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.'Let's& ' I close my eyes, searching for inspiration.'Let's&suppose I'm in a clothes shop!' I open my eyes again.'I'm in a clothes shop, and I've chosen a wonderfulcashmere Nicole Farhi coat.OK?''OK,' says Rory cautiously.'I love Nicole Farhi!' says Emma, perking up.'Beautiful knitwear.''Exactly,' I say.'OK, so imagine I'm standing in the checkout queue, minding my own business, whena sales assistant comes up to me and says, "Why not buy this other coat instead? It's better quality thanthis one  and I'll throw in a free bottle of perfume." I've got no reason to distrust the sales assistant, so Ithink, wonderful, and I buy the other coat.''Right,' says Rory, nodding.'With you so far.''But when I get outside,' I say carefully.'I discover that this other coat isn't Nicole Farhi, and isn't realcashmere.I go back in  and the shop won't give me a refund.''You were ripped off!' exclaims Rory, as though he's just discovered gravity.'Exactly,' I say.'I was ripped off.And the point is  so were thousands of Flagstaff Life customers.They were persuaded out of their original choice of investment, into a fund which left them ?20,000worse off.' I pause, marshalling my thoughts.'Perhaps Flagstaff Life didn't break the law.Perhaps theydidn't contravene any regulations.But there's a natural justice in this world, and they didn't just breakthat, they shattered it.Those customers deserved that windfall.They were loyal, long-standingcustomers, and they deserved it.And if you're honest, Luke Brandon, you know they deserved it.'I finish my speech breathlessly and look at Luke.He's staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face  and in spite of myself, I feel myhttp://www.fictionbook.ru/author/kinsella_sophie/the_secret_dreamworld_of_a_shopaholi.3/16/2006 The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic Page 123 of 140stomach give a nervous flip.I swallow, and try to shift my gaze away from his  but somehow I can'tmove my head.It's as though our eyes are glued together.'Luke?' says Emma.'Do you have a response to Rebecca's point?'Luke doesn't respond.He's staring at me, and I'm staring back, feeling my heart thump like a rabbit.'Luke?' repeats Emma slightly impatiently.'Do you have-''Yes,' says Luke.'Yes I do.Rebecca& ' He shakes his head, almost smiling to himself, then looks upagain at me.'Rebecca, you're right.'There's a sudden still silence around the studio.I open my mouth, but I can't make a sound.Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rory and Emma glancing at each other, puzzled.'Sorry, Luke,' says Emma.'Do you mean-''She's right,' says Luke, and gives a shrug.'Rebecca's absolutely right.' He reaches for his glass ofwater, leans back on iris sofa and takes a sip.'If you want my honest opinion, those customers deservedthat wind fall.I very much wish they had received it.'This can't be happening.Luke's agreeing with me.How can he be agreeing with me?'I see,' says Emma, sounding a bit affronted.'So, you've changed your position, then?'There's a pause, while Luke stares thoughtfully into his glass of water.Then he looks up and says,'My company is employed by Flagstaff Life to maintain their public profile.But that doesn't mean thatpersonally I agree with everything they do  or even that I know about it.' He pauses.'To tell you thetruth, I had no idea any of this was going on until I read about it in Rebecca's article in the Daily World.Which, by the way, was a fine piece of investigative journalism,' he adds, nodding to me.'Congratulations.'I stare back helplessly, unable even to mutter 'Thank you'.I've never felt so wrong-footed in all mylife.I want to stop, and bury my head in my hands and think all of this through slowly and carefully but I can't, I'm on live television.I'm being watched by 2.5 million people, all around the country.Shit, I hope my legs look OK.'If I were a Flagstaff customer and this had happened to me, I'd be very angry,' Luke continues.'Thereis such a thing as customer loyalty; there is such a thing as playing straight.And I would hope that anyclient of mine, whom I represent in public, would abide by both of those principles.''I see,' says Emma and turns to the camera.'Well  this is quite a turn-around! Luke Brandon, here torepresent Flagstaff Life, now says that what they did was wrong.Any further comment, Luke?''To be honest,' says Luke, with a wry smile, 'I'm not sure I'll be representing Flagstaff Life any moreafter this.''Ah,' says Rory, leaning forward intelligently.'And can you tell us why that is?''Oh, honestly, Rory!' says Emma impatiently.She rolls her eyes and Luke gives a little snort oflaughter.Suddenly everyone's laughing, and I join in too, slightly hysterically.I catch Luke's eye and feelsomething flash in my chest, then quickly look away again.'Right, well, anyway,' says Emma abruptly, pulling herself together and smiling at the camera [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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