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. You d beamazed at the bullets ammo specialists are designing these days. Yeah. Nate growled too, something much softer, almost like a cub compared to Logan s lion.It brought a private smile to Logan s lips. Fucking sucks to be the law sometimes.Stay right there,Nate said.He brushed his hand across Logan s bare belly before getting to his feet. I ll be rightback.Logan watched Nate disappear into the bathroom. I wouldn t trade my time with the force,Logan called out, suppressing another one of his rare grins as he heard the flow of water. It wasworth it. Closing his eyes for a moment, Logan pictured Nate cleaning himself at Logan s sink.Fuck,I like the thought of that. No, I don t imagine you would second-guess yourself. Nate raised his voice sufficiently to beheard over the running water. I m sure you ve never regretted stepping in to help the day you got shoteither. A pause thickened the empty space between them, causing Logan to open his eyes.Nateappeared at the bathroom door with a washcloth and towels in hand.He was nude.Fuck.Logan couldnot get over the sight of his beautiful, sleekly muscular, hair-free body.His skin still held the sheen ofwater from his quick washing job.Nate s gaze somber, he added softly,  Even though it changed yourlife.Logan shrugged. You always have a badge.It never comes off, even when you re not on duty.He had no interest in rehashing the day a reckless, remorseless teenager put two bullets in him andtook him away from actively working cases for the force. Sometimes shit happens.I didn t lose mylife like some men and women have, so I don t think anyone is interested in listening to me bitch andmoan about occasional discomfort. Bet you feel the same whenever you suffer for your job. As Nate crossed the room, he tossedthe damp washcloth at Logan and then proceeded to drape two dry towels over Logan s damaged hipand thigh. I bet you barely even looked twice at that wicked bruise on your shoulder there. With aglance that ended up turning into a narrow stare, Nate muttered,  Shit, Logan. He thumbed the redand purple discoloration tagging Logan s shoulder, his touch so gentle Logan almost sighed in placeof wincing. I think I can see the shape of Riley s boot. Logan glared at the affliction in the same way he had done to Riley last night upon getting hisfirst look at the nasty bruise. Son of a bitch got me good.I should have let his ass freeze on thestreets last night as payback.His chocolate gaze twinkling, Nate bussed a kiss to Logan s cheek before pushing to stand. Nah.You know you like the guy. As he moved backward, still looking at Logan, he grabbed thetherapy pillow off the foot of the bed and kept right on steadily moving toward the arch that led to therest of Logan s apartment. Aside from that, catching Riley brought us good information.Plus, hesuccessfully waited out Jackson Roth. Nate paused, sharing a triumphant half grin. Got the bastardat fucking eight o clock at night on his way out of a side door of the building. No shit? Logan found himself talking to Nate s back again. Shit. Nate s chuckle carried to Logan from the kitchen.From the beeps Logan could hear, heknew the guy played with buttons on the microwave. He didn t get a lot of information out ofJackson, though.Just something about Elise getting her panties in a bunch and firing the agency whenhe started asking what he says were perfectly reasonable questions about some of their businesspractices. Oh yeah? Logan sat up with a bit more attention.Illegal backroom deals with Sarna Importscould explain a kidnapping of the daughter, even though they had yet to receive a ransom or notice ofpayback for a deal gone wrong. Like what kind of practices? Jackson wouldn t say.Confidential and all that good stuff, Nate shared from the kitchen. AndMr.Roth intimated he s sure the Sarnas would have cleaned up their act before hiring anothersecurity agency.Logan snorted.He fucking couldn t help it.He did not trust Jackson Roth as far as he couldthrow the perfectly polished, expensive-suit-wearing bastard. That s a likely way to cover your asswhen you don t have proof of anything.It s a nice way to explain away why you lost a client too. Riley had the same thought, Nate said.The subtle, warm scent of lavender mixed with earthyherbs tickled Logan s nose.Empty-handed, Nate appeared at the door and leaned his shoulder againstthe jamb.Fuck.He looked right walking around Logan s place naked.Like he fucking fit in the space. Riley didn t seem to take to Mr.Roth, Nate shared. From what I could tell based on how hetalked, anyway. That makes me feel even better about trusting Riley s judgment. Watching Nate, seeing hisinterest and talking with him, Logan found himself settling inside. It is interesting, though, becauseearlier tonight, when Stephen was threatening to fire Quinn, he said he was the one who let the RothAgency go. Something else from earlier scratched at Logan s brain too. From the beginning of myconversation with them, Stephen also repeatedly spoke of Daria in the past tense.Which might notmean anything, Logan quickly added. Could just mean he s come to terms with the likelihood thatDaria is already dead.The microwave dinged through the apartment, and Nate disappeared again. I ve never gottenthat vibe from Mr.Sarna before. In a flash, Nate reappeared, the pillow supported on the third ofthree towels. Stephen and Elise always seemed as if they were still believers to me.Declan wasmore the one who appeared to grasp his sister isn t coming back. Nate crawled on the open side ofthe bed and knee-walked to Logan s side his damaged side. Interesting you should mention Declan in that context, Logan said, his heart ticking up everysecond he watched Nate arrange and fuss.Nate placed the heated pillow on the towels covering Logan s scarred hip, and Logan exhaled something between a hiss and a moan. Ahh yeah&  Eachmolecule of heat warming Logan s damaged muscles felt like sinking straight into heaven. That feelsfucking good. One thing had felt better in his life, and it had just happened on his living room floor ashort while ago.Finding Nate s gaze in the shadows, Logan murmured,  Thank you. You re welcome. Nate s pleasure beamed through in the way he looked at Logan, makingLogan feel like a fucking hero just by lying still and accepting Nate s help.Still looking for all the world like the kid who d just been told he could eat ice cream forbreakfast, lunch, and dinner, Nate settled in at Logan s side.He crossed his legs and clasped one ofLogan s hands loosely in his lap, dangerously close to his long, pretty cock [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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