?" But I saw her point.An ankle-length nightie of cream satin, itwas splashed with deep pink roses.Cut like a slinky dress, it had tiny straps on a V plunge top.The next thing I remember, after the lights went off, was Henry, whining softly and nosing my face.Theclock on the bedside table said 6:01."Sssh!" But he went to the door and started pawing at it.Oh, Lord.This was what came of letting him devour bacon sandwich crusts at a time when his stomachwas normally asleep.I tiptoed down old-house stairs that creaked, like the kitchen door when I openedit.After Henry shot out I felt suddenly dehydrated.Running the cold tap I filled my hands, splashing myface at the same time.Then I looked for something to wipe it on, caught the back of a kitchen chair withmy thigh, and winced as it made a scraping noise on the tiles.From the open back door I called in an urgent whisper, "Henry! Come on, good boy& "That was when I heard a creak behind me.I whirled around."Nick!" I put a hand to my heart in relief."My God, you gave me such a fright& ""I gave you?" From pausing on the threshold, he came in and shut the door."Crashing around giving meheart failure I was gearing myself up for a burglar with a sawn-off crowbar."He did a good line in fake hacked-off with a giveaway little smile."Henry woke me up." I nodded at theback door."He was getting desperate.""That's no reason to stand there with the door open." He went straight over and shut it."It's brassmonkey stuff in here." "I know." I gave my goosey arms a little rub."But I didn't want him doing his best let-me-in woof andwaking everybody up.""Let him.You'll catch your death like that.""You can talk." He was wearing only a pair of boxers, only they weren't plain white like last time.Theywere black, emblazoned with Dennis the Menace."Were they a Christmas present?""Spot on.Go on, you can laugh," he added with a smile.A bit late, as I already was."I think Alex's mum does his Christmas shopping," he added."Mums usually do, when you're six.Sorry I woke you," I added."No problem.After that brake fluid, my radiator could do with a top-up." Filling a glass from the tap, henodded at my splashy roses."Was that a Christmas present?""However did you guess?"He downed half the water."I had you down as more of a Tigger type."Unflirty, unflattering, but undeniably true."You're dead right.The Tiggers don't need ironing."He laughed."And at least they're warm," I went on."Oh, Lord, there's the animal& " As he was scratching at thedoor I charged to open it before he barked."Oh, Henry! You vile animal!" Delighted to see me, he jumped up, planting two filthy paws on myladylike satin.Having done that he charged to Shep's water bowl, leaving a trail of filthy paw prints."Well, that's christened this good and proper." I looked down at my nightie."My sister would have a fit."But Nick was laughing, and that set me off, too."Trust him," I added, as Henry slurped noisily."Justlook at his feet!" They must have been two inches deep in mud."I can't take him upstairs like that.Excuse me, if I could just get to the cupboard under the sink& "He moved aside, and I found Felicity's dog-cloth, lurking among bleach and laundry detergent."Right,come here, you horrible animal& "Henry hated having his feet wiped.Either it tickled or he objected on principle.As I did his back paws,he did his best to escape."I'll hold him." Nick took his collar while I did the other paw and took the cloth to the sink for a rinse."Up you get, Muttley." As I came back Nick stood astride him, lifting him by his front legs, so he wasmore or less upright with captive front paws dangling. "How very practical," I said."Thank you.""Don't mention it."I resumed wiping."At least it's just mud.He's been known to get into fox poo.You wouldn't believehow rank that can be.""I would.I've had a sick fox crap all over me."I got the giggles again.Either it was leftovers from Jane or all that Moet still coursing in my system, but itwas a serious case.In fact, I was still at it when Henry was done."Okay, you can take the handcuffsoff& "Over captive Henry I looked up at him, and my daft giggles died in my throat.Something had sneaked up while I wasn't looking.As he released Henry and straightened up, there wasonly a foot between us.In his eyes I saw every hint of itch he'd shown all evening, magnified fifty-fold.The air between us crackled with it.Suddenly I was acutely aware of my flimsy satin, and only meunderneath.I might have been back at Colditz, only fifty-fold.I was on that bed, holding my hair up,tingling in anticipation of the kiss that had never come.I swallowed, hard."Maybe I should, erm, do the floor& "His answer was to take the cloth from my hand and sling it at the sink.Without a word he took me in afierce, possessive embrace.His mouth was hard, hungry, and melting all at once, and it melted me.As hislips and tongue searched and possessed, waves of desire coursed through me.Suddenly my arms werearound him, my hands all over him as his were over my slippery satin.To put it bluntly, it was the kind ofwarm-up old Mother Nature must have had in mind when she started thinking that merely splittingyourself in half, like an amoeba, was actually a bit boring.There was a moment when we came up for air.He was just holding me, his whole body as tense as ahot, coiled spring.It was like a pause in a storm, between one clap of thunder and the massive one youknew was about to break directly overhead.Over the top of my hair he said, "Do you still want to dothat bloody floor?"Roughened with desire, his voice electrified me almost as much as hard evidence of storms about tobreak."I don't think there's any Mr.Muscle in the cupboard."I felt a vibration of laughter in his chest."I'll give you Mr.Muscle& "Oh, yes, please&And that was it.Within another couple of heartbeats a savage beast was raising its ugly head, and I don'tjust mean Dennis the Menace [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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