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.Our legsare crisscrossed as we face each other with an ordinary violet ribbon crystal ball between us.It s theteaching ball, he told me.He said that once I d been trained properly he d bring out the Ira, that it wastoo powerful to train onHe also told me that it would only be him and I going into The Underworld and that it wasn tpossible to bring anyone with us besides Foreseers because they d need their own Seer energy.Iasked if I could go alone and he said no.I honestly have no idea whether the words that come out ofhis mouth are true, but there s no real way to find out. Why do you need to go to The Underworld? he asks as he rotates the crystal ball in his hand.I hesitate, not sure what to say.Lie.Probably not since he is going to end up finding out when hegoes down to The Underworld with me. To get my mom.He glances up at me with inquisitiveness. I met her once.She disappeared quite a few yearsago, didn t she?  Fourteen years ago, I say, my voice uneven. And that s where she ended up? Nicholas sets the ball down on the tile floor and it wobbles alittle, rolling back and forth.I nod and wait for him to ask how she got there, but he never does and I wonder if he alreadyknows, if maybe he saw it through a vision.He spins the crystal ball on the floor. So who s your father?Good question. I m not sure exactly.He quizzically raises his eyebrows as he slams his palm down on the crystal ball, stilling it. You re not sure? How s that possible? When your mother refuses to tell anyone before she gets trapped in The Underworld, I replydryly. So, for all you know, your father could have been some almighty and great Foreseer. Hepauses and a mocking grin plays at his lips. Your father could be Dyvinius.I roll my eyes. That s disturbing.He s like sixty.Nicholas shrugs. You never know.Some girls have a thing for older guys.Like you and Alex. He s only a few years older than me. I move my feet out of the way as the crystal rolls towardthem. And how can you touch that thing without being sucked into it.He presses two fingers to his temple, his lips curving upward. Mental talent.I let out a slow breath, tired of playing games. Can we just get on with this? The longer I m uphere, the longer my mother s stuck down there.He stares at me blankly, cupping the crystal in his hand. I want you to ask nicely first.I bite down on my tongue. Pretty please.He drops the crystal onto the floor so hard I m surprised it doesn t break. So, until we can getyou going into and out of visions that you re intentionally trying to go into, he starts in a bored toneas if he s done this many times. There s really no point in us trying to travel into The Underworld&One false move and we could end up in the bottom of the lake, where we d either drown or get takento The Underworld by the Water Faeries which means we d be prisoners there we have to go in aspecific way or we re in trouble.Got it?I nod. So how does it work, exactly? We enter The Underworld through that ball.Then what? Ilean back on my hands. How do we get the Queen to let my mom go? And how do we get her to letus go? Wouldn t we just end up prisoners anyways?He shakes his head. The Queen can t keep us there it s the law that comes with using the Ira. It sounds kind of difficult. It will be, he says matter-of-factly. It ll take a lot of power and control to pull it off, and Ihave no idea how you re going to get the Queen to let your mother go. Neither do I, I mumble. But I ll find a way.He stretches his legs out in front of him. Sure you will.  I will. I stare down at the crystal ball only inches away from my feet. So what do I do first? The first thing that s going to happen is I m going to go into a vision with you, Nicholasexplains, sitting up straight.He holds out his hand toward me as he carries the crystal ball in theother. Give me your hand so we can go into one together, he says.With reluctance, I take his hand,his skin clammy and cold against mine. Good, now we need a simple vision to go into.I think itwould probably be best if you just thought of a memory.Maybe something from your childhood.That s not simple at all. Does it have to be from my childhood? As long as it s simple, it doesn t really matter, he says. Okay&. I search for something simple to picture, but all I can see are broken images anddarkness [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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