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.You will raise your clenched fist and raise 4 fingers slowly.Thisappears as if you are seeing the cards and counting the cards asthe spectator is.This is a small but all important touch.The final guiding of the selection is very simple.I state thefollowing:page 107  Of those Diamonds I can see you are drawn to the picture cardaren t you? I want you to allow that card to become clear andbright in your mind - perfect! I can see the Jack of Diamonds.As you can see the spectator doesn t actually settle on a playingcard at all, you simply guide them to thinking of the card you wishto describe.Obviously you can interchange the stack cards anduse any of the cards as the final selection.Final Notes:This routine is something that in my mind is far more than thesum of its parts.It makes for a theatrical and compellingdemonstration.The use of the card castle makes the whole effect a nicepresentation piece for either parlour or stage performance.Uponoccasion I use a slightly different introduction to the effect inwhich I talk of the use of Remote Viewing in the Cold War.I time itto the line: But sooner than was expected the castle fell.I blow the card castle allowing the cards to fall to the table.Thismakes for a theatrical and pleasing visual to introduce the routine.I decided to omit this presentation and leave the effect as neutralas possible allowing you to create what ever presentation will workwith your own wonderful style.Alternative Method:It would be possible to do a similar effect without the doublebacked playing cards or the stack - it would lose some of thedetail.It would however allow you to perform the final revelation of thethought of playing card.page 108 I for this would simply use a force deck, which would be made upfrom 5 decks - repeating a run of 10 cards.You could slightly change the presentation.Instead of asking thespectator to allow her eyes to fix over all the cards, you wouldneed to say something along the lines of: I would like you only to focus upon one playing card.Tightlyclose your eyes and then allow them to pop open.I would like youto focus your attention on the very first playing card you see, makea large picture and see it brightly and clearly in your mind s eye.You could now move forward in the revelation as per the normalforce deck handling.Fishing, until you discover the full identity ofthe playing card.Credits:The idea of slowing the pulse to apparently slip into an alteredstate is in my mind an inspiring and wonderful one.It comes fromLeslie May, a prolific thinker who created a number of wonderfulmental and bizarre effects.The slowing of the pulse with no gimmicks can be found fullycovered in my effect For Andruzzi which appeared in my first book 7 Deceptions.The guiding of the final card selection is related in one way oranother to Justin Higham s Reverse Mind Reading from his booklet The Simulation of Miracles.page 109 blind sentence.blind sentencepage 110 Blind SentenceEffect:The performer claims to have an unusual ability, namely to be ableto see through his fingertips.This vision, which he callsDermoptic, he goes on to display in a startlingly fair way.A number of books are resting on a nearby table - the performerasks the spectator to select any book they so wish.He then asksthe spectator to hand the book to him.He riffles the pages of thebook asking the spectator to call stop when he wishes.The book is opened at this point.The performer runs his fingertipalong the page from top to bottom.He asks the spectator to onceagain call stop at any time.A paragraph has been randomly selected on a randomly selectedpage from a randomly selected book from many.Despite this, he with his fingertips  reads out loud the verysentence the spectator has stopped the performer upon.As akicker the performer begins running his finger wildly through thepages and amazingly begins to relate information about the book splot and its characters.Method;Despite there being little new here, I think all comes together insomething of a neat way.I have used it several times in my ownblindfold routine.It is interesting to note that despite essentiallybeing a blindfold routine, it does not appear to be.page 111 You shift the focus of this effect away from the notion of thestandard  Blindfold routine into an area of  Seeing with theFingertips , something that to your audience will appear verydifferent [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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